• PercyOP
    2 years ago

    I haven’t been able to beat it on my computer because a game breaking bug accures when I’m doing the Jedi training where random polygons will just get infinite length to the point where I can’t see anything or do anything because it kills my frames. I still haven’t found a fix D:

    • HarvesterOfEyes@lemmy.ml
      2 years ago

      That’s weird. I remember playing it on Windows XP and having to turn off all in-game sounds due to framerate issues. Maybe try setting the compatibility option to Windows 7 or earlier if available on the .exe properties? Or maybe try checking r/kotor for a fix. There’s a spoiler-free mod build here that has a few bug fixes like the KOTOR 1 Community Patch.

      Unfortunately, some older games are a pain in the ass to get working properly and both KOTORs are one of them. But I say they’re well worth the trouble.