idk I just wanted to talk to some uhhhhh systeming folks mhm yes yes the uh diversity of the experience of identity, self, perception and more! :)
I can go first, shit is whack, holy hell!
idk it still does not feel real and idk how long before it will finally settle in? maybe it is something I have to swim upstream against like a salmon to feel real about? maybe that does not matter?
also it is sad I feel like I need to conform to a certain standard or way of plurality to be valid smh where is the appreciation for diversity of experiences and minds-- the former statement to myself.
maybe I will post some system art!!! (i want to share art I make so badly) :) YIPPEEE!
yes maybe I am too online or maybe I just like talking to nice people that may have similar values who may “get it”
I am not a system but one time someone asked if I was a system because I had the addendum “68 Center Host” on my discord user name, because I was hosting the center area of a game with 68 participants.
I am not quite exciting enough to have 67 other people living in my head, but
to the comrades who do, and I hope that they can find joy in their very unique experiences.
MUAHAHAHA! saluting to you as well comrade! :)
The most simplified definition of the term plural that includes all people who take the label is “someone who shares the same physical body with other individuals.” Such a group is sometimes referred to as a system, though many plural groups use different terminology. Because plurality can take many vastly different forms, it is difficult to expand this definition without excluding someone who might otherwise share characteristics or concerns with most other members of the community. It does seem this basic trait is the only thing groups of people who refer to themselves as plural universally share. In other words, there are many, many ways to be plural, and no two systems are the same even as far as basic characteristics. There are a lot of trends in the community, however, and various types within the umbrella term of plural that seem to be subsets.
What…what are you taking about
multiple people/consciousness in the same brain, is the crudest and simplest way for me to put it, also a spectrum (like everything else about people!) :))
I think they are using sort of coded language to see if there is anyone here who has similar struggles. Like if you identified as a member of a small minority (maybe you do, idk) but you didn’t know anyone like you who was also a socialist, and you typically meet up with other people like you online but don’t want to give it away in a public forum because of stigma
That could be. If so kinda neat.
okay juice i started screaming and laughing /pos, it is not a coded word (or maybe it is?) I wish i am that cool :)) plurality and system is quite public words (to my knowledge) but plurality is the “less medicalized” term out of the two, you might be more familiar with the terms DID system, OSDD system, etc etc, tho I am really uncomfortable with DID + OSDD labels so I opted a not mmm psychiatric centered language! if that makes sense? (hopefully )
Yeah I’m familiar with DID, and I came across some of the other terms in a thread about DID…I just didn’t want to out you if you were trying to be a obscurative. I know there’s a lot of misunderstanding around it, just trying to be sensitive. Just because something’s medical doesn’t mean its accepted and I see you’re a newer an so might still be trying to get the lay of the land
So if you don’t mind, some of these terms are kinda obvious, but what is “system” or “systeming”?
A system is like a group of identities/people (called headmates) that share a single body
thank you Juice :))) yeah idk how to work this site!
systeming-> I am just playing around with language :) if a system is multiple people in one body, then “systeming” is the experience in action of experiencing being a system! like, “how’s your system going?” (?) hopefully that makes more sense than not!
Thanks for explaining! So…how’s your system?
genuinely chaotic, mayhaps? I keep feeling like they are not real and that denial smooth things over but they are also very much real and (AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH) yes I just… I DON’T KNOW everything is complicated hahahaha :)))
Thanks for sharing, comrade. I’m sorry that you were made to doubt your own experiences. Ive felt like that before, for sure. Everything is complicated!
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oh that is so cool and interesting… I wanna know more about you/yall’s experiences now (wiggles happily)
I mean-- i think in the biggest sense I just wanted to hear people’s experiences with identity, consciousness, and such! ik some ppl who became a system later in life due to stress, and such, sorry ughhhh i am so bad with words, but yeah labels are just that, :]]] (smiley face)
perception and existence is weird, also fun :)
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I am so glad comrade! thank you for sharing your experiences. :)
I willed a tolpa into existence to help me cope with the hellscape that is America and its guiding me through my communist adventurism.