Another rate rise in the works? Or will they hold steady?

    81 year ago

    The RBA have not been gradual at all in their hiking of rates, and because inflation has stayed stubbornly high, I would say their is a high likelyhood of a rate rise to 4.35%. If not tomorrow, August. House prices went up this month!

    In the Fin Review today some economist would are expecting several more rate rises, considering how steadfast the governor is on inflation at pegging it back down to 2.5%. If the government is adamant on stage 3 tax cuts though, who knows.

  • BlendedRacer
    71 year ago

    They still hold that the current situation is due to the proletariat overspending so they’ve only got one stick to use - interest rate increases. Personally I don’t think they don’t understand the role of “greed-flation”, it just doesn’t benefit them or the govt to try and tackle it.

  • jarrod
    41 year ago

    Another .25 I recon, make most variable home loan payments to around 6%, might suprise us though and stay steady