Could be blogs, podcasts, newsletters etc.

I did enjoy reading r/redditeng, discord has some good blog posts on their platform as well.

I’m looking for more channels and mediums that go on deep dives of all things tech! Show me what you’ve got!

  • Ulu-Mulu-no-die
    81 year ago

    For me it was r/technology lol, I guess it’s time to setup RSS on ars technica again.

  • News websites tech sections via rss. Mainly epoch times, new york post, and one america news. I bet if i used some others like slashdot i would prob know about newer stuff sooner, but it keeps me updated. Though i honestly havent been keeping up to much lately because every damn story is “AI” this and “AI” that. Otherwise its “ChatGPT” this or “BARD” that. I am absolutely not interested in closed source AI

  • The Doctor
    21 year ago

    I have a Huginn cluster that monitors a couple of score of news sites and blogs, as well as searches Github for specific terms that I’m interested in.

    11 year ago

    My three main sources of news are SemanticScholar for research papers, Reddit (Now Lemmy) for short form content news, Youtube channels such as Fireship or Mental Outlaw for tech/privacy focused news. My colleagues who also use a lot of twitter for keeping up, help me keep up with some smaller things.

    • @ultraHQOP
      11 year ago

      I’ve used inoreader in the past

  • bbbhltz
    11 year ago

    Just the classics: Slashdot, Lobsters, HN and a few specific software sites (the distro I use, the browser I use, etc.) via RSS. I also keep an eye on what people are sharing on Fosstodon because they tend to be quite techy.

    Privacy-wise, I am pretty picky. There are a slew of resources that all come from the same group of people and the drama between them has turned me off from ever reading anything they deem worthy to write or share.

    11 year ago

    I run everything I can through FreshRSS and for those that I do not have time to read I add the links to ArchiveBox just in case they disappear (they sometimes do).