There’s a certain community there that I’d like to filter because a) I find the content/discussions to just be generally awful circlejerky nonsense and b) it’s polluting the “All” section that I like to browse.

    10 months ago

    Using jerboa, I click on the community and use the block this community function in the three dots option top right of the screen, I suppose it is available to whatever you use to browse lemmy ?

    110 months ago

    I think you just go to the 3 dots, open the community the post is from and then “block” but I’m new here and having a hard time as well.

    I still see posts I saw the day I signed up a week ago, even though they have no user comments or any sort of engagement, even if I’ve already downvoted (or whatever the term here is). Most of my “all” is stuff I saw days ago and didn’t like then either. I have blocked a few places (some more than once, maybe because I am on two different Lemmys?) But it’s not going well.