I don’t think it was an engineering consideration, I suspect it was the only thing they could get past the NIMBYs
I don’t think it was an engineering consideration, I suspect it was the only thing they could get past the NIMBYs
The employer doesn’t care if you don’t tip. All you’re doing is shafting the workers.
Oml yes it does. Some always gets taken which is super fucked up but they make up part of the wage. 60% of my income is tips and that’s how most American service workers are. Please tip. It’s a shitty system but it’s the system. You’re not rebelling by hitting no tip.
Source? I don’t disbelieve you necessarily but I’d love to read more
Working at a business that relies on tips to pay their workers is not begging. It’s pretty clear that most of the people here have never worked in the service industry or been in a position where they needed to rely on that income to live. It’s entitled AF and makes y’all seem petty and cheap. Quite frankly, in my edperience every single person who complains about tipping is someone who can easily afford it.
If you want to protest the owner’s business model then boycott businesses that have tips. But refusing to tip at a tipped business is still giving 100℅ of your money to the owner, supporting their business, and leaving the employees out to dry. It’s not morally righteous, it’s cheap.
I do want it. But that isn’t how it works, so refusing to tip on those grounds is just stealing from the employees. It’s like going to the store, buying something that costs $10, and then handing the cashier $5 and walking away.
Y’all are entitled as fuck. People don’t get paid fairly for their day to day service jobs in the US no matter what they’re doing. If they were, the food would cost about the same as it would including a tip. You always tip, that’s how it works. Otherwise you’re an asshole. It doesn’t matter if it’s “the employers fault for not paying more.” You’re not fighting the system, you’re just being a cheapskate and depriving an underpaid worker.
Lemmy has a weird anti-tipping streak and it’s pretty infuriating.
If the owner paid them a living wage the groceries would cost the same as you paid with the tip. That’s how it works.
Restaurants rely more and more on tips to make up server wages as cost of living skyrockets and workers need more and more hourly in order to survive. It sucks that businesses aren’t making the difference from their own pockets, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t tip. You’re not fighting the system, you’re denying people a living wage.
I worked at a coffee shop and 40% of my wage was tips. I wouldn’t be able to afford to live otherwkse. Please tip your barista.
Tipping isn’t really a social norm as much as it is a social imperative-- the food is considerably cheaper than it should be because you’re expected to make up the cost difference in tips.
To be clear, this is marketing crap to gather investors. Pretty much all “space colonization” proposals are. I was just talking about the theoretical technical feasibility.
I mean, there’s basically no good economic reason for any space colonization whatsoever, outside of potentially the asteroid belt. Neither Venus nor Mars have significant resources that aren’t found in similar abundance on Earth, where extraction is orders of magnitude cheaper and easier. Tourism would be an industry, but it would almost certainly be an extremely niche business similar to OceanGate’s Titanic visits, Blue Origin’s launches, or stuff like Dear Moon. Rich people might pay very well to go visit Mars or Venus or the Moon but that pay certainly would not be enough to offset the trillions of dollars (yes, trillions) and decades that true colonization would take.
With that in mind, discussions of real space colonization are entirely theoretical and probably always will be, at least within our lifetimes. It is very conceivable that humans will land on Mars and maybe establish permanent research outposts there, on the Moon, or hypothetically Venus. But those would be far more similar to something like the ISS-- hosting a rotating crew of mostly astronauts and the occasional space tourist. I find it hard to imagine an economic case for anything more anywhere in the solar system within a reasonable span of time.
The theory is that since most of Venus’ atmosphere is CO2 at this level, the breathable atmosphere of a human habitat is actually bouyant, which would make suspending a colony much easier.
Doing something like that on the scale of a research presence like the ISS is within the realm of current technology-- but you are right that doing so for a whole city is not technically possible at the moment-- nor is true space colonization in general, I would argue. There’s a lot of unknowns and unsolved problems.
I don’t wanna defend the guy but he did say floating colony, the atmosphere about 1 km up from the surface sits at earthlike temperatures and pressures-- astronauts would only need a breathing mask and some light skin protection as opposed to a pressure suit which is a major advantage.
I get up at 6 and go to bed at 10 for work but I’m gonna be honest anytime before 9 am or after midnight is quiet hours imo