• my_hat_stinks
    1010 months ago

    Scotland here, we do have a bit of an Americanised Halloween but there’s definitely elements of traditional Samhain celebrations.

    Turnip lanterns > pumpkin lanterns.

    • @grillgamesh0028@lemmy.world
      10 months ago

      legitimate question; how do those work?

      do you do something like, punch a hole thru it, and stick a candle in its place, or what?

      I’ve only ever seen pumpkin lanterns, and the turnips here where I am are about the size of a small child’s fist.

      • my_hat_stinks
        210 months ago

        If you’re in the US you’ll probably know them as rutabagas, it’s the standard turnip around here and a bit bigger than a white turnip. You carve them out just as you would a pumpkin, a bit more difficult but the end result is much better imo.

  • @alokir@lemmy.world
    811 months ago

    Here in Hungary it’s an excuse to have a party while dressed up. It’s not a huge thing with trick or treating like in the US.

    • @AdamEatsAss@lemmy.world
      210 months ago

      Even in the USA trick or treating can be a regional thing. Where I grew up in NJ we always trick or treated. When I moved to MD last year I bought candy expecting kids to trick or treat in my neighborhood but no one ever knocked on the door.

  • Björn Tantau
    811 months ago

    German here.

    The country doesn’t celebrate it, at least not like it’s done in the US. Depending on the state All Hallows Day or the day before is a holiday, but apart from churches not many people really “celebrate” them.

    But some people like to use the day off to have a US-inspired Halloween party. And some children also dress up and go from door to door. But this varies from family to family. Some streets might be swarming with kids while the next street over nobody knows that anything is going on. So many houses aren’t even prepared to give out candies, they often scramble to get something to give out.

    But about two weeks later there is the St Martin’s feast. Although that’s also dependend on the region I think overall it’s more common. It consists of several parts that vary from region to region. But in all regions children carry (usually self made) lanterns. Then they either march through the town while singing songs, ending at a big fire and usually a guy on a horse dressed like a Roman soldier, representing St Martin. Or they go from door to door in small groups, sing songs and get candy. Often it’s both on separate days of the week.

  • @dQw4w9WgXcQ@vlemmy.net
    710 months ago

    My american mother was basically the initializer of halloween celebration in my home place. My brothers and I had parties with our classmates and went around to our parents trick or treating. My parents always made a ton of decorations and told spooky stories. My grandma hid in a nearby woods with a small candlelight and gave treats to whoever dared approaching.

    That was almost 30 years ago, but to this day my parent’s house is still “the Halloween house” of the town.

    • @Gargantuanthud@lemmy.ca
      310 months ago

      My grandma hid in a nearby woods with a small candlelight and gave treats to whoever dared approaching.

      Fuckin What?! I love it, it sounds awesome, but can you imagine, “strange woman lures kids into the forest with candy”, that would never happen today.

      • @dQw4w9WgXcQ@vlemmy.net
        210 months ago

        It was very nearby and not like a deep forest or anything, so it might sound a lot creepier that the reality.

        Grandma was indeed awesome!

  • @duncesplayed
    711 months ago

    We will see!

    Traditionally it’s been a day for young people to go out partying and clubbing in costumes.

    But last year 67 people were crushed to death and we had an official week-long period of mourning. We will see how Halloween is treated this year.

    • @AdamEatsAss@lemmy.world
      210 months ago

      Wow that looks bad. Crowd crushes can happen at any large event like concerts or festivals. A few happened in the USA recently. As it always is, in this case it was a planning issue, more people showed up then expected and there were barely any police to respond once things went south. I’m sure it’ll dampen this year’s events but the incident isn’t necessary because of halloween.

  • @notun@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    In Finland, we go trick-or-treating during Easter. Traditionally kids would dress up as witches, but these days you’re more likely to get a visit from Batman.

    Halloween is basically not celebrated at all, though some bars may hold a theme night. Not on the actual date, but like the closest weekend. Students will also use it as a theme for one of their parties.

  • @Daisychan@lemmy.world
    511 months ago

    The media has been pushing it in the last decade here(Japan). But it’s more like putting on cat ears and witch hats and taking pics for instagram. Trick or treating is not common unless somebody in your neighborhood organizes an event.

  • Madbrad200
    311 months ago


    YES. Although I think we do the decorations thing a lot less intensively than in America.

  • @Flyspeck@lemmy.world
    110 months ago

    Knott’s Scary Farm & Halloween Horror Nights! Even if you don’t celebrate it’s still a fun season, especially in California.