They had accountants in the 1700s. The principles of double entry bookkeeping remain the same, but the technology difference with computers and accounting software would make the day to day work unrecognizable.
They had accountants in the 1700s. The principles of double entry bookkeeping remain the same, but the technology difference with computers and accounting software would make the day to day work unrecognizable.
I initially disagreed with this comment, but after reading OP’s previous posts, I too am skeptical of OP’s terminal condition. Whatever you are dealing with OP, I hope you get well soon, and wish you and your loved ones well.
I think this will beneficial for the fediverse overall. Thereads will eventually have to advertise. At which point hopefully other Platforms on the fediverse will become more attractive to some threads users.
Maybe they ran out of fuel? I hope they provide a reasonable explanation
Zero k, RTS
Prolonged Cold snap, and energy supply shortage. Climate change makes longer cold snaps more likely in the uk apparently.
This is scary
Yeah I unsubscribed too. Thats all I was seeing on my feed.
Occasionally I use reddit to find answers to questions about topics that aren’t really available on lemmy
Cataclysm, dark days ahead, and phasmophobia with friends.
Ive noticed he’s not on the bbc news intro anymore. Could just be coincidence though.
It could be anyone!! Who hasn’t been on air recently?
10 years seems fair enough
Yeah I have the same problem. Sorting by hot used to update all the time and now its been the same for days
Who did they replace the mod with
Amazing post! Thank you for sharing this!
What is “New Yuzu?”
This is something I dont understand, can someone explain to me: Is Rishi Sunnak not black? Do my eyes deceive me. Is he not a black leader of a european country too? Excuse my apparent ignorance.