Star Citizen subreddit has gone private. I’m surprised there are so few in the Lemmy community. Is there another defacto option I missed during the chaos?

    1 year ago

    Some went to but really I think this is the most visible. Main problem is that most people from r/starcitizen have other places to go. There are multiple discords and forums plus spectrum. Factor in that there is no real SC news on mondays so most people wont even be checking in until later in the week (when the blackout will be over).

    I think it will grow over the next few weeks though. The mobile cutoff is on the 30th. So even after the blackout ends there will be a few weeks before a lot of people even notice something is going on and go looking.

    We just need to be proactive with posting stuff here even if it’s reposting older content like the ship size comparisons. Anything to get people talking, active and invested.

  • macniel
    21 year ago

    We will grow, eventually. Just like SC be eventually come out of Alpha :D

  • @delnac
    11 year ago

    We’ll see where the chips fall but this is looking like the biggest alternative so far.

    Time will tell!

    11 year ago

    I didn’t see any other communities in a Reddit-like instance so I just started posting a few things here.

    In some ways, it’s nice to have a smaller community, you don’t feel like a voice lost in the crowd. In other ways it can be a pain.

    I’m trying to be more active here at least. Maybe I’ll work on a guide or two and post it here.

    1 year ago

    I have a feeling that this community is dead?

    I’ve made a subscription request (apparently that’s a thing on some communities? no idea why that’d be required here though) to this community, and it’s still pending after a while. I think it’s dependant on the mod being active to accept the subscription requests.

    edit: If anyone makes another community, please do post about it here, though. I don’t really have the bandwidth to moderate an SC community, but maybe someone out there will want to pick up the slack.

      11 year ago

      Were you using the app to subscribe? I noticed last night that the ones I made from the app got stuck in pending and when i got on the browser it worked. I forgot to try this community however.

        11 year ago

        I’m using a browser to subscribe. Just tried resubscribing, and it’s still giving me the same “subscribe pending” notification. Attaching a screenshot of the thing to this post.


      11 year ago

      What do you mean by a subscription request?

      All I had to do was click the “Subscribe” button, unless something has changed?

    • @b0son@lemmy.worldOP
      11 year ago

      Just try again. There’s no approval as far as I’m aware the endpoint probably just timed out.

        11 year ago

        I’ve tried resubscribing to this community several times and it keeps giving me the same “subscribe pending” message. See my other post in this thread for a screenshot. Haven’t had problems like that when subscribing to any other community.

          11 year ago

          That happens sometimes with some communities from external servers. You are subscribed. You should see posts in your feed.