• @Ohthereyouare@lemm.ee
      71 year ago

      I’m pretty sure that Lemmy was pretty much inhabited by tankies and MAGA. Then, Reddit showed up.

      Now the same bullshit they’ve been circle jerking each other over is getting called out. I enjoy the downvotes. As Lemmy gets more popular, these geniuses are gonna be fun to watch.

      You can only get away with spamming sensational bullshit, conspiracy theories and brigading for so long. The general public thinks they’re fuckin idiots. So, the more people who show up, the better it will get.

      It will help a lot too when lemmygrad folks aren’t modding a bunch of communities.

      • @TokenBoomer@lemmy.world
        101 year ago

        So you chose to comment on a post about racism and crap on tankies. So you have more of a problem with tankies than racism?

        • @Ohthereyouare@lemm.ee
          31 year ago

          Yes? Florida isn’t here. Tankies are. If Desantis shows up, let me know, and I’ll tell him to fuck off as well.

            • @Ohthereyouare@lemm.ee
              11 year ago

              Yep, I know. That’s what will make this even funnier.

              And, to be clear, these are not just “communists”. I’m not sure if you’re a Lemmy tankie or not, and frankly, it doesn’t matter.

              They troll, manipulate content, manipulate votes, brigade threads all over Lemmy. They spout nonsensical bullshit and talk shit t everyone. They promote violence and obfuscate facts. They’re a cancer.

              If and when Lemmy gains more popularity, they’ll be forced to cower in a safe space, like every other group of trolls who try to do the same thing on other sites. The vast “majority” of people think they’re annoying, dangerous, useless and a pain in the ass. Not here on Lemmy, yet, but it’s coming.

              • @TokenBoomer@lemmy.world
                21 year ago

                If it does happen, which I doubt, they’ll just start a new forum. And you’ll follow them there. Challenge their ideas, not their existence. Just spouting “tankies are bad” ain’t gonna work. Why are they bad? What about their ideology do you think is wrong? Change minds.

                • @Ohthereyouare@lemm.ee
                  1 year ago

                  You’re being disingenuous again. I’ve already laid it out multiple times. Why the hell would I follow them there? I dont give a shit that they exist and I didn’t follow them here.

                  Also, as noted several times already, I know who they are. I know they’ve been here for years. I just don’t care. I’m not sure why that’s so tough for you to understand.

                  This place has promise. The structure is good. The app environment is good. There’s some bright people here.

                  But, this place has a significant problem. Calling them Marxists is laughable. They’re nothing more than trolls. There’s no political ideology involved. Just chaos and make-believe. Lemmy will be better off without them, regardless of if they helped start it or not.

                  • @TokenBoomer@lemmy.world
                    21 year ago

                    Not being disingenuous. Elevate the conversation. You have opinions. Great. Convince me that Marxist Leninism isn’t the answer. Hate won’t convince people. Cogent arguments with evidence based examples will. I respect criticism of Marxist Leninist. Maybe look into how Lenin treated the other socialists after the revolution, for a start.

              • @LexiconDrexicon@lemm.ee
                11 year ago

                So basically you’re the invading terrorist in this scenario you painted out, not the communists

                You’re the bad guy in your own scenario, congrats!

                • @Ohthereyouare@lemm.ee
                  11 year ago

                  I’m blown away that this finally sunk in with you! Congratulations! I was starting to believe you just weren’t capable.

                  You missed one small detail though. That the very idea of the Fediverse is for people to come here. I suppose that’s why all the Lemmy users came to Reddit and screamed “Join Lemmy!!!”.

          • @TokenBoomer@lemmy.world
            31 year ago

            The tankies we’re here before you. This was their space. You can always join Friendster, or start your own sub stack to criticize Marxist Leninism. You choose to be here and display immature contrarianism in hopes that you’ll find a like minded community. That’s not gonna happen. You have no power here.

            • @Ohthereyouare@lemm.ee
              21 year ago

              Lol. This was their space?

              Is this some sort of closed group? Power? I’m on no quest for power. It’s an extreme distaste for dishonest, disingenuous, misinformation spreading, racist, misogyny and violent rhetoric.

              Power is not something I seek. But, watching you guys fade off into obscurity like you did when you originally landed on Lemmy, that will be amusing.

              • @TokenBoomer@lemmy.world
                31 year ago

                Fact: It was started by Marxist Leninist. Give examples and historical evidence of why ML won’t work. I can. Just hating seems like whining.

                • @Ohthereyouare@lemm.ee
                  11 year ago

                  Fact? What’s a fact? It was started by tankies? Wtf does that have to do with anything? Do we owe them some sort of respect for blessing us with this beautiful platform?

                  You have a weird adoration for political trolls

        • Veraxus
          1 year ago

          A fascist who falsely tells others they are leftist. Other right-wingers would call them “auth-left” but there is no such thing, because leftism is about egalitarian, distributed power & wealth. Being a proponent of consolidated power or wealth makes you right wing.

          • @LexiconDexicon@lemmy.world
            71 year ago

            People on the left can hold power same as people on the right, you’re being a reductionist, which is just disinformation frankly at this point

          • BrooklynMan
            1 year ago

            That’s not true. Authoritarian leftism is definitely a thing — Soviet communism was extremely authoritarian to the point of totalitarianism. The opposite would be liberal communism, the extreme of which is anarcho-communism.

            Left vs Right and Libertarian vs Authoritarian are two separate axes on a political compass.

            • Veraxus
              51 year ago

              Whether you realize it or not, you just spread right-wing propaganda. The “political compass” is a lie designed specifically to create a “both sides” narrative out of the abuses of one side and one side only: the right.

              The right is defined by vertical power structures (monarchy, dictatorship, oligarchy, authoritarianism, etc) and the left is defined by distributed horizontal power (democracy, socialism, anarchy, communism, etc).

              There is no “auth left” just as there is no “wet dry” or “true false” - they are incompatible opposites.

              Case in point (and unpopular statement of fact for tankies): Soviet Russia was, at no point whatsoever, communist (or leftist) as defined by Marx (or Lenin). Communism REQUIRES the “withering away of the state” - so if leaders of an ostensible leftist movement seize power, but do not cede it back to the people, they are ordinary right-wing authoritarians.

              • BrooklynMan
                1 year ago

                Whether you realize it or not, you just spread right-wing propaganda. The “political compass” is a lie designed specifically to create a “both sides” narrative out of the abuses of one side and one side only: the right.

                how does it do that?

                There is no “auth left” just as there is no “wet dry” or “true false” - they are incompatible opposites.

                any form of government can be either libertarian or authoritarian.

                Case in point (and unpopular statement of fact for tankies): Soviet Russia was, at no point whatsoever, communist (or leftist) as defined by Marx (or Lenin).

                that’s a No True Scotsman logical fallacy. Just because a Communist regime fails to uphold the promise of returning the power back to the people doesn’t make it magically not Communist, but it does make it auth-left. Every system is as fallible as the human who run it.

                edit: also authoritarian ≠ fascist. it’s true that all fascism is authoritarian, but not all authoritarianism is fascism. again, many (not all) communist regimes, a left-wing political ideology, have historically been authoritarian.

                • Veraxus
                  1 year ago

                  Just because a Communist regime fails to uphold the promise of returning the power back to the people doesn’t make it magically not Communist

                  I suppose you think the Nazis were socialist, as well? How could you write that and not realize how absurdly paradoxical that is. Let me analogize that for you:

                  “Just because a husband fails to uphold the promise of returning home with cheeseburgers, doesn’t mean the TV he returned with is not a cheeseburger.”

                  Communism has a clear definition and you apparently do not know what that is. So go read some Marx and then hit me up for a discussion that involves facts rather than fascist apologetics and bad faith logical fallacy accusations.

                  • Whiskey Pickle
                    41 year ago

                    Not only is this hilariously reductionist, it belies such an ignorance of both Marxism and communism in general, that it borders on misinformation.

                    If you have to keep moving the goalposts this much and swing around the no true Scotsman fallacy like a cudgel, you should just admit that you lost the argument instead of digging, the whole, deeper and deeper.

                  • BrooklynMan
                    1 year ago

                    You claim to have facts, yet you cannot show any. All you have is complaints, whining, and insults. Yet you accuse me of arguing in bad faith? Lol.

                • Veraxus
                  31 year ago

                  What’s inaccurate about claiming the moon is made of cheese? It’s an absurd lie invented to enable right-wing “both siding”.

                  The political spectrum dates back to the French Revolution, with the powerful entrenched nobility literally sitting on the right and the representatives of the people on the left. Today the spectrum is a complex web of ideologies with vertical power on the right and horizontal power on the left.

                  Direct democracy is one example leftism (as are socialism, anarchy, communism as defined by Marx, etc). Feudalism is an example of rightism (as is dictatorship, oligarchy, fascism, etc).

          • @Pratai@lemmy.ca
            21 year ago

            So, basically- according to conservatives, anyone that doesn’t worship capitalism. Got it.

            Learned something new.

            • You either go to a lot of effort in order to misinterpret what’s on that page or you live in a certain country with a certain “great firewall” that has Wikipedia blocked. Which is it?

              • @Pratai@lemmy.ca
                41 year ago

                I searched it out myself. Tankie by Wikipedia’s definition isn’t the same definition used by people nowadays. It’s a derogatory. Similar to how the right redefined “woke”.

                The whole thing is fucking dumb and polarizing.

            • @Ohthereyouare@lemm.ee
              1 year ago

              Hah, no. Definitely not.

              And I’m most certainly not conservative. Tankies in the wiki sense and tankies in the Lemmy sense are not the same. Both are dumb as shit, but different.

              Tankies on Lemmy are a lot closer to less organized and, somehow, even dumber than /r/theDonald.

              Imagine if you will a Trump rally run by junior high school kids. That’s Lemmy tankies

              Edit: also, I’m not the one who replied to you with the wiki link

              • @Pratai@lemmy.ca
                31 year ago

                I didn’t think you were. I was just responding. The point is, I looked it up- and from what I’m seeing- it’s basically a derogatory used to describe anyone that doesn’t support capitalism.

            • donuts
              1 year ago

              American conservatives generally call anybody left of Joe Manchin, “communists”.

              Of course, there are real communists too, and some of them are militant, and that’s what people generally are referring to when they say “tankie”.

              • @Pratai@lemmy.ca
                41 year ago

                Judging people by their preference in economic systems is about as dumb as blind nationalism. I don’t think I’ll ever understand this level of ignorance.

    • @tallwookie@lemmy.world
      31 year ago

      I personally laugh every time mob-mentality takes over and my “vote score” is deeply negative. like, who cares? voting doesnt matter. some instances get rid of it entirely. I’ve been laughing a lot recently.

      • @Pratai@lemmy.ca
        31 year ago

        Yeah. Same here. There is zero relevance to the up/down arrows- but the kids love ‘em!