I remember people on reddit misgendering that antiwork mod for the crime of [checks notes] a botched interview on Fox News that didn’t even fucking matter.
It was an ugly thing to see all that transphobia out in the open like that.
That was a colossal fuck up of an interview though, made the entire anti work community look like a load of stupid freeloaders.
Absolutely no excuse for the misgendering or any harassment, but I still wouldn’t undersell how bad that interview was.
I’m almost convinced it was deliberate
It was a Fox News interview. If the person who did the interview came off well they wouldn’t have bothered airing it. Hell, if the person they interviewed didn’t come off the way they did they wouldn’t have bothered interviewing them.
I mean I agree Fox News will pick apart anything that they get, that’s just the nature of the beast. But the whole discussion in the antiwork community was that whoever did the interview needed to be prepared for that and give them as little ammunition as possible, while presenting the beliefs of the antiwork/workreform movement.
Instead, one of the users (a mod I think?) took the interview without further input from the community, had dirty clothes in the background, and was an easy target for the Fox News crowd.
Idk, it was really unfortunate, and the movement had started to gain serious momentum. It could’ve been a lightning in a bottle opportunity, and they fucked it up
This is what I’m getting at, though. If the interviewee didn’t fit the checklist of stereotypes Fox News was looking for, there wouldn’t have been an interview aired. It was a hit piece. Fox News went looking for a way to run a segment discrediting a movement, and found one.
The real mistake was going in Fox News in the first place. Nobody should do an interview on Fox News ever for any reason.
It really is hard to understate how bad the interview was, that’s what makes the misgendering even worse, there were so many other things to critique…
It was Fox News. Even if had been a stellar interview, they would have made it look bad.
And I don’t think it had any actual impact on how people viewed the community in general. It’s just people being terminally online and blowing things way out of proportion.
I agree the interview was bad, but it’s also one of the most inconsequential parts about it. That’s the tiniest most petty reason I’ve ever seen a community tear itself apart over. It was like a bunch of mindless chickens pecking one to death because they saw a spot of blood. Definitely on brand for reddit though.
It was doomed from the start, and yet they went on anyway.
tbh I think they’d put a bad case forward even if they were given a favorable interview, considering they gave Fox more ammunition than they could ever ask for.
The misgendering and harassment is wrong, but I honestly think it’s right for the anti work community to call out how awful that interview was and distance themselves from it as much as possible. imo it did actively harm the public perception of the movement.
it did actively harm the public perception of the movement
Again, this is greatly exaggerating the nature of the situation. Even if it did, it was so minor that it could have easily recovered. It’s not like irreparable harm was caused.
Fox is not a small-time, they have more primetime viewers than CNN and MSNBC combined. If people’s first exposure to a movement is something like that interview…Several other news outlets also rehosted clips and wrote stories about just how terrible it was. That creates a strong barrier to anyone labeled as being “with” that person to overcome in order to be taken seriously. Whereas if you discovered the community where there were memes/conversations around workers rights and how they’re getting fucked the perception is much different.
It also was directly against the wishes of a community vote and mod discussion of doing a fox interview. A very good way to tell supporters of a movement that a purported “leader” doesn’t actually care about what they’re saying. To say that it was minor damage really underplays how it affected perception and unity of the community.
Hard disagree. Again, you’re blowing this way out of proportion. A movement isn’t one mod. It’s pretty clear that users were more interested in jerking their hate boners than in the movement itself.
It’s telling that even after these years, you’re still unable to gain a little healthy perspective on this. It’s really hard to admit that you were wrong, especially if you actively contributed to what was essentially a targeted harassment campaign.
This is like talking to Gamers about why death threats to devs are wrong lol
The anti work community had a lot of idiotic freeloaders who just didn’t want to work. After the interview when the sensible people left, it got so much worse.
Work reform was better, and came about as a result of that interview.
That sub was a joke even before that interview. They banned me for asking someone to explain why an investor shouldn’t have all the negotiating power if they are putting up 100% of the capital for a new business. Like I wanted to know how they thought that system should work because I don’t see how some random person asking for money has any leverage. I wasn’t agreeing with the current state of things.
All I got was a permaban with a childish message from a mod.
The interview was a shit show, but your interpretation of this and that it supposedly destroyed I find ridiculous.
You think that interview didn’t matter? It basically killed the entire conversation about wage/labor imbalance. And that had zero to do with that mods gender, but with that mods absolute stupidity, regardless of gender
This is so melodramatic lol
It “killed” nothing. That was one bad mod vs. a bunch of users who were determined to self destruct.
They abandoned the main AntiWork subreddit and split the entire community in two.
Yeah, whatever happened was a totally disproportionate response to a single bad interview for an audience of people who were never likely to support the movement in the first place.
I guess it’s super hard to put one’s personal feelings aside for the greater good, and it’s frighteningly easy to get drawn into dogpiling and scapegoating a single person rather than pausing and reflecting on forming a more constructive response.
Neither of the communities ever really recovered from that, and in my opinion that says a lot more about the myriad users than it does about one mod.
They were a bunch of liberals, the chances they would ever do anything was well into the negatives.
That interview did irreparable damage to the labor movement in the media.
I… don’t think that’s the case. Last year was the year of labor wins across the board. Like, I don’t understand how to parse what has happened in the world since with this statement. Media, especially corporate owned media, is always going to be somewhat antilabor. One bad interview from one person did not impact labor’s perception in any meaningful way.
Gamer take
That shit was blown out of proportions, yeah. Critique is fine and all, but that ended up as straight up harassment. Fuck the people using that as an excuse for their transphobia.
But I actually started chiming in when the mod team doubled down presenting themselves as spokespeople for the movement and, in a case of “cannot possibly be timed worse“, presented some kid as a new mod? Spokesperson? I don’t remember. That whole mess got so stupid I zoned out after a while.
The mods were misfiring for sure, but what made me step away were not the mods – that could have been addressed over time – but the users. My reaction to the video and what the mods said was basically, “Oh haha, that was bad!” and I think that’s where it ended for me. I had noted issues with the mods prior to that and brought them up, and no one seemed to care at that time – I even pointed out several times that one of the mods had a stickied post on their profile specifically requesting interviews – so it’s hard for me to believe that the users were acting in good faith. Why did no one seem to care before that interview happened? But everyone got drummed up into an emotional frenzy, and that sort of thing is what tears movements apart – not one or two bad mods.
I agree the mods shouldn’t have positioned themselves as spokespeople, but there were so many other ways it could have been handled without melting down.
You already noted the problem: >people on reddit
“people” on reddit
Bad joke, I know, sorry I couldn’t resist
The purpose of language is to reveal and convey meaning and thought. Euphemisms and euphemistic language are designed to control how you talk about certain subjects and consequently, how you think about them. People who try to control how you think NEVER have anyone’s “best interests” in mind but their own.
Don’t let other people tell you how to manage your own head.
that sounds super profound but imo makes no sense, what’s your point? What is the euphemism in the OP?
I love this comment because it can be applied to multiple perspectives on this cultural debate.
I don’t always misgender. But when I do it’s because the bro got nice tits or the momma looks swole AF.
I try to speak respectfully to whoever I speak to and that includes using pronouns they want so getting it wrong is always unintentional. But I’ll still always speak to any group of people as “you guys”. I use that speaking to my 16 yo daughter and her girl friends. It’s just not gendered speech, and I know some disagree but whatever
So how many guys have you fucked?
Context matters. Addressing a group full of mixed men and women? Guys is totally acceptable. Discussing how many men someone has had intercourse with? Guys means only men lol
Hey, I wasn’t asking how many men, I asked how many guys. Since the person I asked said it’s not gendered, why are you making it gendered?
I disagree for one reason.
My uncle was being homophobic and transphobic so I started to misgender him so he could see what its like.
Unsure if he’s less bigoted now but he definitely got quite upset and it made the point to everyone else around at least.
But if you say this about body shaming they’ll just tell you their taret deserves it.
Bit of a strawman, no?
Ive seen this community making fun of people for their weight or claiming people have small dicks when they do something they dont like so not really. Point proven though, yall don’t care about body shaming.
So you’re generalizing, then pretending to take the moral high ground on a non-existant issue just to avoid agreeing that people shouldn’t be misgendered, imagining a non-existant level of hypocrisy?
Where did I avoid agreeing with the post? If you’re curious about something ask me instead of assuming based on nothing. Bodyshaming is wrong and it happens here, that’s not non-existent. Thats the message, do you take offense to that because you seem real preseed to make accusations.
The meme is calling out people using misgendering as a punishment. You’re then attacking people who point this out as guilty of hypocrisy by saying “they” are fine with bodyshaming.
Bodyshaming is wrong, yes, nobody brought that up except yourself and only as a way to attack some vague hypocrisy in an imagined enemy.
Again, I see bodyshaming happening here, thats not an imagined enemy unless you dont know what words mean. You’re talking over me now and ignoreing what im saying, this being the third time I’m telling you it happens here so you can pretend im talking about no one. Stop with the intelectual dishonesty.
What I am doing is poiting out a similar punishment people do for bodyshaming, and for the fourth time, it happens on this very website. That makes it relevant no matter how mad you are about that. You wont even ask me about the original post after I told you to instead of assuming because then you won’t be able to pretend im attacking anyone other that the hypocrites, who again exist on this site. Did I say it enough this time?
Show me. Show me where there is an overlap of people who think bodyshaming is okay and misgendering is not. Humans aren’t a monolith.
Less of a strawman and more of a non-sequitor whataboutism.
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There’s nothing awkward about it at all, nobody deserves to be bodyshamed, period. Yes, being overweight is unhealthy. The vast, vast majority of overweight people know this. The only thing you accomplish by expressing your concerns and “acknowledging it’s bad” unprompted is making the person feel worse, they’re not gonna go “Wow, li10 is concerned about my weight, this was the moment I was waiting for to start being healthier”. This isn’t a hallmark movie, it rarely works like that.
If an overweight person expresses a desire to lose weight and be healthier, absolutely encourage and support that… but support looks like things like offering to be a gym buddy,sharing healthy recipes, words of encouragement as they progress, maybe even joining them on their diet, etc… and even then only if they’ve expressed a desire for that support. Telling them unprompted “I’m concerned about your health due to your weight” is NOT support, it’s nothing but an empty platitude.
No. I don’t think it’s awkward. At all.
The only person whose weight and body is your business is your own. My body isn’t your business. Your neighbor’s body isn’t your business. Your coworkers body isn’t your business. It’s not your business and your opinion doesn’t matter about any body but your own.
So how about this… let’s just not talk about each other’s bodies and let people be who and what they are. Fat people have enough shit to deal with already and they don’t need shit from you too, whether it’s ’support in losing weight’ or criticism.
So if I decide to attach a bunch of lead weights to my body and enter the same elevator as you, it’s only my business, is it?
what if the world was made of pudding
lol third picture is best
I am bothered by this Is there actually more pictures and I’m just a lil dumb
Or are you trolling me
Making me doubt my whole existence lmao
Trolling. It’s just a single picture.
That guy, who said we could use slurs for good. What happened to him? Last time I checked he was defending a white supremacist terrorist.
Frank Miller Batman is still the best Batman.
Too bad Frank Miller is a terrible person. But yes, TDKR is one of my favorites.
That REALLY depends.
Year One? Absolutely.
The Dark Knight Returns? Agree to disagree.
All-Star Batman and Robin? Christ no, it might be the worst.
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Which issue is this from
Looks like Batman: The Dark Knight Returns.
Aka the super fascist batman story
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