• CoconutPetesPaella
    10 months ago

    This is one of the dumbest takes i have ever read on this site and that is saying something. I really hope you can go through some introspection and have a paradigm shift. Its not easy to change but goddamn. I sincerely hope youre just an ignorant kid.

    • AIhasUse@lemmy.world
      10 months ago

      The fact that you can’t respond to OPs points speaks volumes. It is fine if you don’t like the conclusion, but you won’t convince anyone of anything if you are unable to form rebuttals to their points.

          • cryostars@lemmyf.uk
            10 months ago

            Yes, I would die trying to save children even if I wasn’t armed at all let alone it being the job I was fucking trained for. You are a disgusting coward. Fuck off with this shit.

            • AIhasUse@lemmy.world
              10 months ago

              Are you unable to comprehend that an emotional reaction like that could result in more children and yourself dying? On a strategic level, are you unable to see that as a possibility?

              Maybe it would be a bit clearer if you imagine this in a different situation. Imagine your child has late stage cancer that has spread throughout their body. The doctor says it’s too late to operate, and chemo is the only chance. Do you see how it might be a dangerous idea for you to just emotionally grab a kitchen knife and start going at it yourself? Sometimes people with training actually are superior to random peoples inktial instincts in stressful situations. I generally don’t like cops, and I’m not saying this is 100% the case, but the fact that you are choosing not to acknowledge this as a possibility, and instead you resort to childish name calling tells me that you are unable to processes all the information and even attempt to make an objective decision. Your POV would be much more respectable if you at least demonstrated your ability to weigh all angles before coming to a conclusion.

              The way it seems is that you came at this from the other direction. First, you decided every police officer has to be a coward. Then, you looked for evidence to support this and ignored everything else. Finally, you rejected the idea of listening to or responding to any other information and went directly to trying to shame anyone out of even considering anything else. This is exactly how religion works. They tell you start from a point of having a conclusion and then shame anyone who attempts to reason things and weigh all possibilities before making a conclusion. This is a perfect opportunity to exercise your logic and reasoning because it is such an emotionally charged situation. Always be looking for ways to improve yourself. If you see yourself ignoring specific arguments and trying to shame someone out of adebate, then you just may have found a leak in your own personal boat.

              If your take away from this is call me more names and ignore what I have said, then go ahead and save yourself the time as I will only continue if you don’t demonstrate a willingness and ability to share genuine ideas. It does me nothing to hear which words you find to be the most insulting.

              • cryostars@lemmyf.uk
                10 months ago

                I understand the arguments you’re making and the logic behind them. I just completely disagree. It’s a really bad take and your anology about cancer is not even a remotely relatable situation. I’m just going to assume you’re trolling and move on.

                • AIhasUse@lemmy.world
                  10 months ago

                  I admit that the cancer analogy isn’t spot on exactly the same, but the similarities are the aspects that you and so many people are, for some reason unable to discuss or address. Simply saying that you understand everything doesn’t actually cause discussion to develop or ideas to be challenged. I don’t think that you are a troll, I think you are just more comfortable living in a world that you see as simple because complex situations exhaust you, but you still want to feel like you know and understand a complex situation based on your initial hunch or willingness to just go along with the crowd. That’s perfectly fine, I think society may need people who don’t think too deeply and just go along with the group. I do think that you would personally feel more fulfilled as a person if you try to push yourself and venture into a more internally honest mindset.

    • dragontamer@lemmy.world
      10 months ago

      No you.

      The gunman enters the school at 11:35am. Pre-SWAT officers charge after the gunman almost immediately afterwards. Initial skirmishes between the Police (with only handguns) immediately show that they were outgunned. Officers ask for SWAT team backup by 11:40am.

      Read the fucking report.

      • AIhasUse@lemmy.world
        10 months ago

        Sadly, it’s no use. They try to figure out what your conclusion is, and then they shut down entirely and don’t consider why the facts lead to the conclusion. They can’t respond to specifics, all they can do is call names.