New polling shows national Republicans and Iowa Republican caucusgoers were more interested in “law and order” than battling “woke” schools, media and corporations.

  • MasterOBee Master/King
    311 months ago

    Limiting public schools from pushing gender identity and sexuality on elementary students

    Parental rights in the education system.

    • keeb420
      1111 months ago

      what about the parents that want their kids to learn the facts so that they have some empathy for their peers that are lgbtq+ or learn that they are ok being lgbtq+?

      • MasterOBee Master/King
        111 months ago

        what about the parents that want their kids to learn the facts

        Then ya know…the parents should teach their kids that. It’s not schools responsibility to push social ideologies, it’s their jobs to help kids learn basic studies like math and reading.

          • MasterOBee Master/King
            311 months ago


            Nobody is questioning existence, we just don’t care for it being pushed at schools.

            If I want my kid to learn solely about MAGA ideologies, should that be forced on every other kid in their class? Or, should I take some responsibility and teach my kids that myself?

        • keeb420
          311 months ago

          kids are gonna learn these things regardless, especially these days. its best to help them rather than hinder them. the ones that are lgbtq+ need to know they are fine and its ok for them to be who they are.

          • MasterOBee Master/King
            111 months ago

            kids are gonna learn these things regardless,

            Why? Why not let kids learn about society by…ya know, being part of society. Over representing these issues in schools despite parents wanting schools to focus on education that helps the students future is just the government pushing their own values. That’s what we don’t want, the government just taking our kids and pushing their morals, that’s literally what indian boarding schools were about.

            its best to help them rather than hinder them.

            How is telling kindergartners that they should cross dress helpful to our society?

            the ones that are lgbtq+ need to know they are fine

            Okay, so on day 1 teachers can say ‘hey if you aren’t straight or question gender, you’re fine’ then you’d be okay with it if the teachers never talked about sexuality and gender for the rest of the year?

            its ok for them to be who they are.

            Why shouldn’t the teachers be telling young christian boys it’s okay for them to be who they are?

    • Flying Squid
      511 months ago

      Please name a public school that is “pushing gender identity and sexuality” on its elementary students. I would like to see evidence of this pushing.

        • Flying Squid
          711 months ago

          Okay, how is that pushing anything? Where’s the pushing? I asked for pushing, you give me “this is something that is possible.”

          • MasterOBee Master/King
            111 months ago

            Would you be saying the same thing if the k-5 education was about how much healthier and better off straight people are? Do you think teachers should spend health class saying how kids who think they’re gay should be straight instead?

            • Flying Squid
              711 months ago

              Does it literally say that trans people are healthier and better off than cis people? Please tell me which video and give me a timestamp. I’m not watching all of them just to find out that wasn’t true.

              • MasterOBee Master/King
                111 months ago

                The videos are telling kindergartners they’d be happier if they dress as the gender opposite of what they are.

                • Flying Squid
                  511 months ago

                  Again- timestamp please. I am not going to watch every video just to prove you aren’t lying.

                  • MasterOBee Master/King
                    211 months ago

                    You asked for a source, I provided a source, now you’re saying ‘oh poor me, I can’t watch videos! oh well, not happening!’

          11 months ago

          So, I’ve only seen the kindergarten video so far. They define the words acceptance, compassion, gender, gender role, and unique. A kid came out as trans girl. A direct quote is: “I don’t care if you’re a boy Teddy or girl Teddy. What matters is that you’re my friend.”

          I fail to see how this pushes children to be trans.

          • MasterOBee Master/King
            111 months ago

            See, right there! At first it’s 'no it’s not happening anywhere!! then once we show you it is happening you say ‘okay it’s happening, but what’s wrong with teaching kindergartners how to crossdress??’

            Why teach kindergartners that cross dressing is fun, instead of, ya know, teaching kids useful stuff?

            Our education system spends more per full time student than any other country in the world, but our test scores are shitty.

            Do you think maybe there’s be less push back about teachers trying to parent our kids, if the teachers actually showed they can teach our kids reasonably?

              311 months ago

              They’re disagreeing that what you posted counts as pushing rather than just informing; that’s not moving the goalposts, just disgareement.

              • MasterOBee Master/King
                111 months ago

                They’re disagreeing that what you posted counts as pushing rather than just informing; that’s not moving the goalposts, just disgareement.

                And my argument is why any at all? If they want to be gay, idc. Why do teachers need to teach them to be gay?

                  • MasterOBee Master/King
                    111 months ago

                    “gay people exist, now we can go on through the rest of the school year and learn important stuff”

                    See, just tackled that in 2 seconds.

    • @bdiddy
      211 months ago

      Yah so you are a bigot lol.

        • @bdiddy
          311 months ago

          You can’t handle that people are different than you and by having the school even mention them it sends you to a rage. It’s religious grooming that fucked you up. Lots of parallel to racism. You know this thing called freedom means you won’t always like everything to come of it. We put up with your stupid ass religious horse shit. You’ll just have to deal with seeing gay people from time to time.

          • MasterOBee Master/King
            211 months ago

            You can’t handle that people are different than you and by having the school even mention them it sends you to a rage

            I love that people are different than me! I just don’t value anyone higher than any other individual based on their race, sex or sexuality. Those qualities don’t determine how I treat people. People are people and pushing ideologies based on our differences is absurd.

            It’s religious grooming that fucked you up.

            HAHAH who hates people that don’t think like them, now? Also, I had 0 religious push in my childhood.

            • @bdiddy
              511 months ago

              All LGBTQ people are asking is for basic rights. The republicans are passing laws to literally ban the words gay from school books. Literally banning books lol. You have no rights on what other people’s kids are not allowed to learn about. If you want to take your kid out of school do it. Otherwise ur just a bigot

              • MasterOBee Master/King
                311 months ago

                All LGBTQ people are asking is for basic rights.

                What basic rights are they missing?

                The republicans are passing laws to literally ban the words gay

                What proposals have republicans come up with to ban the word gay from school books?

                You have no rights on what other people’s kids are not allowed to learn about.

                You’re right. But people who pay for the school property, maintenance costs, improvement costs, school supplies, teachers salaries, admin salaries should have a say in their kids education. Public schools are locally funded, and forcing programs in the schools counter to what the parents want is totalitarianism similar to indian boarding schools.

                If you want to take your kid out of school do it.

                You say that, but you prevent any attempt for parents to have an alternative to public school.

                If 100% of parents in a school district didn’t want a book in their 3rd graders library, should it be there?

                • @bdiddy
                  11 months ago

                  Yes. Parents are idiots. Just because a couple religious bigots don’t want a book is meaningless. Parents don’t know how to teach kids or what the data says about what is important to learn. Parents don’t set the curriculum and they shouldn’t because by and large they are idiots.

                  You’ve at the very least buddied up with a bunch of bigots who would be fighting to keep black people out of their schools of this was 60 years ago.

                  Well done, bigot.

                  • MasterOBee Master/King
                    11 months ago

                    Yes. Parents are idiots.

                    All you’ve shown is that you are for government forced re-education. See, this is why conservatives have a problem with the current education system, because they’re just rebranded indian boarding schools.

                    Just because a couple religious bigots don’t want a book is meaningless.

                    You can keep saying this, but it’s an overwhelming amount of the public you’re fighting against.

                    Parents don’t know how to teach kids

                    And the fact we spend much much much more money per student on public education and constantly rank terribly in quality of education shows teachers don’t know how to teach kids or what the data says is important to learn either.

                    Believe it or not, teaching the little first grader named timmy that he can dress like cindy and call himself laquisha and be a girl doesn’t help math scores.

                    Parents don’t set the curriculum and they shouldn’t because by and large they are idiots.

                    And instead of leaving it up to parents, we should leave it to the government? That’s where your thoughts nad mine differentiate, the government and public systems should be meant to serve the public, not overrule them.

                    You’ve at the very least buddied up with a bunch of bigots who would be fighting to keep black people out of their schools of this was 60 years ago.

                    If that’s true, then that means you buddied up with the side that fought for slavery 200 years ago.

                  • MasterOBee Master/King
                    111 months ago

                    You mean the Parental Rights in Education act? Your bias is showing.

                    It prevents teachers from discussing sexual orientation at all before 4th grade.

                    No it doesn’t, it prevents instruction on sexual orientation. I don’t want teachers instructing my 1st grader how to cross dress, and I’m not afraid to say it.