    261 day ago

    I wanted him to step down primarily because of his support for genocide. Biden was obviously unfit and unacceptable for a ton of reasons, just because his successor doesn’t share one of those problems doesn’t make her automatically acceptable. Its arguable that it would better if the president is mentally unfit, if they’re pursuing an agenda that is fundamentally wrong.

    • @Dearth@lemmy.world
      281 day ago

      Do you believe there is a candidate for president who will end the genocide in Palestine? And also end the genocide of Ukrainians in Crimea?

      • OBJECTION!
        1 day ago

        There are third party candidates who support ending the Palestinian genocide by stopping arms shipments, but neither major candidate does.

        I have no knowledge regarding a genocide in Crimea or how it could be best addressed, and I believe questioning or examining evidence for any claim of genocide is against .world rules, so I suppose I’ll have to give you the benefit of the doubt, but said claim doesn’t really factor into my calculations.

        I don’t consider either question all that relevant.

        • @prole@lemmy.blahaj.zone
          915 hours ago

          It’s relevant because those third party candidates are literally, mathematically incapable of reaching 270 electoral votes.

          If you vote for one of them, you are not voting. Those two actions will be equivalent this election. And if you don’t vote, and Donald Trump wins, you’re gonna find out real quick what genocide can look like.

          • Socialist Mormon Satanist
            25 hours ago

            I’m still proudly voting third party though. I’m not going to fall for the Duopoly pressure. People are finally getting sick of both parties. Now they are starting to do something about it.

            • AmbiguousProps
              12 hours ago

              Who? The few thousand protest voters? They will never win in our electoral college, it’s quite literally impossible unless a third party completely takes over one of the two major parties (which is not happening this election, so all these protest voters will just elect Trump by default). It’s not pressure, it’s common sense.

          • OBJECTION!
            79 hours ago

            I already know what genocide looks like. Are you denying that Israel is committing genocide against the Palestinians right now?

            As I said in another comment, my vote has no influence over the outcome anyway because I don’t live in a swing state, so your argument is moot. Unless you’re trying to tell me that Illinois will be the pivotal state that decides the election.

            I have no expectations whatsoever that a third party is going to win this election, obviously. But the idea that it’s impossible for a third party to win is a self-fulfilling prophesy. Given the absolute necessity of unseating the genocidal bourgeois parties, and the fact that nothing is lost by doing it, I can see no reason whatsoever why I wouldn’t vote for a third party over the Democrats.

            • @prole@lemmy.blahaj.zone
              27 hours ago

              Oh look at me pretending not to understand when people explain the same shit to me over and over again

              Why do I even engage. Have fun.

              • OBJECTION!
                57 hours ago

                I’m not “pretending not to understand” anything. I understand your position completely, I just disagree with it, and you don’t seem capable of comprehending that.

        • @Cryophilia@lemmy.world
          1115 hours ago

          I have no knowledge regarding a genocide in Crimea […] said claim doesn’t really factor into my calculations.

          Fucking quiet part out loud rofl

        • @Pacattack57@lemmy.world
          2924 hours ago

          Anytime someone claims to be American but mentions third party candidate when voting, I highly doubt their citizenship or whether they are fit to vote at all.

          A third party candidate hasn’t won the presidency EVER. A vote for 3rd party is not only a wasted vote, but more often than not it siphons enough votes from the majority candidate to allow the minority candidate to win.

          • Eugene V. Debs' Ghost
            13 minutes ago

            Anytime someone claims to be American but mentions third party candidate when voting, I highly doubt their citizenship or whether they are fit to vote at all.

            “Anytime someone doesn’t vote how I want, they shouldn’t be able to vote.” Damn we’re really busting out the “If you don’t vote for who I want, you’re a communist!” playbook from Fox News?

          • Eugene V. Debs' Ghost
            15 minutes ago

            A third party candidate hasn’t won the presidency EVER. A vote for 3rd party is not only a wasted vote, but more often than not it siphons enough votes from the majority candidate to allow the minority candidate to win.

            Lincoln. Lincoln wasn’t on the ballot across the South and won.

          • @MisterScruffy@lemmy.ml
            915 hours ago

            It doesn’t “siphon” votes from the “majority” candidate. You’re assuming that the 3rd party voters would vote for the Dem candidate if the 3rd party candidate didn’t exist but most likely those people just wouldn’t vote at all if that was the case.

            I am not fit to vote and neither are you but it doesn’t matter because there is no voter fitness test and instituting one would be anti-democratic what are you a republican?

          • OBJECTION!
            23 hours ago

            My vote is wasted regardless because I don’t live in a swing state. There’s a better chance that my vote will help get a third party on the map next time than than that it will affect the outcome. Unless you forsee an outcome where Illinois goes red and that’s the pivotal state. That fantasy is far more disconnected from reality than anything I believe or aim to achieve.

            You can question my citizenship all you want. I regard the US government with hostility and distrust, and I didn’t chose to be born here. I’d rather aim to be a citizen of the world. I watched both parties gleefully participate in the mass slaughter of hundreds of thousands of civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan while most people didn’t give a shit because it was out of sight and out of mind, and it was “ok” because the Democrats were slaughtering people “the right way.” I remember when they promised to protect whistleblowers and end mass surveillance and then continued it and they hunted Snowden to the ends of the earth for revealing their crimes. I realized back then that the ideology of lesser evilism was complete bullshit and would keep us trapped with the same policies forever.