Good luck finding anything fanless without being SOC. Though it looks like a Framework would make you happy: https://frame.work/
Good luck finding anything fanless without being SOC. Though it looks like a Framework would make you happy: https://frame.work/
“Actual person” was the developer’s brother.
I have a better proposal: let’s disable JavaScript in it’s entirety so it wouldn’t require 8 gb ram and a 2 gHz multicore cpu on my mobile device that runs on battery, to send a simple ‘hello’ to my friends.
Man, there’s like no day I don’t see another high quality version of this meme on Lemmy.
How many different upscaled versions do you people have exactly?
There are lots of problems with the new lingo. We need to come up with new words.
How about “Open Weightings”?
The data leak here in concern was sourced from e-Devlet, the Turkish State‘s own digital front. So who penalizing who again?
Put Adguard in second spot since it does some non-basic stuff with networking.
Do you use any *arr? Those are easy enough. Or Jellyfin maybe? My top recommendation would be Portainer, which offers a handsome interface for Docker management. That will help you out of the sea.
Docker doesn’t really offer any domain-related functionality at all. You can host an app for that as well, but I found YH is just easier.
I’ve done that before.
Docker is pretty easy to use, don’t get intimidated. Start with a simpler service that you’ve used before so you can understand which string is tied to where.
What’s great with Yunohost is it’s domain controls. It’s very easy to set up a free domain, or use your own domain with it. So that’s the main reason I’m keeping Yunohost around.
One thing if you think to use them in conjunction that YH has a firewall and occupies some port that could got conflicts with Docker containers.
Uh, is that April 24th? We commemorate the day over here in Gallipoli as well, more or less about why the fuck Oceania people perished so far away from their home, for a fight that’s not theirs. Also the poor anatolian/mesopotamian Ottoman soldiers, defending a land they only can learn about when they’re conscripted.
I’m going to remind you that these fuckers are LOUD, like ROARING LOUD, so might not be suitable for your living room server.
Ah, it was. I’m still very fond of it’s UX and integrity.
To the sides?
Postiz is one of those open source projects that’s intentionally very hard to self host so you‘re practically gravitate towards to use their own paid services.
I hope they give up on that business strategy sometime.
Oh, so when we come into some other religion’s “higher stance” is just being an illusion, a propaganda to see “colonizers superior culture” is why they have free pass on crimes towards the oppressed, suddenly it wasn’t about that, huh. Like, they would never ever do such things. Except they do massacres, daily.
I’d like to see how “developed” MAGAs or AFD people to react to Jesus and Peter published on every “developed” newspaper’s front page, as the commenter I’ve replied suggested. Run over the newspapers stands with a truck? Then step down and shoot around? Maybe they aim to kids. That’ll show’em.
Extremism is everywhere. No belief, religion or politic stance, is exempt from it. I didn’t said a thing about Hebdo, just surprised to see how people in 2025 taking worse stances than George Bush in 2004 when it’s about Islam.
While I agree with Satire should be staunchly defended, I can’t see a way for that to happen when you hit a nerve with a greathammer repeatedly.
So as a society we can show our full stance besides satire, but showing a stance, even with millions of people, could stop them getting killed by a two radicals? It appears not.
So what should we do, put State Police in front of their door? I think police standing in front of every satire outlet would be a satire itself.
Thank you very much for informing me about my religion and everyone else’s high and developed society.
But please take a moment to check what you embraced as “the” civilized fellows done in Gaza, breaking 4 years old kids ribs with their knees. You need to think careful about that fact.
It’s always someone comes to build a strawman whenever one mentions Muslims could have some sensibilities.
In respect to their Muslim readers. Whatever you think, for Muslims, including me, it’s profane to picture Mohammad, as much it’s profane to picture Jesus fucking Peter in the ass.
Even if there’s no reasoning behind it, respecting 1.8 billion people’s sensibilities should be the niceness I’d like to see in the world.