• Kyyrypyy@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    That is actualla good feature then, if you need it for accessibility… But why on earth does it need to prompt you to enable it with such an annoying way? To my knowledge, it’s the only accessibility option that agressively advertises itself specifically when you don’t want, or need, it to.

    More logical behaviour to prompt the enabling would be if a “modifier” key, and “non-modifier” key is pressed in sequence, but not at the same time. As the assumption of sticky keys is that the user is not able to press two buttons down simultaneously.

    That said, it is likely that a person who has need for this feature, but is not aware of it’s excistence, would not use other modifiers than shift, as they are needed exclusively for hotkeys, which is on the far end of the learning curve (as mouse, and right klick are more apparent to learn), and if such feature is needed, it’s excistence is apparent at the time you start to use the systems via hotkeys. Instead, if you hammer shift repeatedly while typing, it indicates that you light benefit from tjis feature. Thus only requiring detection of the writing cursor being active, which is already possible, because there is an accessibility feature to highlight that. I know this, because a fresh install of windows suggests that you go trough accesdibility on first startup.

    Sorry, I know you’re not developing Windows UI (but what do I know, if you did), but I kindawanted to rant a bit about such an apparent solution to a problem that has plagued from Win 3.11 at least.