The Ukraine conflict has reports of explosive laden drones that use facial recognition software to autonomously dive bomb and detonate on targets. I can dig up the source if requested.
The Ukraine conflict has reports of explosive laden drones that use facial recognition software to autonomously dive bomb and detonate on targets. I can dig up the source if requested.
Get religion and you’ll have something to hyperfixate for eternity.
We must take down the yogurt overlords before they can make our world better! Uninstall Ohio!
That man? Abraham Lincoln.
Approximately 0 of these people saw Minority Report and realized that PreCrime was a bad idea.
40 years of wandering later
This is why Instacart’s model for shoppers is better. You see the orders pop up and have a chance to accept them. The mileage is shown. There is no timer or “acceptance rate” bull. I’ve seen orders with high items, high mileage and low pay sit for hours on the marketplace.
minority report
Thanks! His name is Finnegan.
What breed, do you think? I picked up a stray that looks just like the photo!
thankee sai
Why use digital when analog do trick?