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Goals for this wiki:
To serve as a hub and bridge for fans to find and connect with online resources of the broader Trek fandom and Fediverse. Think: stuff that’s not a good fit for Memory Alpha or Wikipedia.
Some cool pages:
- Instance Mission Statement (new! 👀)
- Archive of c/StarTrek’s episode discussion threads (includes old Reddit threads and USSBurritoTruck’s “Canon Connections” too!)
- Social Media accounts of Trek actors (needs help expanding!)
- c/StarTrek’s “where do I start?” guide for Trek babies.
Want to contribute?
We’re accepting pitches for community resources that people may want to contribute. Here are examples of sorts of things we’re looking for, but we’re open to any idea, it doesn’t even need to be about Star Trek!
- Guide to the best LGBT episodes
- Other good Star Trek websites (Ex Astris, TrekMovie, etc)
- Where to stream Trek
- S-tier blank Trek meme templates
If you’d like a page of your own, or want help expanding/maintain existing pages, comment here or message an admin with your idea and we can get you set up with a Wiki account. Cheers!
S-tier blank Trek meme templates
Well, I have access to every episode of Trek. I’m not great at making new memes but if you want a template re-made or cleaned up then I can definitely do that. Otherwise… @The_Picard_Maneuver I think this is a job for you, my man.
patreon shill link
Nah. Make that bigger. Put a header tag in front of it at the bottom. Y’all deserve it for making this place as awesome as it is! This wiki only being an example of it.
Thank you all for being awesome and giving me a new home that I have utterly ruined with memes.
Thanks for the kind words, I was just throwing random ideas out there to get juices flowing about wiki potential.
Perhaps we should rename the instance to “Stamets’ no bloody A, B, C or D-tier meme emporium and other minor associated Star Trek communities”
But of course. Y’all deserve it!
As for the name change, I don’t know if that domain is available
BTW: is available ;)
If I had the money I would in a heart beat…
If I might gently offer an alternative suggestion for how to fund ST:WEB, check out my post on Medium (link below). It’s the first in a series on my ideas about how to reshape the internet for better human survivability with tools we’ve had in our open-source toolkits for years. tl;dr: reduce the friction between the consumer and the content by focusing on cost and cutting out the ridiculous proliferation of middle-men while eliminating the need for advertising revenue.
And hilariously enough, my wife JUST sent me this post:
This means that with my plan, no tax burden… :)
I don’t know if this is a good idea or not, but one thing that could be helpful is some sort of Where to Start guide for Star Trek books. I’ve been meaning start reading some but with the amount of Treklit that’s out there it could be nice to have some sort of page with some good places to start/suggestions.
Love this idea
This is pretty nifty and sounds like it will be a great resource. Thank you (the plural you) for all of your hard work on the site.
Thank you (singular) for helping keep to keep this community vibrant!
There are more production folks on Mastdon
Aaron Waltke EP Prodigy has an ID here as well as
Brian Tatosky - vfx supervisor SNW, Disco S5, Picard S3
Also, a few Treklit authors are on Mastodon: is quite active, as are
James Swallow - hasn’t posted since February.
Nice find, do you want a wiki account with editing permissions?
Not sure I have much more to add at present.
I do have a related profile on Mastodon however and follow Trek folks who are active there.
So, if you’d like I could keep filling in for that platform as others join or get active.
I’d be willing to offer my services to develop a LCARS inspired theme. Admittedly, my eyes are more on the Lemmy side than the Wiki side, but I’m not picky.
@Wooster That sounds like an amazing idea! Since it runs on bookstack i would have to learn how to theme it but i would love to help out.
Ditto, to be honest. My background is primarily in theming for PhpBB, Drupal, and Wordpress to an extent. Bookstack is entirely new to me, and the tactics it implements are surprisingly streamlined if, not what I’m specifically used to.
LCARS also presents unique challenges since practically everything can be done in CSS (which presumably makes it a perfect match for bookstack) but you kinda have to trick CSS into doing what you want with LCARS more creative aspects.
But, assuming we get approval, I’d enjoy collaborating. I’ve always done theming solo, so it’d be a new experience.
I’m into this idea! What would you guys need from us? I’ve opened registration for the wiki so you can make editor accounts, but the theming seems to be largely on the backend.
We’ll need access to the style sheets, bare minimum. (Some robust systems grant this via admin panel, but normally it’s done via file system/template files.) So SFTP access would be appreciated. Also, do you know if the wiki/Lemmy has a concept of restricting theme use by role?
This is awesome!
Thanks again for all your hard work!
There is nothing up for Risa yet, I’d like to volunteer to fill that page. I’ll fill it up soooo good. What’s a wiki?
I changed the wiki registration to open so please go ahead and do whatever (I will regret this won’t I?)
Kind of random, but maybe we could have a place to post out of context Star Trek screencaps? It doesn’t feel quite /c/risa like, but who knows.
Either way I think we should have a community called /c/Q-Continuum even if I have no idea what it should be for. 😅
I’m pretty sure that’s within the rules at c/Risa and c/StarTrek