• kingthrillgore
    511 months ago

    I’m afraid he will do this. And this will cost him the election.

    I won’t vote for him if he interferes, btw.

    • @atzanteol@sh.itjust.works
      411 months ago

      You’ll vote for trump/desantis then? Or will you kid yourself by saying “not voting isn’t the same as voting for trump”?

      • @PowerCrazy@lemmy.ml
        311 months ago

        Do we live in a democracy or not? How come not voting for biden is the same as voting for trump, but not voting for trump isn’t the same as voting for biden? So how about if our democratically elected representatives don’t represent our interests, we DO NOT VOTE FOR THEM? Is that too much to ask for in a supposed democracy?

        • @atzanteol@sh.itjust.works
          111 months ago

          It lowers the bar for Trump/DeSantis to take a “likely democratic voter” and have them not vote. It’s like playing a sport and purposefully NOT taking a free shot on goal. It’s not quite the same as scoring for the other team, but it’s also not “nothing” since it makes it easier for the other team than it would have been.

          • @PowerCrazy@lemmy.ml
            111 months ago

            Sure but this “sport” has more than 2 teams, and also 100million more participants then who you are focusing on. I’d say that participating in the minor distraction of the two teams competing to see who can get the most money from lobbyists is probably the worst thing you can do.

            • APassenger
              11 months ago

              He needs to be primaried, tradition or not.

              He’s done an assortment of good things. He’s also older and sympathetic to economic “centrism.”

              I’d like to see a credible democratic challenger primary him and force him to maintain a more left leaning posture. If done correctly, he’d re-message and it would help him in the general.

              We need to pull people out of their culture war mindset and get them voting for their own best interests. Fanciful notions of “the wrong gender” in a restroom aren’t going to matter as much as domestic economic health, global climate change, or a changing geo-economic outlook. We need people voting real-worl issues and someone who can message to that.

              I’ll add: everyone deserves certain fundamental rights. So when I say culture war, I’m referring to DeSantis types. I have no quarrel with treating LGBTQ+ with respect and decency.

              • @PowerCrazy@lemmy.ml
                211 months ago

                In first past the post there will only be two teams, but fortunately you do not need to vote for the Capitalists. You should not vote for the Capitalist, and if you do vote for them you are a bad person.

      • kingthrillgore
        11 months ago

        No, it is entirely voting for Trump/DeSantis if I stay home. And it will be the consequence. My patience for the Dems to fix things, as impossible as it is, is running out. I am ready to let the accelerationsists have their fun and leave us a burning husk of a world. Let the heavens fall.

        …I may change my mind on this when the time comes.

        I’m just frustrated that i’ve been above the board in every possible way, empathetic, nice, and compassionate, just like I was raised to be; and the world has become jaded and bitter, and a few rich fucks have doomed our future. I can’t keep doing this forever. My desire for revenge grows.

        • @atzanteol@sh.itjust.works
          11 months ago

          There are two options.

          Option 1: You get 60% of the things you want.

          Option 2: You get nothing.

          You pick… Option 2?

          Edited to add: This attitude is very peculiar and seems to be specific to whiny liberals. You almost never see conservatives make such statements. They’ll complain about how RINOs aren’t what they want but would never even consider voting for the other party as a result.

          • APassenger
            111 months ago

            There are other options. The Constitution affords us numerous rights, including protest, among others.

            They said they’re mad that nothing changes for the better and you said, why not spend an hour a year doing something.

            I think they’re open to more. I’d like to see more doing more. THAT’s how things change.

            • @atzanteol@sh.itjust.works
              111 months ago

              Your “other options” are not mutually exclusive with “voting for the least bad option”.

              I think this is why the older republicans win over young democrats. They realize that they need to compromise and pick something that is less “bad” to them. The kids in the democrat party whine and protest - but don’t vote.

              • APassenger
                11 months ago

                I’m not saying to do something other than voting. I’m saying you keep framing this like that’s the only thing when they could do more.

                Voting is not the only option. It’s a good one, but we have more/additonal.

                • @atzanteol@sh.itjust.works
                  111 months ago

                  You made all that up. I never said nor implied it was the only thing you can do. But you should do it as it’s the most effective thing you can do.

                  • APassenger
                    11 months ago

                    You’ve done it here, you’re doing it in others threads.

                    Instead of telling them to vote for a candidate they barely believe in, why not recommend they find candidates they like, locally, state, etc and help them. But then in general elections, vote for someone who can win.

                    It’s an entire extra sentence that takes less time than calling them whiny.

                    You’re boiling the options down to a suck ass, “eat your dinner” message and if you want to prevent rightward movement, I think calls to action are better.

                    We move things to the correct position by having candidates that make a compelling case for why this (waves around) isn’t working. Then voting for what we got when we must.

                    Edit: it is NOT the most effective thing to do. Getting additional people to vote is more effective than standing in line individually like a dumb ass and saying, “this is the best I can do.” You can do more than that.