• @cogman@lemmy.world
    2475 months ago

    Are people on the left saying this?

    The 2 things I’ve really not liked about biden is he

    1. Continued trump era boarder policies significantly harming refugees.

    2. Has doggedly supported israel in their current genocide campaign.

    Other wise his admin has ranged from pretty good to business as usual. 1000% better than trump, but also with some glaring problems.

    • PugJesus
      865 months ago

      Are people on the left saying this?

      A few. A small, but very loud group online. They’re larger on the Fediverse than most places.

        • PugJesus
          565 months ago

          Usually, that’s the accusation leveled towards “Vote Blue no matter who” types, not the far-left types who deny that Democrats have ever done anything that has improved anyone’s life.

    • Jaysyn
      225 months ago

      Continued trump era boarder policies significantly harming refugees.

      Correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t his Administration forced to continue those by SCotUS?

      Has doggedly supported israel in their current genocide campaign.

      Agree, but that looks like it’s starting to turn as well.

      • @Cosmonauticus@lemmy.world
        335 months ago

        Agree, but that looks like it’s starting to turn as well

        Honest question, where have you seen this?

        All I’ve seen is talk about possibly maybe telling them to stop genociding. Other than that it’s business as usual. The whole siding with Israel at the ICJ trial isn’t a great look

        • PugJesus
          135 months ago

          Honest question, where have you seen this?

          In international politics, there are very few unscripted statements. What is said is an important reflection of a country’s concerns, and behind-the-scenes demands. There is a distinct contrast between statements from before the current crisis and statements since, especially compared to the unconditional bootlicking normally offered by the US State Department to Israel.

          We are at a point where support for the current course is wavering, and there is the possibility of change in our Israel policy, depending on how the opinions of the electorate continue to develop on the issue.

          • @Aceticon@lemmy.world
            5 months ago

            Remember when Kamalla Harris said during her speach at COP28 something about the US putting pressure on Israel and then not a week later the US vetoed the resolution for a Cease Fire at the UN Security Council?!

            It’s wasn’t even that long ago that this happenned.

            There really is no reason at all to believe that the Biden Administration has finally given up on their practice of trying to sway voters their way by nothing more than “talking the talk” whilst completelly refusing to “walk the walk” (at times, quite the contrary)

      • PugJesus
        85 months ago

        Correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t his Administration forced to continue those by SCotUS?

        Some, but he’s also put some effort of his own on being seen as ‘tough on the border’ due to increased migration.

        A stupid decision, but a predictable one considering the hand-wringing our population goes through every fucking time there’s a bump in scary furriners coming in to this land which our ancestors were born i-oh, wait

    • @return2ozma@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      I think the DNC finally discovered Lemmy. There’s been a huge uptick of VBNMW and “how dare anyone question Biden” posts. Voters can be critical of Biden and the Dems and still vote for them to “stop Trump”. Even though Trump is merely a symptom of the crappy system we have.

      Edit: also, calling the far left nut jobs isn’t going to win any of them over.

  • PugJesus
    1935 months ago

    “Stopped second Cold War and arguably saved democracy in Europe”

    Let’s not get ahead of ourselves on either count.

    • HubertManne
      355 months ago

      yeah and im a big supporter (well relative to what I see on the internets) but obviously all of it is not attributable to him. All the same there have been more things that actually improve my quality of life over what any other president has done in my lifetime and all in one term with an adversarial congress. I loved obama but man he wasted a nice majority trying to play fair with a bunch of known cheaters.

      • PugJesus
        185 months ago

        I mean, Biden has the ‘bipartisanship’ disease too. But I certainly won’t pretend that he’s done nothing.

        • HubertManne
          95 months ago

          well you have to compromise to some degree but man obamas first term he was bending over backwards to get their input and sign off and they still fought everything he did tooth and nail. He figured it out his second term but had lost the majority at that point.

    • @Cosmonauticus@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      Also it’s been proven presidential policy has little to do with economic outcome and unemployment rates. Honestly any president other than Trump probably would’ve caused an economic upturn due to the unpredictability of Trump. Also the pandemic being SOMEWHAT over has more to do with unemployment than Biden.

      • snooggums
        5 months ago

        Fewer people looking for work because they realized that working a minimum job is worse than not having a job also lowers unemployment.

        And a lot of old people finally retiring.

      • @Kepabar@startrek.website
        15 months ago

        The fed playing with interest rates certainly has and has had a direct and measurable impact on the current economic situation.

        You can argue that the fed is independent from the president, but the fact is they generally do whatever the president suggests.

    • PP_GIRL_
      55 months ago

      He’s actually done the exact opposite when he directly refused to supply Ukraine with long range missiles early in the conflict, when they had the manpower and logistics to attack Russia directly. But instead he doomed Ukraine to a war of attrition what they can’t possibly hope to win without a serious import of soldiers (which isn’t happening). Biden handed Ukraine to Russia.

      • Pup Biru
        45 months ago

        hindsight is 20-20, and even then i’m not sure that would have been the right choice

        back then we there were a lot of people legitimately very worried that russia would use nukes if they felt “cheated”… international diplomacy is a tricky shit show of a game. who knows what would have happened

  • @Cowbee@lemmy.ml
    1505 months ago

    If you want leftists to vote for dems, despite dems pissing on leftists at every possible chance and yelling at leftists to fall in line, I’ll show you how.

    1. Point out that voting will never, ever, ever move the democrat party to the left. You cannot vote the party harder to the left.

    2. Point out that Republicans are going to remain fascists.

    3. Point out that voting third party is a spoiler vote and will result in fascists winning.

    4. Point out that the actual way to move to the left is to unionize and organize at the grassroots level, to apply bottom-up pressure on the top.

    The answer is not to pretend that Biden is anything other than a Neoliberal Capitalist. Leftists will correctly point out that Biden is still a lukewarm neoliberal maintaining the status quo, and feel further alienated by being told they should love him anyways. That just encourages voter apathy.

    • @HelixDab2@lemm.ee
      435 months ago

      My local democratic party texted me to ask me to consider running for office (I live in a very deep red state). I laugh at the idea, because I’m pretty sure that they don’t want a pro-2A anarchist and Satanist running under their name. My wife nixed the idea because she doesn’t want us to get firebombed.

      • @TropicalDingdong@lemmy.world
        535 months ago

        My local democratic party texted me to ask me to consider running for office (I live in a very deep red state). I laugh at the idea, because I’m pretty sure that they don’t want a pro-2A anarchist and Satanist running under their name. My wife nixed the idea because she doesn’t want us to get firebombed.

        You should run dude. I’m dead ass serious. You can win rural districts where dickless corporate bootlicking democrats can’t.

        Here’s the secret code: Don’t run as a Democrat. Run as an independent.

        • @Daft_ish@lemmy.world
          25 months ago

          Grass roots too. All you need is name recognition and no one, I mean no one, will know what you are actually like.

        • @HelixDab2@lemm.ee
          15 months ago

          Believe me, that does not work here. This is a Republican area. The winner of the Republican primary is the winner of the general election in the county I live in. It is very much Good Ol’ Boy as well; you aren’t getting any support from the machine unless you’ve been kissing their ass for years.

      • @Clam_Cathedral@lemmy.ml
        135 months ago

        We need people like you to run though, it’s hard to vote for it if nobody is running to represent the platform. Especially at the local level where it can make a big difference.

        • DessertStorms
          115 months ago

          Lmmfao, they already made it clear why they couldn’t run (dems wouldn’t want them anywhere near their name), never mind that even if they did they’d never get anywhere near power. Just look at the treatment lukewarm Sanders gets for merely suggesting to tax the rich, just imagine what the propaganda machine would do with a self declared anarchist…

          You people still don’t get it, do you - the system is running as it was designed to, you never were and never will be who it works for.

          • @aloneinalaska@lemmy.world
            55 months ago

            word, the USA cares more about protecting it’s corporations than it’s citizens

            and every USA citizen believes they will be rich one day, let that sink in person reading this. lmao 😂🫵

          • @aloneinalaska@lemmy.world
            5 months ago

            word, the USA cares more about protecting it’s corporations than it’s citizens

            and every USA citizen believes they will be rich one day, let that sink in person reading this. lmao 😂🫵

    • @Sunfoil@lemmy.world
      215 months ago

      Voting will move the party left, if people vote for that. But they don’t because leftists are a tiny, fringe political minority. That’s why Biden is in office and not Bernie.

      • @Aabbcc@lemm.ee
        245 months ago

        Can’t wait to prove you wrong at the democratic primary oh wait shit we’re not really doing one of those for some reason

        • @Habahnow@sh.itjust.works
          115 months ago

          LOL. we already had one. Bernie lost… twice I might add. I hope another person like Bernie runs after Biden’s, or Trump’s :(, 2nd term because even Bernie himself helped talk about things Democrats didn’t talk about (healthcare for all for instance).

          • Zuberi 👀
            145 months ago

            You are missing the entire point…

            You’re doing exactly what you accuse the other side of doing while accepting the 1%'s bullshit argument that there is literally no hope of actual change.

            Next 4 years, Next 4 years, Next 4 years, almost there guys don’t worry about it.

            Picking the better of 2 evils is not democracy.

            • @Kittenstix@lemmy.world
              45 months ago

              From your(and my) perspective it’s the better of two evils, there are plenty of average democrats that chose Biden on the merits.

              • @Jakeroxs@sh.itjust.works
                45 months ago

                I’ve literally never met anyone in real life who actually supports Biden, I’m not saying they don’t exist, just that he doesn’t exactly get people excited to vote, it’s literally just “not Trump”

            • @Habahnow@sh.itjust.works
              15 months ago

              Lol there is hope for change. 4 and 8 years ago, Bernie could have been a candidate. There wasn’t enough people that voted for him in either election, so Hilary and Biden took it. Now, you do need to wait 4 years because Biden is the incumbent, who historically have a good chance at winning. In 4 years, if people want progressive candidate, vote canvas and donate. If not enough people do, then that obviously means not enough people want s progressive candidate.

          • @Facebones@reddthat.com
            65 months ago

            Bernie lost won then got told to eat a dick, and then his voters were told to eat a dick in court.

            Then democrats blamed those voters for not voting dem after telling them all to fuck the fuck off.

        • @Sunfoil@lemmy.world
          85 months ago

          What do you think would happen that would prove me wrong? A democratic primary is a great way to increase the chances of a Republican victory.

            • @Sunfoil@lemmy.world
              15 months ago

              I guess we’ll see. But pretty much everyone agrees that not undermining the unity of the Democratic party in one of the most divisive elections in American history as facism is knocking at the door, is a good idea.

              • @hglman@lemmy.ml
                15 months ago

                Highlighting the diversity and love for democracy is better. More authority behavior is not what we need.

                • @Sunfoil@lemmy.world
                  15 months ago

                  It’s not more authoritarian behaviour, it’s a very standard precedent that people are arbitrarily getting annoyed about this election cycle. Ideally maybe there would be a democratic primary, but the least authoritarian thing to do right now is keep Trump out of office.

        • Jaysyn
          65 months ago

          “Let’s do something that we’ve not done since the 80’s (and was disastrous for us) & will greatly increase our chances of a Fascist USA!”

      • @Cowbee@lemmy.ml
        195 months ago

        Voting will not move the party left. The only reason the dems are in power at all, is because the vast amounts of wealth of Capitalists support them. There’s no bottom-up pressure. Even if Bernie was in office, he’d have to fight tooth and nail with the democrats to get things done, not just the Republicans.

        • @Sunfoil@lemmy.world
          15 months ago

          We don’t really know what it would be like to have Bernie in office, because he wasn’t popular enough to get there. But I could imagine it would be hard for him, yes, because no one wants him to be President.

          There is bottom up pressure. Clearly. Self-evidently. There could be more if people who don’t want the Republicans in power actually made any kind of effort politically, rather than complained on Lemmy about unsubstantiated conspiracy theories that a cabal of spooky capitalists subvert the Democratic process so your vote doesn’t matter.

          The Dems are in power because they won the election, solely because more people voted for them than the Republicans. If you VOTE, you effect change.

          • @Cowbee@lemmy.ml
            35 months ago

            People wanted Bernie, Biden was voted for during the primaries in states that went to Trump anyways. The DNC does not want Bernie, so even if he made it to the presidency he would not be able to enact change. Who you can vote for is picked by the wealthy who influence the media and government, Capitalists.

            It is absolutely not an unsubstantiated conspiracy, it’s a well-known and documented fact. Pretending that the democratic process within America is not hand-picked and chosen by large corporations and Capitalists is naive and unsubstantiated.

            • @Sunfoil@lemmy.world
              15 months ago

              Some people wanted Bernie, most didn’t. That’s why he didn’t win. You have no idea what the DNC wants. The DNC has no authority to try and sabotage a Sanders presidency, that’s a wild thing to say. There were some emails 7 years ago and those people resigned. They’re not going to rig it. Or ignore the vote.

              If who you can vote for IS decided by the Evil Capitalists, how did Sanders get onto the ballot, then get millions of votes in 2016 & 2020? How did he run a campaign without a superpac, beating out millionaires with massive campaign funds?

              I guess it’s cool if you think politics doesn’t matter because it’s all a conspiracy, it just means your political beliefs have zero chance of getting anywhere.

              • @mathemachristian@lemm.ee
                5 months ago

                Here is a good article on the hurdles Bernie had put in his way by the DNC.


                Which brings us to the goal for this essay: To allow someone with one hour and no background in polling or statistics to come away with an intimate understanding of the real story behind the 2020 Democratic Primary. If you are someone with even a kernel of doubt about the legitimacy of the results, this is, without hyperbole, the most important document you will ever read.

              • @Cowbee@lemmy.ml
                15 months ago

                That’s actually ahistorical, Bernie was fucked over in 2016 and was beating Hillary until superdelagates got involved. In 2020, Bernie beat Biden in most states that Biden beat Trump in, Biden only picked up steam when it came to red state primaries. The people want Bernie.

                Did Bernie win, though? No. Again, superdelegates and careful design of the electoral process prevents anyone from actually rocking the boat.

                Politics absolutely matters, elections at the federal level are loss prevention, and at the local level you can genuinely get Socialists into office. However, meaningful political change occurs when there’s grassroots momentum, like the Civil Rights Movement and Black Panthers. Unionization is one of the best ways to force political change.

                Please, feel free to continue mouthing off and putting words in my mouth, you can continue being a radlib and supporting the status quo like your life depends on it, unfortunately I’m not privledged enough to not advocate for meaningful change.

                • @Sunfoil@lemmy.world
                  15 months ago

                  Ok I will continue ‘mouthing off’.

                  Clinton won the popular vote. Bernie would have had to get nearly ALL the superdelegates to vote against the popular vote to win. All they did was cement Clinton’s victory. His campaign also raised and spent more money.

                  I don’t know where your reading of 2016 has come from. Is this just copium that Bernie didn’t win? which part of the less votes from more money is the capitalist conspiracy?

                  And again, Biden beat Bernie even harder than Clinton did. People vote for who they want to be president. America doesn’t want Bernie to be President.

                  And look at that, the popularity of Bernie has moved the Democrats further left.

      • Zuberi 👀
        55 months ago

        This attitude right here?

        Exactly why the orange won.

        The MIC picks, not us.

        END THE MIC

      • @tocopherol@lemmy.dbzer0.com
        55 months ago

        I have been to every size of town and city all over the US and it doesn’t appear leftists a fringe minority. The people that accurately labels themselves as a leftist is probably a minority, but many many people are adherents of left wing views, but with no accessible way to push or vote for their ideals. People will support socialist policies without realizing as well, like guaranteeing healthcare or housing for all. People’s ideas of politics are all over the place in the US.

        • @Sunfoil@lemmy.world
          15 months ago

          People when polled like the idea of healthcare and housing for all, but support drops off rapidly when you start getting into the weeds of polling actual policy. At the end of the day, coherent ‘leftists’ i.e. socialist adjacent people are a small fraction of the population, and a small fraction of those people would ever go further than larping or complaining on Lemmy.

          The fact is there is next to zero political will for true left wing views to enter the stage, and has been shown repeatedly in the multiple resounding defeats candidates like Bernie have suffered, who isn’t even particularly radical. It’s going to be a long time and a lot of work to get a seat at the table for anything like that, and basically no one is putting that work in productively.

          The other option some leftists like the idea of is revolution, but if they can’t leave their bedrooms to participate at the basic level in this system, there is no chance they’ll put the work in to overthrow it.

    • @funkless_eck@sh.itjust.works
      145 months ago

      Im not American but thinking about getting my citizenship before 2032ish (so out of this voting cycle and maybe the next) actually, the more I hear about voting for a third party is a waste, the more tempting it is. Not saying that because I’m trying to be an edge lord, or a trump supporter, or whatever else I’m sure someone will accuse me of - but because if your policy dept is so out of ideas that all you have is “vote for us or else… …you… will have voted for someone else. And they might be bad. Neener neener” then surely anything except the Biden/Trump dichotomy has got to be worth a try?

      Then to top it all that my vote won’t make a difference, to either party, it’s just pro forma so we can flip between blue Reagan and red Reagan every 8 years like normal… like - how is that not an invitation to want to fuck the system and look at third parties?

      If there was no point in voting for a third party because the I didn’t have to hold my nose because Democrats smelled good then you’d have no argument from me.

      • @Cowbee@lemmy.ml
        125 months ago

        Voting for third party presently is voting for a spearhead with no spear. There’s no mass movement for it, thus no pressure to actually stand up to the massive DNC or GOP. That’s why leftists need to touch grass and organize, so that third party can be viable.

        Getting the order wrong means more GOP fascism in office, getting the order right means an actual third party becomes viable.

      • @nbafantest@lemmy.world
        35 months ago

        Describing Biden as Pro-Regan is insane, or even just the slightly less bad version of Trump is. Biden has been amazing.

        • @funkless_eck@sh.itjust.works
          35 months ago

          it was a tongue-in-cheek jab at neo liberalism, not intended as a deep dive forensic analysis of which predecessor most closely correlates to each president.

    • @fidodo@lemmy.world
      125 months ago

      The only way to move the party to the left is to get more involved. Whining that they aren’t reaching out won’t achieve anything. A party is made up of people. Want the party to move more left and reach out further left? Be one of those people in the party and do it yourself, don’t expect others to do it for you.

      • @Urist@lemmy.ml
        185 months ago

        No, a party is an interest group. Both major US parties act in the interest of the bourgeoisie and the US voting system is designed to make it hard to contend that. Until you guys discover representational voting on a national level, the democracy will falter.

      • @TropicalDingdong@lemmy.world
        85 months ago

        The only way to move the party to the left is to get more involved. Whining that they aren’t reaching out won’t achieve anything. A party is made up of people. Want the party to move more left and reach out further left? Be one of those people in the party and do it yourself, don’t expect others to do it for you.

        Yep. And work outside of it.

        But mostly be involved and become a leader in your community. Find ways to engage with people, identify their needs, and address them.

      • @Facebones@reddthat.com
        65 months ago

        People love making this argument until you actually show up and get bullied for not showing up sooner then bullied for having different priorities than the herd then bullied for not supporting the milquetoast candidate at the moment.

        Dems are just as faschie, even at the local level. You can’t move people left who are just as religious about their mid right position as christofascists are theirs.

      • @Sunfoil@lemmy.world
        55 months ago

        So sad to see Lemmy is downvoting something like this. Really shows how clueless even the most politically opinionated are.

        • @fidodo@lemmy.world
          35 months ago

          For such a politically active platform, people here don’t seem to really understand how people work in politics. It’s not as simple as “come up with the right policy and people will vote for it”. The vast majority of voters are not paying that much attention and are easily misled. A good example is California. One of the most liberal states, and they have a direct democracy system for amending the state constitution. Should be a slam dunk for leftist right? Nope, couldn’t be farther from the truth. Corporations pull every dirty trick in the book and spend billions of dollars spreading misinformation and pulling every legal trick in the book to get their will through, and as a result voters, not representatives, but voters, vote for props that go directly against their interests because they’ve been lied to and fell for it. Every election year there’s a bunch of horrible things on the ballot and it’s a nail biter seeing if the voters fell for it. Getting the right things passed, and also getting voters to actually go for it is nowhere as simple as people here act like it is, and people here don’t even provide any solutions, they just want to meme and complain while sitting on their asses instead of getting engaged and getting others engaged.

      • @Cowbee@lemmy.ml
        35 months ago

        The wealthy DNC donors pick and choose who makes up the party at the federal level. You may get an upset local win against a Neoliberal dem, but the party is the way it is by design.

    • PugJesus
      105 months ago

      Part of the issue that drives us to point out what Biden has done is that we often get a response of “BOTH sides are fascists and exactly the same, so why should I care?”, which then must be refuted.

      Otherwise I agree entirely.

      • @Cowbee@lemmy.ml
        85 months ago

        The answer to that kind of framing isn’t to show how good the dems are, but how bad the Republicans are. Again, the dems are not interested in appealing to leftists in any way, so again, this kind of posturing is what encourages leftist voter apathy.

        If a leftist says both sides are the same, show how much worse Republicans treat anyone that isn’t a cishet white male over the age of 35, and how legitimately dangerous they can be for our loved ones that aren’t in that category, even if they are.

        • PugJesus
          85 months ago

          If a leftist says both sides are the same, show how much worse Republicans treat anyone that isn’t a cishet white male over the age of 35, and how legitimately dangerous they can be for our loved ones that aren’t in that category, even if they are.

          But that’s the thing, when we point out that the GOP treats anyone that isn’t a cishet white male like dogshit, the inevitable refrain is that the Dems are ‘just as bad’. How are we supposed to refute that without pointing out policies of the Dems that are, quite explicitly, NOT ‘just as bad’?

          • @Cowbee@lemmy.ml
            75 months ago

            By showing that the Republicans are worse, like I said. Biden is factually enabling genocide in Gaza, yes. The answer isn’t to support Israel, of course, but to show Trump’s track record of foreign policy blunders that would lead to acceleration, as a quick example.

            If this theoretical leftist genuinely believes there’s no difference, they likely haven’t read theory, are a fed, or are only interested in virtue signaling and genuinely won’t be harmed by Republicans anyways.

            • PugJesus
              75 months ago

              By showing that the Republicans are worse, like I said.

              My point is that any relative comparison requires both positions to be demonstrated to the doubting, otherwise all that’s proven is that Republicans are bad, which we all already know.

              • @Cowbee@lemmy.ml
                75 months ago

                Show how dems are less bad, don’t frame it as “dems are good actually.” That’s my point.

      • @hglman@lemmy.ml
        15 months ago

        Nah, what you want to point out is that Biden winning is the most accelerationist outcome due to how few would accept his victory and how much the Republicans will attempt to sabotage the results.Trump winning will just usher in fascism without any fight.

      • @Murais
        295 months ago

        I’m voting for him as an avowed leftist.

        Besides impeding fascism, his reforms on student loans mean I’ll be debt-free with $0 payments in 10 years. That is a material improvement of my life that I am infinitely grateful for.

        But I still think he’s a piece of shit for aiding and abetting a genocide and would vote for another candidate if I meaningfully could.

        Politics is nuanced. 🤷

        • @Trainguyrom@reddthat.com
          5 months ago

          I have similar feelings. My student loans will be way easier to pay off with the new SAVE repayment plan and the IRA should help cover some well needed window replacements, and the very well needed furnace and air conditioner replacement. At a larger scale some of the bills he passed are greatly expanding rail and renewable energy both of which I greatly love to see. There’s a couple of new rail corridorsthat will connect me to friends and make it possible to go to places I want to go to by rail instead of driving so I’m very excited to have those options opening up in 10-15 years

          I didn’t get the free universal 3k schooling for my kids, nor the permanent expanded child tax credit. I didn’t get my student loan forgiveness (which at least was down to republican fuckery since the law was pretty clear in allowing it) and our tax dollars are going to a yet another oppressive regime in the middle east with the bonus of killing of thousands of kids

          Ultimately I’m not thrilled but it’s far more than I got under a Republican government and it’s far more than I actually expected under Biden

      • @TropicalDingdong@lemmy.world
        235 months ago

        If a particular leftist isn’t rational enough to recognize the important of impeding the progress of fascism, at any level possible, its a vote that can probably be missed.

        If you have the power to impeded fascism in any way, and you choose not to do so, I’m don’t believe you are a leftist.

        • @Facebones@reddthat.com
          95 months ago

          In 2016, Bernie was shafted in the primary to protect capitalistic interests. When challenged in court, the DNC won under the premise that they are a private organization that can do what they want and votes don’t mean shit.

          In 2024, we’re watching Biden sidestep Congress to fund genocide in Palestine.

          Democrats are fascists, putting a pride pin in their cap doesn’t change that.

          • @Bytemeister@lemmy.world
            55 months ago

            Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/ FASH-iz-əm) is a far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement, characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation or race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy.

            Fascism is not just people supporting things you don’t like.

            • @Facebones@reddthat.com
              5 months ago

              far right

              Certainly mid right


              Try being left of Biden in a room full of Democrats.


              See above, Dems are resistant to any meaningful change because they believe USA #1. They wave their little equality flag but suggest overhauling a US system and see how quick they become conservative.

              centralized autocracy, militarism

              Even after a Trump presidency, we can’t reign in executive privilege because Dems are just as reliant on it. See: Biden sidestepping Congress to fund Israel, also…gestures broadly at America for militarism

              forcible suppression of opposition

              3rd parties have met requirements to be included on ballots and in debates before, dems were just as quick as Repubs to move those goalposts everytime they’re met. Also, 2016 - Bernie won the primary, no he didn’t shut up also we’ll go to court to show our voters they don’t mean shit

              belief in a natural social hierarchy

              I mean, that’s just capitalism and Dems are all in on defending that at all costs (See above)

              subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation or race

              Go to any thread discussing politics or Democratic function IRL and mention any political/social interest other than “Not Trump” or whatever the DNC flavor of the day is and watch how quickly you get told you’re a stupid baby. (Case in point, your reply - “You don’t have real concerns you just think fascism is anything you don’t like nyahhh”)

              strong regimentation of society and the economy.

              Again, capitalism, but politically - Any primary winner would have been rejected for Hillary in 2016 because they just owed her one, and here we are doubling down on Biden for a second term at 81 after 50 years in politics instead of, well, anybody else at all no matter how many people tell them how weak that play is.

              Democracy is not shutting out any people supporting things you don’t like.

            • @Facebones@reddthat.com
              65 months ago

              Give me a leftist anti-fascist candidate and I’ll vote for him. shrug “Leftists don’t want to vote for fascists OR fascists waving a pride flag so they don’t” isn’t the hot take you think it is. Every year, democrats lose voters because they refuse to go any further left than mid-right to placate the donor class and every year y’all go on these tirades about how y’all don’t need leftists anyway (as you simultaneously) blame us for Republican wins, usually in the same post.)

              If leftist votes are so critical it’d probably be a good idea to stop actively pissing on them, huh?

                • @Facebones@reddthat.com
                  5 months ago

                  I’m sorry, how is this different from a Trump speech, exactly? Dehumanization, outright falsehoods, false generalizations, personal insults, de-legitimization, etc.

                  Democrats are fascist, and the US isn’t a democracy. It’s a right wing Corporatocracy and we’re in such late stage capitalism everyone’s taken their hoods off and saying the quiet part out loud.

                  See ya after the downfall, bruddaman

          • @TropicalDingdong@lemmy.world
            45 months ago

            I agree. Its incredibly tough and an almost impossible task.

            We have the choice of diet fascism, or the full blown thing.

            We can buy some time if we stick with diet fascism. The only real solution is to get involved in the political process and try and change things. I think we’re in a highly ‘activated’ community, so I’m sure, along with others, I’m not the only politically involved person here. I think beyond physical training, doing your best to set yourself up to be independent from the requirements of the social system, and engaging in the political process, there isn’t much more I would promote doing. But those are also all very important things, especially becoming involved in the political process.

            You can run as an independent. Find a rural district. Become the dog catcher (or hell, become the sheriff).

        • Sybil
          55 months ago

          voting for fascist Democrats doesn’t impede fascism. implying that voting for evil people is rational, and therefore refusing to vote for evil people is irrational, is pure ad hominem.

          • @tocopherol@lemmy.dbzer0.com
            15 months ago

            What is a leftist to you though? I’m not arguing for this position, but there are different beliefs in electoralism, there are leftists who believe legitimazing the system through voting just cements the dominant power further. By abstaining from voting or letting someone unpopular be elected it weakens the state structure which some see as a more efficient path to the removal of the main class division.

      • @Cowbee@lemmy.ml
        145 months ago

        I’m a leftist and I vote for dems, at least at the federal level or if a republican actually stands a chance of winning, and it isn’t a leftist vs an incumbent dem.

        Your point is invalid.

      • Jaysyn
        5 months ago

        You’re wrong of course.

        Or gatekeeping, which would be pathetic.

    • @Trainguyrom@reddthat.com
      45 months ago

      You can also lobby your local government. Look them up, book a 30 minute appointment, dress the part show up and make your pitch. Sure it will barely bump the needle but if normies start doing this it can start to nudge that needle a little

      • @Kittenstix@lemmy.world
        35 months ago

        Even just calling your local politicians can nudge that needle.

        Sooo many people think electoralism is is just casting your vote every 4 years when it’s necessary to vote twice a year and stay in contact with your politicians.

        I started going to school board meetings recently and have had a few people shocked at me just being a dude with a young child in, the district showing up to see how things run, sure it’s boring as hell but I had established a report with one of the members(long story) so him seeing me at the meeting was encouraging to him.

        • @Trainguyrom@reddthat.com
          25 months ago

          Man, I need to start attending my local school board meetings. My kids’ll be starting soon and it would be a good way to get a feel for the direction of things. I was a student senate nerd in college so I have a feeling I’ll be weirdly engrossed in the whole thing.

    • Zuberi 👀
      35 months ago

      Acting like the DNC would ever move to the left (when their “left-totally-not-fascism” is bringing in that sweet sweet oil $$$$$)?

      I genuinely do not see a day where enough of the boomers are out of office to fix this shit.

      3rd party is how we end the MIC

      • @Ekybio@lemmy.world
        115 months ago

        Dont fall for the third Party rethoric.

        Just swallow your pride and vote for something that does NOT help the fascists win.

        Which is Biden.

      • @Cowbee@lemmy.ml
        45 months ago

        I said the dems will never move to the left via electoralism, and without bottom up pressure, third party is a spearhead with no spear. You need to build up grassroots pressure from the bottom up for third party to ever be viable.

      • Jaysyn
        5 months ago

        Mathematically, 3rd parties cannot work in the USA until we get rid of FPtP voting. The GOP outlaws other voting methods where they can. See Florida & Tennessee.

        3rd Parties also don’t seem to want to put in the work required at lower levels of governance to be taken seriously.

        If you could prove Duverger’s Law wrong, you’d be famous, but you can’t, so you’re just shouting into the ether instead.

        Voting is a chess move, not a love letter.

    • DessertStorms
      25 months ago

      That just encourages voter apathy.

      The fact that you can say all of that yet still come back to electoral politics as anything other than a charade and a farce is mind boggling…

      Playing within the limited rules set by those in power to give the little people the illusion of choice is NEVER going to change anything of any substance.

      • @Cowbee@lemmy.ml
        65 months ago

        I don’t think you read my whole point. Voting won’t bring positive change, just prevent negative change. Positive change comes from actually touching grass and unionizing, organizing, and building up bottom-up movements.

    • @njm1314@lemmy.world
      15 months ago

      Of course you can vote a party harder to the left. You just can’t be lazy about it. So many you people sit there and wait until a presidential election and then complain. That’s not what you do you have to start early. You have to find candidates and nurture them you have to vote in primaries you have to work on elections. You want change you got to make the change. Most leftists don’t do that. They’d rather sit back and wait.

      • @Cowbee@lemmy.ml
        35 months ago

        You cannot vote a party to the left. I do vote, especially for leftist candidates in local elections, but the DNC exists as it does because of large, wealthy Capitalists influencing it via donations, same as the GOP. Even if Bernie won, which I would have loved, he would have had to fight tooth and nail against the Democrats to get anything done.

        The system is designed to prevent radical change.

  • @ben_dover@lemmy.world
    1415 months ago

    “saved democracy in Europe”? i’d argue democracy works better here than in the US of A, and certainly not due to any US president

  • @dasgoat@lemmy.world
    1065 months ago

    secured the border

    What does that mean though. Concentration camps for undocumented People? Kids in cages? You think that’s a good thing? People are dying in US camps, and you’re presenting that as a ‘haha gotcha liberals they DO kill migrants’

    Fuck that.

    Also genocide. Never forget that Biden is aiding and abetting a genocide. Don’t fucking look away because he’s your guy, motherfuckers

    • @TheDoozer@lemmy.world
      355 months ago

      There’s plenty to complain about, but the significant thing is that every one of those things that are complained about are specifically as bad or worse with his opposition. It would be different if any of it were “Biden aids Israel who is committing genocide, but Trump is against aid to Israel!” or “Biden keeps kids in cages at the border, but Trump would get the border handled more humanely!” Trump unequivocally supports Israel curb-stomping Palestine, and Trump made a lot of the changes that put kids in cages, and his rhetoric suggests he only plans on hitting immigrants harder.

      But I get it, there is plenty to complain about with Biden, not least of which is aiding genocide. The meme, though, is concerning the argument that Biden has done nothing while in office, which is clearly not true.

      • @dasgoat@lemmy.world
        285 months ago

        Yup. He has put more immigrants behind bars in makeshift concentration camps than any other president. Inspirational stuff. And supporting genocide? Good old Amerikkkan values right there, some real 20th century stuff from this decrepit ghoul.

        ‘But the other side is worse’

        I’m fully aware that the other side is basically Trump, and Trump will be the end of democracy. A nightmare for everyone but a very select few. A totalitarian moron driven by the worst US politics has to offer. It will be the end of civil liberties.

        But don’t let Biden slither away with any of the shit he’s pulling.

  • @Sterile_Technique@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    Is unemployment actually down, or is this just like number fudging from folks who work 3 part time jobs?

    There’s a LOT more homeless people than I remember ever seeing before.

  • @CheeseNoodle@lemmy.world
    745 months ago

    So I don’t disagree that we need to get less chosey and start voting for the lesser evil at the very least (not even american here bu the UK also has a choice between fuckwad A and B right now) But the bar for ‘extreme leftists’ has now gotten so low that depending on the company simply suggesting that we shouldn’t leave people to die on the street will get you classified as ‘extreme leftist’

  • GarfGirl [she/her]
    3 months ago

    [I got a bot to automatically delete all my comments over 1 month old so you can’t see this comment anymore]

  • @willis936@lemmy.world
    595 months ago

    Don’t forget:

    🎶 Private property’s inherently theft And neoliberal fascists are destroying the left And every politician, every cop on the street Protects the interests of the pedophilic corporate elite 🎶

      • @Facebones@reddthat.com
        245 months ago

        It’s just from a comedy song, but it’s always funny to see people more concerned about people mentioning pedophiles in power than they are the pedophiles in power. 🤷

        • I don’t even know where to start with this one. You just expect me to take his Comment as a Fact?

          That one guy on Lemmy said there are pedophiles in power, so i have to believe him and start worrying about it?

          It’s much more likely he’s delusional, paranoid, fell for Propaganda or something else.

          So Yeah, i worry about them the same way i worry about the people talking about how Vaccines cause Autism or how lizard-people control the world and not about the things they’re alleging.

      • Semi-Hemi-Demigod
        5 months ago

        If you don’t think private property is theft then you won’t have a problem with this piece of paper that says I own your living room and you have to pay me rent for it.

  • Muyal_Hix
    555 months ago

    Jesus Christ I swear Biden supporters are starting to get as annoying as Trump supporters.

    You can’t criticize anything about their dear leader ot they come out of the woodwork to defend him.

    • @ChonkyOwlbear@lemmy.world
      575 months ago

      Criticise Biden all you want. Just recognize despite your criticism, he is a better option than Trump in every way (and no, there is no third option).

      • @bdonvr@thelemmy.club
        5 months ago

        If these are the only two options in our current system

        1.) god help us

        2.) let’s tear down the system

        • PugJesus
          125 months ago

          It’s the only two options in the system because the American people are not as left-wing as your average fucking Lemmy user.

          • @ryathal@sh.itjust.works
            145 months ago

            Even as someone far more right than the average lemmy user, an 80 year old and an almost 80 year old being the only two options is absurd.

            • PugJesus
              55 months ago

              Absurd, yes, but an absurdity that is endorsed, unfortunately, by the voters.

                • PugJesus
                  45 months ago

                  Yes, really. Fuck’s sake. What, you think Trump is using his entire net worth of negative 500 million to bribe a massive group of actors sworn to secrecy and change all the GOP primary outcomes in his favor?

            • PugJesus
              45 months ago

              Yeah. God help us. But tearing down the system, while temporarily satisfying as millions die, will not be the solution we want it to be. What emerges will have the exact same problem as long as it is democratic and the American electorate is not changed.

        • Grayox
          55 months ago

          Unless class conciousness forms in America tearing the system down would result in a mad max hell scape and probably the end of of the human race because of the acceleration to climate change.

          • @EuroNutellaMan@lemmy.world
            5 months ago

            If anything climate change would decelerate from the collapse of the system though. I mean, you saw that air quality, pollution indexes, etc have all improved during the lockdowns right? There’s a reason pollution is used to measure how the economy is doing in countries that aren’t honest about it (where usually less emissions = worse economy)

          • PugJesus
            15 months ago

            They don’t care. The Great Satan would be dead. That’s all that matters to them.

        • @ChonkyOwlbear@lemmy.world
          15 months ago

          Don’t need to throw out the whole system. Even just ranked choice voting and getting rid of the electoral college would massively improve the quality of our representation.

      • FuglyDuck
        145 months ago

        this like saying eating shit is a better option than starving. One is just slower, but it’s still going to kill you.

        Are you right that biden is better than trump? yes. Are you wrong in that, that is an argument for Biden? absolutely fucking wrong. that is an argument for-not-trump… of which there are hundreds of millions of people in the US that are both not-trump and eligible to president. there are at least “50 other democrats”, per Your-Dear-Leader-Himself that can absolutely beat trump.

        the question isn’t if Biden is better than trump- we’re still in the primaries. The question is, is Biden the best possible democrat candidate. to which that’s an emphatic “Lol, no.”

        • PugJesus
          65 months ago

          the question isn’t if Biden is better than trump- we’re still in the primaries. The question is, is Biden the best possible democrat candidate. to which that’s an emphatic “Lol, no.”

          Is he the Democrat candidate with the best chance of beating Trump, is the important question.

          Regarding the importance of name recognition and the low-information status of most of the electorate, that is a ‘sadly, yes’ moment.

          • FuglyDuck
            55 months ago

            Regarding the importance of name recognition and the low-information status of most of the electorate, that is a ‘sadly, yes’ moment.

            Regarding how many of the Democratic base have said “We’d like somebody else”… that is actually quite dubious a statement. Polls have consistently ranged between 66-85% saying they want somebody other than Biden. And his popularity is only shrinking. at best, any election with biden and trump as the two candidates are going to be nail biters, with DNC peeps having to work two, three times as hard to get the vote out than virtually any other candidate they could pick.

            • PugJesus
              65 months ago

              Polls have consistently ranged between 66-85% saying they want somebody other than Biden.

              And yet when specifics come up, there is no consensus candidate other than Biden.

              It’s how he won the last primary. He was the second-choice of a larger and more divided pool of other candidates - we’ve always wanted someone other than Biden. The issue is that we can’t agree on who that would be.

              And his popularity is only shrinking. at best, any election with biden and trump as the two candidates are going to be nail biters, with DNC peeps having to work two, three times as hard to get the vote out than virtually any other candidate they could pick.

              I really think you’re underestimating the advantages of name recognition and incumbency.

              • FuglyDuck
                35 months ago

                I really think you’re underestimating the advantages of name recognition and incumbency.

                if Biden were to support and go to bat for any other candidate his name recognition and incumbency could be made to work for them.

                That he doesn’t do that… is a matter of his own ego.

                • PugJesus
                  35 months ago

                  if Biden were to support and go to bat for any other candidate his name recognition and incumbency could be made to work for them.

                  Incumbency and name recognition don’t work like that, as a great many outgoing politicians who endorse and campaign for their picked protégé find out.

                  That he doesn’t do that… is a matter of his own ego.

                  Influenced by his ego, sure, but not simply a matter of ego. I would have loved for Biden to step down as a one-term president, but I also understand that there is a matter of political calculation in this.

          • @Korne127@lemmy.world
            45 months ago

            Is he the Democrat candidate with the best chance of beating Trump, is the important question.

            He’s one of the very few people on the national stage and in such a possible position that are as unpopular as Trump or even worse, so… probably no(?)

          • FuglyDuck
            55 months ago

            I seriously hope you’ve got better and more persuasive arguments than insults.

            because, you know. I take insults to mean you don’t. Also, calling people stupid is… literally right out of Trump’s playbook.

        • @morrowind@lemmy.ml
          45 months ago

          I mean so who’s better than biden at this stage? I wish there was but I can’t think of anyone

          • FuglyDuck
            65 months ago

            then that is a failure of your imagination.

            There are numerous options, any one of which- with Biden’s support- prove to be a far more popular and viable candidate. or did you think “Blue no matter who” only applies to centrists? Warren, Klobechar, AOC, Buttigieg, Even bernie, Phillips. Newsom. Probably, any candidate more progressive than a stick in the mud would have a better chance than Biden winning.

    • Semi-Hemi-Demigod
      145 months ago

      If we can’t criticize our guy, how is that a functioning democracy? I don’t approve of him but since when did my approval matter when it came to my vote?

    • PP_GIRL_
      85 months ago

      Look at OPs username. Should tell you everything you need to know

    • @OpenStars@startrek.website
      55 months ago

      May I ask you: then why are you here, in !politicalmemes@lemmy.world, if you do not enjoy the back-and-forth of political discourse? I was ecstatic when Lemmy 0.19 arrived and I could finally block Hexbear, and just now I blocked all of Lemmygrad as well, rather than start that whole process again of dealing with toxic commenters.

      Granted, the Fediverse makes it difficult by showing everything by default, thereby putting the onus on you to have to block what you do not want to see, but if you blocked this community then you wouldn’t have to see such things ever again? Maybe that’s a note for the future development where some communities could be made to be opt-in rather than visible to everyone by default.

      This is a legitimate question btw, fwiw.

      • Muyal_Hix
        105 months ago

        Yeah no, I’m allowed to criticize Biden as much as I want. If you don’t want to hear any criticism of your favorite candidate then just ignore it.

        • @OpenStars@startrek.website
          35 months ago

          I am 100% fine with criticizing Biden btw:-P. In fact, I outright want to hear how he has messed up, even though at the same time I also want to hear how he has done well. But anyway, if you get too annoying then I will block you, and vice versa, message received loud and clear! (you don’t want to limit yourself, you just want everyone else to do so for your sake, got it! :-D)

    • @Ensign_Crab@lemmy.world
      25 months ago

      It would be great if they actually defended him. But they usually just scream abuse at anyone who doesn’t worship him.

  • @PedroMaldonado@lemmy.world
    535 months ago

    With the jackass before him setting bar so low, Joe could have just redecorated the oval office and I’d have considered it a win. Its a bummer Doing The Job like a damn adult doesn’t get enough ink …

  • @Miaou@jlai.lu
    485 months ago

    Lol saved democracy in Europe, if the rest is just as accurate then he indeed hasn’t been very active in office