The type of thing where someone in a general school chat promotes something like the nft collection they are minting and you want to passively aggresivelly respond

    538 months ago

    I’m so glad I didn’t have to grow up with “a general school chat.” Sounds like a fucking nightmare.

        8 months ago


        But then again smart phones weren’t a thing when I was in school so most of this kinda stuff seems odd to me. I’m with the other guy, I’m glad I never had to deal with any nonsense resembling this.

        88 months ago

        I can’t fathom how anyone would enjoy being on a Discord server with more than a few dozen active users, and even then, more than a dozen or so active users at any given time. Above a certain threshold it just becomes noise.

        Unless 97% of them never speak. Which, in my experience, is totally plausible.

        Still. Weird way to do socials with schoolmates, imo. I would have expected students to self-select into smaller friend groups on Discord or TikTok or WhatsApp or Snapchat or whatever the hell people use now. Not coalesce into one giant digital town square. Not knockin’ it, though. Seems like a neat idea.

  • Trollivier
    338 months ago

    Whenever someone has a very traditional, conservative discourse online, I like to ask if their vision is based on movement. 🦖

    178 months ago

    I can’t tell you how much I care what you think. Thanks very much for sharing!

    If everyone was as perfect as you, the world would be a very boring place.

    Wow. Thousands of years, billions of humans. And I got lucky to find the one human who is the pinnacle of evolution, who possesses all knowledge, has unlocked the secrets of the universe. How did you achieve this? Please, tell me your secret.

    138 months ago

    “I wonder how much you could really sell them for?” might be too subtle. You might need to bring up

    You could do something less subtle and say something “Ah, I remember when I collected Beanie Babies. There was this awesome one called Cuddly Buggy that cost me like 3 days of waiting in line and 3,000 dollars! I bet it’s worth like 9 million now.” Replace beanie babies with Pokemon cards, Magic cards, etc.

  • Lvxferre
    8 months ago

    None. I hate pass-aggro; I’d rather be dry (bald-on record) or upfront (plain aggro).

    What I’d do in this case depends mostly on

    1. if I trust some person in power to handle this shit in a smart way. Either one in charge of the group or the school.
    2. how insistent the NFT scammer is.
    3. how much I care about other people in the group that might fall for the NFT scam.

    For #2 and #3, on best hypothesis (no insistence + I don’t care about others) I’d simply answer “not interested”. However, get me motivated enough and I’ll be rather colourful with language usage, to the best that the platform allows me. Such as:

    As I already bloody said over and over and over and over, I do not want your NFT bullshit. “No” means “no” for anyone with basic reading comprehension, unlike you. Your NFTs have zero intrinsic value. You might be able to convince some goddamn morons to join your pyramid scheme, but I’m not doing it. Is this clear??? Stop insisting and fuck off.

    Further links for anyone interested: [link associating NFT bullshit to pyramid schemes], [Wikipedia link explaining pyramid schemes] I heavily recommend you guys to read this before buying anything from this guy.

    Followed by blocking the moron for the sake of my own sanity.