• @ikidd@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    I think he was found not guilty. Anyone that continues to demonize him should probably step up with more information than came out at the trial before they open their mouths again and ruin a man’s career.

    I’m not sure where the first witch hunt came from, but I’d lay it at the feet of social media platforms like Reddit causing an echo chamber that drove it.

    The fact that he was abandoned by the studios and the people he worked with said more about them than it does about him.

    • MushuChupacabra
      4411 months ago

      A verdict in a court of law is based on what is presented, not on what happened. This is what makes it possible for people to commit a crime, and get away with it (or get framed for something that they didn’t do).

      This is a question that I do not want you to answer here, but one to ponder:

      If your son/nephew/younger was up for a part in a project that was directed by, and starring Kevin Spacey? What weight would you assign to that Not Guilty due to insufficient evidence verdict?

      • @vinzen@lemmy.world
        311 months ago

        Where does the judge say that evidence was insufficient for a verdict? I missed that part.

        Also, are we going to start questioning every verdict as if any accusation was true, even when proved differently in court?

        • MushuChupacabra
          311 months ago

          “Where does the judge say that evidence was insufficient for a verdict? I missed that part.”

          The primary cause of your confusion is your insistence on missing the point.

          “Also, are we going to start questioning every verdict as if any accusation was true, even when proved differently in court?”

          Again, missing the point. Who is talking about every verdict, besides yourself? This is Kevin Spacey specific.

          Do you believe that not getting convicted means that the accused did not do the thing that they are accused of?

          Is it your personal belief that Kevin Spacey is completely harmless with respect to sexual predation? Does your confidence extend far enough that you would have no qualms about a young male relative of yours work on a movie with Kevin Spacey?

    • @Taleya@aussie.zone
      3811 months ago

      Calling it a social media witchunt is a bit trite. A number of people came forward, detailing a history that spanned years. His claims that they were motivated ‘by money’ and painting it as ‘aspiring actors’ when we’re talking a group that includes professionals with their own VERY well established careers also reeks of the rear end of the equine.

      • Kichae
        3211 months ago

        Yeah, let’s not confuse “not guilty” with “not a creepy old man”. The bar for the state taking away your rights based on your activity is fairly high – as it should be – but not being able to produce sufficient evidence of acts that don’t leave a whole lot of physical evidence behind doesn’t make the accusations false.

        It just makes them not enough.

        And, I’m sorry to everyone out there who seem weirdly motivated to want to believe that accusers are overwhelmingly liars, but his hand-waving away of the accusations was not confidence inspiring.

        • @VivaceMoss@lemmy.world
          1911 months ago

          Let’s not forget that multiple accusers up and fucking died while waiting for their day in court, also.

          Kinda hard to provide testimony that could have been compelling for the court when a number of key witnesses don’t survive the trial.

    • @monobot@lemmy.ml
      1311 months ago

      Even the career is not important, whole life is ruined. Just imagine family and friends all ar least asking about it and some leaving you.

      While I agree there should be severe and swift punishment for sexual offences, there should be some punishment for false accusations. I know that sometimes is just not prooved and sometimes it is in legally gray area, so not automatic, but if it can be prooven that someone was intentional lying - then there should be consequences.

      • @echo64@lemmy.world
        711 months ago

        but if it can be prooven that someone was intentional lying - then there should be consequences.

        this is already the case today. thank you for playing.

      • @jackfrost@lemm.ee
        511 months ago

        While I agree there should be severe and swift punishment for sexual offences, there should be some punishment for false accusations. I know that sometimes is just not prooved and sometimes it is in legally gray area, so not automatic, but if it can be prooven that someone was intentional lying - then there should be consequences.

        But we actually have pretty clearly defined legal systems for slander, libel and defamation?

      • @shalafi@lemmy.world
        11 months ago

        Unfortunately, in most cases, there’s no real-world way to punish false accusation. The bar of proof for that sort of thing is, and should be, extraordinarily high. You pretty much have to have a confession.

        Also, charging false accusers has a chilling effect on victims. Think how manipulative abusers are. “See what happened to that chick on the news? Go ahead, call the cops. You got nothin’ you dumb bitch, 'cept maybe a future in a concrete and steel cage. Here’s the phone, I’ll dial for you.”

    • @boredtortoise@lemm.ee
      11 months ago

      It was around the qanon situation

      And after Weinstein

      Edit: just read the harassment stuff on Wikipedia.

      I’m not sure if this trial tells anything about the whole truth with all that going on

    • Victron
      111 months ago

      His career is ruined! That’s what we all wanted, right? /s