Post your shave of the day for Monday!

    1 year ago

    June 12 2023

    • Brush: Dogclaration B9A (30mm)

    • Razor: Gillette Super Speed

    • Blade: Derby Premium (1)

    • Lather: Barrister and Mann - Nordost

    • Post Shave: Barrister and Mann - Nordost splash

    • Fragrance: Noble Otter - Monoi de Tahiti

    Hello everyone, good to see some familiar faces usernames here. This is my first time posting here so apologies in advance if the formatting is botched/I quadruple post/any other shenanigans.

    On to the shave, this giant and dense knot continues to destroy this soap; it’s funny that this has become my go-to soap killing brush, moreso than MOAR BOAR, which seems reasonable in comparison. Nordost is a great scent but I look forward to replacing it with something new once this tub is gone. Been eyeballing Catie’s Bubbles sandalwood soap recently and may not be able to resist temptation much longer.