The bodies of 109 Palestinians including 23 children and 11 women were taken to Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital, and spokesperson Khalil Degran told the Associated Press that more than 100 wounded also arrived to the hospital. In addition, he said the rest of the 210 Palestinians killed were taken to Al-Awda Hospital after the spokesman said he spoke to the director there. But the numbers at that hospital could not be confirmed by the AP.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed to continue the war until all hostages are freed, but Bassem Naim, a senior Hamas official now based in Lebanon, struck a drastically different tone.

“The horrific massacre committed today by Netanyahu and his fascist government against the Palestinian people in Gaza, which led to slaughter of 210 and more than 400 wounded so far — under the pretext of liberating those detained by the resistance — confirms what the resistance has said repeatedly: that Netanyahu doesn’t plan to reach an agreement to stop the war and free the captured Israelis peacefully,” Naim said, according to the Associated Press.

      234 months ago

      At least one IDF soldier was killed.

      The Hamas dead isn’t counted separately from the civilians. Never have been. The casualty numbers you see reported is always civilians + Hamas.

      Hamas doesn’t wear uniforms, so it’s difficult for a third party to make an assessment on how many combatants have been killed in this war. Also there’s a war happening, so that makes things difficult even when the combatants are all wearing uniforms.

          74 months ago

          They have weapons stashed all over the place so they can blend in with the civilian population when changing positions. Which is why they don’t wear uniforms.

          Smart strategy… if you don’t have any concern for the lives of civilians. Which Hamas doesn’t.

            54 months ago

            No it’s a great strategy either way we just generally assume the other side isn’t jumping with glee to murder indiscriminately.

              24 months ago

              Yes Hamas wants the IDF to kill indiscriminately. It’s why they don’t wear uniforms. That’s the whole point of how they operate.

                24 months ago

                You’re missing the point. The general idea is that an modern organized army would not fire into civilians, you know morality being a thing and all. The IDF doing it anyway proves Hamas point, they’re not seen as people by the Israeli government anymore. You wouldn’t fire indiscriminately into a crowd a sheep to kill the wolf, why would you do the same with people.

                  14 months ago

                  The point you’re missing is that the tactics of Hamas has resulted in the IDF not being able to distinguish civilians from combatants. There’s a reason why non-uniformed combatants are considered differently (they’re basically just criminals) under international law than uniformed combatants. Because everyone knows when wars are fought by combatants who don’t wear uniforms, there’s a massive increase in civilian casualties.

                  You’re a 19 year old in a truck and someone is running towards you as fast as they can. You have seconds to determine whether that person is a civilian desperate to get food, or a combatant that’s running towards you to kill you. Both the civilians and the combatants are dressed in the exact same style of clothing. You’re scared and have seconds to make a decision that will either end someone else’s life or end your own life. What happens next?

                  You can’t understand why it’s criminal for combatants to not wear uniforms? If Hamas cared about their people they’d be wearing uniforms. But Hamas has successfully monetized the deaths of Palestinian civilians which is why they do what they do.

                    24 months ago

                    I haven’t missed it at all. Duh. That’s still not an excuse to kill in crowds.

                    That’s not what’s happening here and you know it.

                    You know the IDF has plain clothes units right? You know who’s made more? Israel, you know who historically has paid Hamas, Israel. Who stands to gain the most, Israel.

                    Fun question, is Hamas killing civilians in countries they’re not actively at war in? No? So that’s just Israel increasing border tensions then… mmm

                    Cut the shit bud, you know your argument is shitty and immoral…