Would love to see some of your prints on here! When I was younger my dad and I built a 3D printer, and I loved it. Since then I haven’t had the funds/time/space to get back into it but as that was like 12 years ago, I know 3D printing has gotten much higher tech.
I’m pretty proud of this. It’s for a gift.
I didn’t do the artwork work, Disney did that many years ago, it’s Disney Classic #8 book cover. But what I did do is worth through Hueforge for the background, and my own custom process for Alice. Which involved a quite complicated process of redrawing Alice in vector, separating the colors, and manually selecting the colors per layer to create a good contrast.
The frame was generated off my frame/shadowbox generator you can find on Printables. https://www.printables.com/model/1120635-frameshadowbox-generator