My Chat GPT doesn’t do images :(. But here’s some nice ASCII art it made for me:
It’s indistinguishable from the posters!
16K resolution.
Godzilla’s Dump 💩
Godzilla, eaten by a boa.
Maybe it’s taking a picture of Godzilla’s face and shoulders, converting it to black and white (not grayscale), and then doing an ASCII representation of that. A dark Godzilla on a light background would look sort of like that after an unsophisticated conversion to black and white.
I doubt it’s doing any of that. It just predicts text
I’ve lost track of which versions just generate text and which ones generate pictures too.
GPT-4 can accept images, but not generate them. However it can go to Dall E 3 to generate and help you prompt it
I wondered if it was starting with the top but then it’s length limits kicked in and it decided the response was getting too long, so it jumped to the conclusion.
About as faithful as the 1998 version.
That’s godzilla’s head.
That picture gets more disturbing the longer you look.
Yeah! Forget waldo, I don’t think I can see a person that you could consider “average”
Have you considered that ChatGPT has became sentient enough to have sarcasm?
Are those birds or airplanes? Yes
It’s Suuuuuuperman!
It’s a birdplane!
That person on the blue beach chair got brutally ravaged by some creature, or was the sacrifice in a dark ritual
Even Lovecraftian horrors deserve a day at the beach.
Hey I think I found hiOH SWEET JESUS
Borderline SCP image
Yo is that jschlatt?
Where’s Waldo? Oh he was just over there, getting a double hand job from an alien lady and her child.
The most dashing couple at the entire beach
Damn, look at the legs on her!
When I tried it, it sent me an absolutely insane (and invalid) base64 PNG, before handing it off to dalle to make the actual image:
Also dall-e has no respect for city intersections
Did you happen to save the third one? It’s hilarious
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I did not, sorry
MS did! Tap “creations” :)
Oh shit, yeah!
I can’t get a sharable url directly to the image, but I’ll fuck around with it a bit. Worse comes to worst I can just download it and upload it to Lemmy.
lol, the Waldo being obvious isn’t the weird part. Take a look at those messed-up people.
The funnest part of a Where’s Waldo drawing to me was all of the interesting detail in the other things that were going on in these scenes. It’s funny that not only did it miss the main purpose of the drawing style, but it composed an image that actually looks worse when you look at it on the detail level.
Waldo is finding you
Guy at bottom left has like, 20 god damn dicks.
You found George Washington?
He’s coming, he’s coming, he’s coming…
I’m so glad I saw this reference today
pants heavily
You put some respect on Washington’s name!
See I get the opposite problem with the bingilator:
The people in the first picture look like melted candles. And the people in the second picture don’t have normal faces.
The second picture says to me we should quit while we’re ahead.
more like “where’s waldo(s)”
Holy hell those are disturbing.
Thousands of years after human civilization falls due to the climate wars and dogs evolve to take our place, canid anthropologists will find images like these and theorize human artists entered a phase of insanity or heavy drug use.
They literally look like the “self taught” art you see in some museums. Most of it is crazy and repetitive because it’s drawn by mental patients or shut-ins with brain injuries.
Unlike these pictures, some of it is good.
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Zoom into those faces, you fools! They’re not Waldo, they’re minions of Cthulhu! Burn ChatGPT, it has been compromised!
Oh my god… They’re multiplying.
Either it fails to understand the point of the exercise… or it understands all too well (and this is its’ commentary on the status of YOUR intelligence from its’ POV:-P).
Where’s Wally meets Hieronymus Bosch
Maybe it’s really hard for ChatGPT to tell where Waldo is in that picture. It’s just a little baby AI.
Ahh shit, a titan.
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He looks abnormal too.
He was gonna hide but he saw the people on the beach and wants to get the fuck out of there before the radiation gets him too