• Exatron
      321 year ago

      No, you really haven’t. Nobody is “mutilating” trans kids, and it’s because those kids can’t give consent.

        • Scrubbles
          221 year ago

          Dude, read other sources. First you started with “Mutilating kids” and now you’re just mad at puberty blockers.

          Get out of here with your ignorant, transphobic, uneducated replies.

        • Silverseren
          201 year ago

          You don’t even know what puberty blockers are, do you? You just know the made up claims conservative morons have been saying about them.

        • BadEngineering
          181 year ago

          Cisgender kids have been put on puberty blockers to treat disorders like precocious puberty for decades. We know the long term effects of the these drugs and they are minimal. Surgery is only an option for 16 year olds at the youngest and that’s only with the consent of both parents. All this outrage about “saving the children” is BS that is only manufactured to draw the uninformed over to the bigots cause. Every major medical association in the US and Europe has proven time and again that gender affirming care saves lives. Whether you’re just ignorant or a willfully hateful bigot I don’t know, but taking time to learn the actual facts of the matter would probably be a good idea.

        • Kichae
          101 year ago

          You realize that when someone stops taking puberty blockers that stops blocking puberty, right?

            • Kichae
              51 year ago

              Name that time. Go on. Please.

              Call everyone who doesn’t fit your make-believe timeline broken somehow.

            • Exatron
              21 year ago

              No, it means you don’t go through puberty then. Cisgendered kids are given them for condition like precocial puberty, and they go through it just fine when they’re no longer on the blockers.

              You’d understand these things if you bothered to examine any of this topic beyond shouting, “TRANS BAD!”

        • Exatron
          21 year ago

          There wouldn’t be much point in giving them to people who’ve finished going through puberty. Speaking of points, I know you think you have one here, but it’s not very good.

    • Scrubbles
      1 year ago

      Lol no, you haven’t. Because if you had you’d know that kids getting actual irreversible gender surgery are a vast minority of trans kids, yet Fox news acts and preaches that they’re somehow the vast majority. Most left leaning people (myself included) are also hesitant to against having someone under the age of 18 go through irreversible surgery.

      Which you completely ignored because you only regurgitated what your talking points told you to. When really most of us simply want people to live freely, how they want to, without the government telling them what they can or can’t do. If a kid wants to wear a dress who cares? If a girl decides she would rather wear jeans and a tshirt and get a buzz cut literally who cares. That therapy around gender issues should be accessible to everyone, that’s the actual issue.

      But keep listening to Fox news who tells you that we’re coming after kids with a scalpel while burning a bible. Seriously, read some other sources.