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  • mouth_brood
    2 years ago

    Not gonna lie, you got me, 99.9% is not the actual statistical number, I exaggerated a bit for effect. I’m pretty confident that although the number is not 99.9%, it is a vast majority.

    Before I go digging for sources to get the exact number, I want to make sure that we are at least coming from the same perspective morally. If our morals don’t align then there’s nothing I can say or do to persuade you. Any research would be a complete and utter waste of my time.

    That being said I’d like to get clarification on my earlier points:

    1. Do you believe that a woman has the right to terminate a pregnancy if, by giving birth, they would be at a high risk of death or long term health compilacations?

    2. Do you believe that a woman has the right to terminate a pregnancy if the unborn baby has a high likelyhood to either die shortly after birth or live out it’s life with significant health complications?

    3. Do you believe that a woman who was impregnated via rape has the right to terminate the pregnancy?

    If we do not align on these 3 points, then there is no use in a further discussion. Lmk 🤷‍♂️