Thank fuck. This man can go down in history as the savior of the Republic if he fucks off and endorses someone else.

    1083 months ago

    Regardless of one’s opinion of the current situation, that he is considering it is a good thing. There are probably no good options, but if the pros and cons are weighed and the conclusion is that Biden endorsing someone else is the better choice, then that’s what should be done.

    Regardless, voting this November is about voting against fascism, regardless of who the Dem candidate is.

      373 months ago

      I still want him to go full Dark Brandon and save his race by being a complete and unmitigated lunatic pointed at Trump and the GOP.


      …if you all want him to drop out, you need to push collectively. He has given in before.

        343 months ago

        I’d prefer him to stay in if, realistically speaking, he is capable of doing so.

        However, I also recognize that, even if he IS capable of doing so, he has not inspired confidence in the electorate in being capable of doing so. That alone may mandate his replacement even if all it was was a bad night.

        I don’t think he’s in rapid decline - but if he is, or if he isn’t but feels he cannot convincingly portray himself as well going forward, stepping down might be the right choice.

          203 months ago

          I think what’s really put strain on his mental capacity is the campaign. It’s one thing to be in a demanding position as an elected official, at his age, but then add on all the campaign stops, speeches, and events. It’s too much for most people.

          • anon6789
            73 months ago

            Exactly, I posted this article in a comment above:

            Guardian, 2008: Fatigue and racism threaten to knock Obama bandwagon off the road

            Barack Obama was showing signs of campaign fatigue. Sitting on a picnic bench in a park on Pagoda Street, Indianapolis, in discussion with a group of 30 supporters, he told a story about the “modest” background of himself and his wife, Michelle. And 10 minutes later, seemingly having forgotten, he told them it all again.

            It is hardly surprising, given that he has been on the road almost non-stop since Christmas, battling Hillary Clinton for the Democratic nomination. In recent weeks, he has often seemed absent-minded, forgetting the names of the towns he is in.

            Tiredness is the least of Obama’s problems. After a relatively smooth and well-planned march towards the Oval Office, his campaign is facing its greatest crisis. “He is in the middle of a shit storm,” one of the journalists travelling with him said.

            Obama handled his 2 terms fine after that. He was as beat down by the campaign as Biden and he was almost 40 years younger!

          73 months ago

          HA! A reasonable take. Thank you! Sometimes it really does feel like I’m trying to convince a wall to not stand in the way.

        • Optional
          63 months ago

          Samesies. But seriously, my man Joe is asking for four more years of a very physically punishing job. He doesn’t need it like some deranged narcissistic sociopaths we could mention.

        193 months ago

        The dark Brandon stuff is 98% fluff, talk, and meme. Biden has already said that they’re going to take the high road on the presidential immunity matter. So, we’re going to high road all the way to fascism while waiting for Biden to do the meme.

        3 months ago

        He should do both. Abuse his new powers to somehow cause a sever detriment to Trump or Fascism or both, then be like ‘Oh im not the guy for the next four years.’ It would literally be having your cake and eating it two. Biden actual having balls and Biden stepping aside are both moves that will more than likely track super hard with anyone who’s not already locked for Trump.

        Scorch Trumps earth then drop the mic and the chances they call for a Democratic encore will skyrocket I’d bet.

        63 months ago

        If he steps down it would be the perfect time for him to be dark brandon because of he’s attacking in the right ways trump couldn’t help by focus on bidden and not the new guy, trump might even take resources meant to attack the new guy to hit back at bidden

        I really want biden to dangle a parden over trump’s head and call him out for taking oil money because he poor

      • Match!!
        33 months ago

        stepping down would be the ultimate dark brandon move. he could honestly become vice president instead

        3 months ago

        She is almost exactly 8 years younger than Harris. If Biden flat-out resigns over this, I expect President Harris to nominate Whitmer as her VP. I look forward to that hearing in the House (since they have to approve the appointment too, although they will likely just sit on it.)

        Imagine Harris-Whitmer for 8 years, then Whitmer-someoneyounger for 8 more

        • Optional
          133 months ago

          Harris is not a viable ticket head.

          The sturm und drang of this is gonna be a friggin nightmare if they don’t do this cleanly.

            33 months ago

            If Biden flat-out resigns, then Harris becomes President. Do you really think the party will choose someone other than the sitting President?

            It will even make Trump have to change all his “45-47” hats to “45-48” .

            • Optional
              43 months ago

              WHY would Biden resign? That’s just several layers of bullshit on top of headache. What, to promote Harris? I don’t think that’s likely or worth it. She’d cause a rift and it’ll be a mess of a convention.

              As this hasn’t been done before, AND it’s post-trump, yes democrats can choose other than sitting president. It’d be ugly, but Harris just doesn’t have the support, so they’d do it.

                13 months ago

                I personally think Biden would have no choice to resign. How can go to the American people and say “I guess I can’t do this job anymore”, but still do it for a few more months?

                It would have been different had he come to that conclusion 12 months ago, and allowed a contested primary for his replacement, but he didn’t. The only firm conclusion to come out of the Primaries is that most democrats want the incumbant. So, give Harris the benefit of incumbency.

                It’s the simplest path to make the convention not a shitshow. And remember that they need to settle this before the convention, because of the registration deadlines in Ohio and other states. If they leave this to rhe convention, there a real chance the Democrat won’t be on the ballot in Ohio.

                • Optional
                  43 months ago

                  He’s not saying he can’t do it for six more months. That’s kinda weird to imagine that, on top of everything.

                  But hey, even if he got hit by a bus and Harris got sworn in, barring some superhuman politicking she’d have a floor fight.

                    13 months ago

                    If Biden resigned, along with a direct endorsement of Harris, there will be no floor fight. The party will coalesce around the sitting President.

              23 months ago

              It will even make Trump have to change all his “45-47” hats to “45-48” .

              And suddenly a shitload of dipshits are wearing Kamala merch. I’m on board.

        • Match!!
          43 months ago

          Whitmer-Polis if we’re doing fantasy football

            43 months ago

            Shoot, I wanted to draft Polis! Now the highest one left on the board is Buttigieg…

          23 months ago

          Lol, in that scenario picking a new VP requires confirmation from both house and Senate.

          Do you think the house GOP would confirm anyone? Or keep the spot open and just have Speaker Johnson next in line?

          How do we feel about a woman of color as president with the next in line being a christo-facist? What’s the presidential odds of assassination, 14%?

          13 months ago

          I don’t think anyone seriously expects Biden to resign over this, but there is still a chance he’ll announce that he’s no longer seeking reelection, like LBJ in 68.

      83 months ago

      The only way it can possibly go down is to pick Harris. Biden already picked Harris as his understudy. And all those votes for Biden in the primaries were also implicitly for Harris, given Biden’s age.

        263 months ago

        Harris doesn’t inspire confidence for me, but she may still be the better choice. Regardless, if she’s the Dem candidate, she has my total support for this election, because I would very much like a choice in every election of my life going forward.

          23 months ago

          I think pushing the first black VP aside could go more poorly than people expect. Whether or not we like Harris (I don’t), shes been a loyal VP this whole time and I can’t imagine she’s going to like having her only shot at the big chair taken away from her. I think keeping Harris as VP no matter what is the best path forward. You keep some continuity, you don’t really piss off any voters, and you keep everyone unified. A unified front is the only possible way any of this will work. If everyone fractures and infights until November we’re still fucked.

          • Optional
            63 months ago

            Disagree. She’s not Obama, or even Hillary, or . . . Well the list of people she’s not is (Everyone) - 1, but still.

            If this is a thing, and they want to avoid a fight, and they recognize Harris isn’t going to do it, then they will go very far to ensuring Harris is on board with - whatever. Cushy corporate gig, committee assignments, cabinet post, whatever she wants.

            We think of VPs as automatic Presidents when there’s no President but that’s not what’s (very theoretically) happening. She has no more particular claim to it than anyone. Saying she does is just not right.

              23 months ago

              If this is a thing, and they want to avoid a fight, and they recognize Harris isn’t going to do it, then they will go very far to ensuring Harris is on board with - whatever. Cushy corporate gig, committee assignments, cabinet post, whatever she wants.

              Totally works for me. But her cooperation is going to be absolutely crucial. I don’t think she has any claim to the position, but she sure as hell may think she does, that’s all.

      • @cabron_offsets@lemmy.worldOP
        143 months ago

        Fat chance, but Harris could be selfless and participate in the pragmatic realpolitik that we need in order to save the country. I am not sure who’s the best candidate, but I imagine that someone not directly tied to the Israel debacle would be good.

        • Optional
          23 months ago

          Yes. I so want to continue ignoring her. It’d be typical of the DNC to do it though, because she cannot win, and they fucking love that for some goddamned reason.

      73 months ago

      I’m glad he’s taking it seriously. It looks like the next few events he does are going to be really important in determining his next steps. If they go badly, I think he drops. If they go well, he’ll probably stay in.

      I also 100% believe that Biden is fully aware of this article and likely encouraged the NYT’s source to approach the media. Part of evaluating this whole thing is going to be gauging public opinion and testing the waters.

    • mad_asshatter
      23 months ago

      Michelle Obama could drop in and win in an instant in a landslide.

      8 more years of Obama is music to the world’s ears.

        63 months ago

        No she couldn’t. Voters like her now because they don’t know her as a politician. They would find issues as the campaign progressed.

        • mad_asshatter
          3 months ago

          You’re aware who she sleeps with to get to where she is?

          It would be Barack-redux magnified, and she can appoint the kids to positions, just like Trump. Nepotism back atcha!