• Andy
    467 months ago

    For those looking for context: it’s an old fashioned public freakout.

    Holy moly. I clicked looking for context, expecting some kind of equivocation or a really gross conversation about “deterrence” but it’s just an old man screaming slurs at an Arab american food vendor.

    Before you click, be warned, it’s vile. I did like how they cut in some quotes from a podcast he did about how the IDF is a moral army that doesn’t hurt children with him screaming on the street that wants to see more dead Palestinian children.

    Geez, though. I was not ready for that.

  • PugJesus
    377 months ago

    It’s astounding just how cartoonishly evil so many people are showing themselves to be. “More dead children!” would be like, a headline from the Onion that I would think is too on the nose, but no. It’s just fucking reality.

  • Nougat
    7 months ago

    Okay, I thought, “No way can that be the headline,” so I went to the article. Yup, it is.

    “Well, Vice has to be editorializing, let me see what he really said.”

    Seldowitz says, “If we killed 4,000 Palestinian kids, you know what, it wasn’t enough. It wasn’t enough.”

    Nope. What he actually said was somehow worse. Edit: And that was one of the less horrible things he said.

  • qaz
    147 months ago

    “The Mukhabarat in Egypt will get your parents. Does your father like his fingernails? They’ll take them out one by one,” he continues, as the man he’s addressing repeatedly tells him to leave and says he doesn’t speak English.

    Wtf 😬

  • @kandoh@reddthat.com
    97 months ago

    Working for a lobbying firm know which he’s just been fired from.

    Is he getting a government pension? That’s the next thing he should have taken away from him.

  • @erranto@lemmy.world
    77 months ago

    This just a sample of the deep racism ingrained within decision makers, they know how to keep it in check in front of cameras, but when it comes to policy making such hate finds its way to influence government’s foreign policy. Just imagine if he has been the advisor to the most “progressive” US president, how vile could be his counter part of the republican camp.