Nobody said anything about FAR right. In fact, you’re the one who’s characterizing people as extremists for disagreeing with you, a typical centrist move.
That and anyone who explains to the left that they too would like a better nominee, but we can figure that out after this crucial election cycle…during every election cycle for their entire life, which are the only times they discuss politics.
Is a centrist anyone who says “I’m not into politics but (right wing propaganda)” because that’s unironically been my experience so far.
Oh look, wildly left wing people deriding centrists as far right. Weird.
Nobody said anything about FAR right. In fact, you’re the one who’s characterizing people as extremists for disagreeing with you, a typical centrist move.
Nice try. Go be facetious somewhere else.
Nah, I’m fine right here. You can go be devoid of ideals elsewhere.
Fucking liar and stupid too
Yeah, you are. Another couple of traits common amongst centrists.
You deserve to live under communism.
Compared to any other western country, American centrists are far right. Republicans are off the map.
Sometimes people make it really plain they’ve never travelled.
I’m not into politics, but I think everyone should deserve human rights regardless of race, gender or sexuality.
And I’m a centrist. Fuck you guys who only pick and choose specific examples to paint us as right wingers.
If that’s the only issue you vote on, then you’ve never voted for a republican, but I don’t think that’s the case.
And I’ve never voted Republican lmao.
That and anyone who explains to the left that they too would like a better nominee, but we can figure that out after this crucial election cycle…during every election cycle for their entire life, which are the only times they discuss politics.
Depends. I’m centrist but a bit left-leaning and I fucking hate Musk.
O am not personally affiliated with any party but will be voting Democrat, as it seems, for the rest of my time here.