One former pharmacy staff member told investigators that a doctor once asked if the staffer could “hook up” someone with a controlled substance “as a parting gift for leaving the White House.”
what a bro
The office dispensed controlled medications like Ambien and Provigil without verifying the patient’s identity.
hell yeah dude
It let people grab over-the-counter medicines from open bins.
this should be standard practice
upwards of $640,000 in taxpayer funds were wasted in just three years, though that number is fuzzy, because so many records were poorly kept and even handwritten.
waaaahhhhhh, half a million dollars went to giving people whatever drug they want. Under communism we’ll be able to snort Z class drugs whenever we want. /joking
White House medical staff also regularly asked for brand-name medications like Ambien and Provigil instead of the generics because “their patients prefer using the brand name drugs,” a practice that contradicted military policy. Those two drugs alone cost the government $144,520 over the period from 2017 to 2019, whereas the generics would have cost $2,064, according to the report.
smdh, these people don’t know the store brand soda and chips come from the same factory line.
The investigation also focused on improper record-keeping practices. The White House’s pharmacy did not keep records of controlled substances in accordance with federal law. For example, records detailing the receipt of fentanyl, ketamine, morphine, and Ambien at the White House’s pharmacy were handwritten, illegible, crossed-out, and error-filled, the report said.
Former White House Medical Unit medical providers told investigators that ineligible White House staff members received controlled substance prescriptions and free specialty care, including surgery, at military facilities. Even though the office was only supposed to cover care for 60 enrolled patients, the office instituted its own policy that effectively let any of the 6,000 people working in or around the White House seek health care services. Those were all inappropriately billed to the Defense Department.
Good actually, now expand it to the rest of us
Officials also offered aliases to executive branch VIPs for “enhanced privacy.” They would remove the patient’s actual name from the electronic medical record and use alternate demographic data and identifiers. Walter Reed eventually had to waive almost $500,000 in outpatient care fees for senior government officials from 2017-2019, partially because they were unable to bill patients who got this treatment.
I went in with the intent to only quote some parts for people allergic to reading articles, but this article fucking rules.
Staff and former staff also described a toxic culture in which they were not able to deny directives from senior leadership.
again, cry more. Welcome to working for a living you lanyard dipshits
Is stuff getting done? Yeah. Is it being done appropriately or legally all the time? No.
Military Health System officials were unable to identify which organization was responsible for overseeing the office, though it is governed by the rules of the Navy, according to the medical unit. But the Navy told investigators that it was not in charge; the Defense Health Agency, which coordinates care on behalf of the different branches of the military, and Walter Reed National Military Medical Center were. Walter Reed told investigators that it supplies the White House’s pharmacy, but that Walter Reed was not in charge of it. The Defense Health Agency admitted to investigators that the White House Medical Unit actually has “no clear line of oversight.”
Catch-22 lanyard edition
“A trained pharmacist would say, ‘OK, we need to document this. This isn’t Pez candy that we’re handing out like we’re a giant Pez dispenser.’”
shut up and dispense pills. Yes you are.
“It’s sort of head-scratching that you have the highest level of government conducting business in that manner that would never be acceptable anywhere else.”
The White House did not comment.
Wow so this is the white house pharmacy under Hunter Biden smdh
The investigation is only covering up to 2020, so, so just Obama and Trump apparently. I’m sure things haven’t changed under Biden, though.
Yeah, we’ve known for a long time that Obama likes Modnafil
Kamala’s xannies more like.
Sure, yea, this is only done under Biden’s fucking seat. Come the fuck on, people like you make the this country worse. You think it’s only Biden? Hell tf no. It’s been ongoing for a long time. Takw a look at Teump and his behavior, and with whatever foetitude you can muster, tell me he wouldn’t have any part of some shit like this.
Man you are gonna love jokes when you find out about them
he was making a joke. A lot of peoole here like to joke about Hunter because he’s kind of funny. No one here is cares that people were getting pills for free. In fact, we think everyone should get pills for free
Copy that. New here. It’s a little different than reddit. Thank you.
Its cool. I commented before reading below that like a dozen other people told you it was a joke, so sorry that i unintentionally piled on lol
did someone get addicted to online raging and yell at an ironic meme?
But to be real, this is the wrong crowd for that, you need to be gossiping about Trump being addicted to sudafed
My bad. Not necessarily a rager but when anyone sees it(myself included :)) they just expetience more of it. There’s an influence on someone; it’s perpetuating.
These guys are fun to get mad at if you find more interesting ways of doing it. Just don’t read Adorno. Read Georg Lukács.
Bros so mad he turned off autocorrect
I like the word “foetitude” ngl
Got me on that one. Then again the size of my fingers on this phone suck, and tbf, I dont like going back to look all the time
By the way, we here do agree with you on the part about all of the ruling class being drugged to their hidden behind makeup gills (lizard folk are a limited hangout to disguise the Dagon cult thsg actually controls America).
Both are possible guy
There is this thing called “jokes”. I think yoinking meds is based and cool regardless of who it happens under.
“A trained pharmacist would say, ‘OK, we need to document this. This isn’t Pez candy that we’re handing out like we’re a giant Pez dispenser.’”
shut up and dispense pills. Yes you are.
holy shit though be glad that pharmacists don’t do this as a matter of course. Doctors make buckwild would-be-fatal mistakes on med recs all the time. Orders for things like 10x a fatal dose or entirely wrong medications with similar names or forgetting about a fatal medication interaction happen way more often than anyone wants to admit. Talk to a hospital pharmacist some time, they’ve seen some scary shit.
Yeah, this is the hangers-on pharmacy. Somebody might die, someday, but nobody important.
Real ghouls get the real ghoul shit with all the proper precautions.
Talk to a hospital pharmacist some time, they’ve seen some scary shit.
can confirm. thanks for the kind words btw
An anonymous hospital pharmacist saved a family member’s life after a typo and I will forever stan the whole field after learning how common that is.
all in a day’s work as another part of the safety net. providers are human too, like nurses and everyone else. glad your loved one was OK.
No clue what that means, but I respect the intensity.
It’s just a wakefulness drug. It’s most likely what gave us 🍅 colored
So they’re all taking wakefulness drugs during the day and then sleeping pills at night? Damn
Oh dude that’s gotta be pretty common i know a freelance web designer for real estate companies rotating caffeine pills, diphenhydramine (normal sleeping pills) and grey goose under the desk 🥲
I’m not suprised really, its just kind of foreign to me. Like I’d just feel like hmmmm, well maybe if i don’t take the sleeping pill i won’t need the wake up pill, and if i dont take the wake up pill i wouldn’t need the skeeping pill. But, after hearing about this for the first time I’m sure its pretty common
The worst thing abt sleeping pills and to a much greater extent alcohol and cigs is you wake up like SHIT.
It makes you feel horrible inside, all day. I don’t know how people do it. I just rotate p low level stimulants or coffee and then smoke weed every few days before I get tense. Lets you read like a billion books a year and talk over people until everyone wants to kill you.
rip to that guy’s liver
He looks so inflamed 😭
Tried getting fully sober, including caffeine and DPH. Literally cannot function without some sort of stimulant and some sort of sleep medication at night. I’d probably do a lot better with Modnafil honestly
Nobody should have to rely on caffeine to keep up with undersleeping and overworking, but it’s perfect for brief bursts of strength exercise then u can read or w/e while you’re wired and tired bc it’s more physically stimulating
Its not even overworking, I really struggle with catatonia. I usually only use the caffeine once every few days, but I don’t do the basics without a stimulant to make me want to do things.
I love how everyone is getting completely worked to the gills on productivity drugs to do pointless jobs that don’t produce anything.
They’re supposed to be producing empire but are too high on their own supply (literally and figuratively) to do so effectively.
Now we know where Kamala gets the good shit
Why doesn’t this surprise me in the slightest?
The rich and powerful always get a different set of rules
The fucking audacity of these ancient gargoyles getting fucking blasted on percs all day long while presiding over a vast regime of social murder for poor drug users, and institutions designed to treat anyone seeking the same drugs by authorized means as suspected criminals at every step. It makes me mad enough to puke daggers.
The office dispensed controlled medications like Ambien and Provigil without verifying the patient’s identity.
I think we now know why Sleepy Joe is like that
Yeah but i wasnt able to get an ibuprophen witbout a doctors note in high school. Real fucking cool
the fentanyl is coming from inside the house
Imagine the absolute state of someone who can get any of the good ones, dilaudid, oxy, old fashioned morphine, but then decides to get that absolute purity China white. Absolute madness
Honestly the main perk of the job for this one.
Under communism we’ll be able to snort Z class drugs whenever we want.
If I cant abort ambien, it’s not my revolution
Stalin making people snort ambien and watch westerns with him.
Real pros chew the shit. By far the hardest hitting method of Ambien. Found out sublingual did way more than swallowing one night when I became a khajit trying to sell toilet paper out of my bed.
khajiit has wares
please please i beg of you do more of these dunks on other articles you want to
If I find more boonta vista bait I’ll make an effort.
When I find good material I try to add more lighthearted news, like animal stories and stuff. It can be a. It depressing only have <latest imperial excursion> news in the feed.
She’s got that fentanyl/ketamine/morphine/ambien stride
Fuck these people. Pharmacists and healthcare workers in general work shit hours with little help and these people get to become millionaires slinging dope with no consequences