• Silverseren
    681 year ago

    Conservatives don’t actually care about kids at all. Which is why they’re fine with forced child marriage, fine with forced “corrective” surgery on intersex kids that they always put an exception in for their anti-trans bills, and fine with girls getting breast enlargement surgeries.

    Because it’s not about protecting kids or “consent”, it’s about having a new boogeyman to fight against, now that it’s at least slightly more morally objectionable to go after gay people, though that’s not stopping them from trying there either.

    • Scrubbles
      1 year ago

      Oh yeah we all know that (except for some obvious exceptions in this thread). It’s always been about keeping the masses mad at each other so the top can take their share.

      (Replace foreigner with any marginalized group and you’ll have the GoP’s talking points)

    • Turkey_Titty_city
      1 year ago

      Gay people got married and became boring suburanites and became too conservative for conservatives to vilify anymore.

      Trans people are now the sex-orgy demons who only live in cities and are hellbent on destroying society.

      • Foreigner
        151 year ago

        I wouldn’t put it past them to come after the rest of the alphabet eventually. You know, “first they came for the bla bla”. We might not be first in the oven but they’ll burn us all given the chance.

          • Foreigner
            141 year ago

            Yeah and just like jewish people who sided with the nazis, they’ll be sent to the ovens too.

  • @AllonzeeLV@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Conservatives live miserable lives with painfully fake smiles, and take offense when someone decides to embrace who they are instead of towing the miserable line. “It’s not faaaiiir” when other people don’t have to be miserable like them, and so they set out to rectify that.

    These are the same people that advocate nothing in society should ever improve, that suffering is always deserved, and that we should always work to regress to less civilized times.

    • @astronaut_sloth@mander.xyz
      111 year ago

      After leaving my (very conservative) home, and going back every so often and talking to my family, I think this is it. Especially for the older ones, I get a sense of regret from them that they didn’t live how they wanted or couldn’t do what they wanted. Since they don’t want to blame themselves and/or the culture, they blame their vilified minority du jour. It’s sad really. Going home and talking to my parents always just makes me sad about how I can tell they have some pretty big regrets about taking the “expected” path.

  • keeb420
    211 year ago

    Because Republicans need an other to attack. It used to be nonwasps then it became lgbtq and now its.trans kids. They don’t care about the actual kids at all, if they did the first thing they’d do is actually listen to them.

  • @Rhoeri@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    Let me guess without watching the video:

    They’re the new boogeyman that the GOP elected officials need to create in order to get votes. Not unlike gay cakes, Mexican walls, and “they’re coming for your guns!”

    Conservatives are predominantly Christians and Christians scare very easily. It’s at the foundation of the entire religion. So it only makes sense that they would be motivated by fear to be urged to vote.

    God they’re so fucking stupid.

    • @Asafum@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      This is pretty much it for every culture war bullshit flavor of the year. Republicans can’t win on policy because their REAL policies that they actually want are just “more money for ultra wealthy.” That’s it. That’s the whole Republican agenda, more money for the ultra wealthy by cutting taxes and cutting OUR entitlements so the country can afford to not tax the wealthy. More money for the wealthy by cutting regulations that PROTECT US. More money for the wealthy by allowing mergers, monopolies, etc…

      They need people to vote for them so they find a topic to have their propaganda outlets focus on and suddenly it seems “organic” when in reality the people are being manipulated to all be mad at the same thing at the same time. it’s sad and hilarious that they also consider themselves “free thinkers.”

    • Flying Squid
      541 year ago

      I went to high school with girls who got nose jobs. No one talked about them being mutilated.

      I’d also like to know if you feel the same way about circumcision.

    • Noodles
      361 year ago

      I know you don’t like learning things but not all gender-affirming care is surgery/hormone therapy. Though one surgery that is gender affirming care is literally boob jobs for cis women (I’m guessing you aren’t hoping to ban that too) For pretty much all kids it’s literally just talking to a therapist about their issues; something you should consider doing!

      • @BarrelAgedBoredom@lemmy.world
        231 year ago

        Aren’t these the types that ramble on about “parental rights” too? If the child, parent/s, and doctor all agree then what’s the fuss? I know they don’t actually give a shit but their hypocrisy is exhausting. Not to mention we’re talking about a very, very small minority of children getting gender affirming surgery. If it were a genuine problem (it isn’t) I’d say we have much more important matters to address than a few teenagers getting implants

    • Scrubbles
      251 year ago

      Tell me you only listen to one side without telling me

        • Exatron
          321 year ago

          No, you really haven’t. Nobody is “mutilating” trans kids, and it’s because those kids can’t give consent.

            • Scrubbles
              221 year ago

              Dude, read other sources. First you started with “Mutilating kids” and now you’re just mad at puberty blockers.

              Get out of here with your ignorant, transphobic, uneducated replies.

            • Silverseren
              201 year ago

              You don’t even know what puberty blockers are, do you? You just know the made up claims conservative morons have been saying about them.

            • BadEngineering
              181 year ago

              Cisgender kids have been put on puberty blockers to treat disorders like precocious puberty for decades. We know the long term effects of the these drugs and they are minimal. Surgery is only an option for 16 year olds at the youngest and that’s only with the consent of both parents. All this outrage about “saving the children” is BS that is only manufactured to draw the uninformed over to the bigots cause. Every major medical association in the US and Europe has proven time and again that gender affirming care saves lives. Whether you’re just ignorant or a willfully hateful bigot I don’t know, but taking time to learn the actual facts of the matter would probably be a good idea.

            • Kichae
              101 year ago

              You realize that when someone stops taking puberty blockers that stops blocking puberty, right?

                • Kichae
                  51 year ago

                  Name that time. Go on. Please.

                  Call everyone who doesn’t fit your make-believe timeline broken somehow.

                • Exatron
                  21 year ago

                  No, it means you don’t go through puberty then. Cisgendered kids are given them for condition like precocial puberty, and they go through it just fine when they’re no longer on the blockers.

                  You’d understand these things if you bothered to examine any of this topic beyond shouting, “TRANS BAD!”

            • Exatron
              21 year ago

              There wouldn’t be much point in giving them to people who’ve finished going through puberty. Speaking of points, I know you think you have one here, but it’s not very good.

        • Scrubbles
          1 year ago

          Lol no, you haven’t. Because if you had you’d know that kids getting actual irreversible gender surgery are a vast minority of trans kids, yet Fox news acts and preaches that they’re somehow the vast majority. Most left leaning people (myself included) are also hesitant to against having someone under the age of 18 go through irreversible surgery.

          Which you completely ignored because you only regurgitated what your talking points told you to. When really most of us simply want people to live freely, how they want to, without the government telling them what they can or can’t do. If a kid wants to wear a dress who cares? If a girl decides she would rather wear jeans and a tshirt and get a buzz cut literally who cares. That therapy around gender issues should be accessible to everyone, that’s the actual issue.

          But keep listening to Fox news who tells you that we’re coming after kids with a scalpel while burning a bible. Seriously, read some other sources.

    • Kichae
      1 year ago

      You know what, your side doesn’t get to talk about mutilating kids until you get your collective head out of your collective ass about guns.

      Kids are actually being mutilated by those.

    • skweetis
      121 year ago

      Wait until you find out that they give children with cancer literal poison. It’s called chemotherapy. Let me know if you would like me to decide if your child can consent to chemotherapy. I’ll be happy to step in and make that decision for you.

      • Yewb
        21 year ago

        I know of children that are alive right now because of chemotherapy its actually really easy to research and is in many cases the only option or death, I dont think supplements cure cancer.

        • @Kecessa@sh.itjust.works
          71 year ago

          And not letting kids live with the gender they feel they are leads to some of them committing suicide, so, how about we save them too?

    • necroprancer
      121 year ago

      Thats an unhealthy obsession regardless of your made up ‘reasons’ lmao, as if you’re excused somehow…

    • @Tesco@lemmy.world
      71 year ago

      You know full well that they can’t have surgery until 18, you’re just spreading deliberate misinformation. It’s pathetically transparent that you are just straight up lying.

  • Turkey_Titty_city
    121 year ago

    Conservatives are obsessed with social conformity and rule-following. They hate change, difference, and those who don’t ‘fit in’. Trans people don’t fit into the neat binary of male/female and don’t follow strict gender roles. So by definition they are evil/bad/wrong/corrupting and a ‘symbol of social decay’ or whatever.

    Conservatives see the existence of trans people as violation of the social order/contract or as unnatural. They see them being endorsed by the govt as fully fledged human beings as an offense to their beliefs and a threat to to their way of life. So they lean into this outrage narrative by pushing/magnifying any story they can that trans people and their supporters as ‘brainwashing’ children and they pull out the who ‘groomer’ thing because they see pedophilia as the ULTIMATE EVIL that anyone who is disagrees with them must be guilty of, because disagreeing with them is evil in their minds.

    The rest is just the false narrative they construct to further solidify their views that trans people and trans supporters are evil. So they go on about children being forced to change sex and being ‘multilated’ by sex changes ops. None of which actually happens, but you can’t let the boring facts of reality get in the way of your narrative about how trans people and trans supporters (and the big bag government!) are raping and physically mutilating the poor innocent children who need to be rescued by the brave strong heroic conservative who will restore the natural order and throw all these evil child abusers in jail!

  • @zerbey@lemmy.world
    31 year ago

    They’re terrified of change, especially change that makes them think they’re losing control of their so called values.

  • @paddirn@lemmy.world
    21 year ago

    Probably because they themselves want to diddle Trans kids. That’s their usual M.O. Projection Projection Projection.