In a nod to labor unions, President Joe Biden is moving to boost wages for construction workers on projects paid for with federal funding, a step that would appeal to a key constituency ahead of next year’s presidential election and potentially shrink the pay gap between northern and southern states.

    1 year ago

    Reagan had a profound impact on reshaping the American dream.

    What was once a foundation built on the idea of upward mobility for the poor and middle class has undergone a substantial transformation since the 80s. The emergence of an unregulated capitalist model has led to a widening wealth gap, with the affluent growing even wealthier while the middle class gradually fades.

    Addressing the impending challenges, such as climate change, technological innovations, and social shifts, necessitates a strategic focus on bolstering the working class and supporting unions. These pillars are vital in fortifying our response to the multifaceted challenges that lie ahead.

    • ConditionOverload
      1291 year ago

      Trickle Down Economics and the “War on Drugs” make incredible lasting damage to this country. It’s so unfortunate.

        351 year ago

        And of course my grandma always used to tell me how great he was. Granted, by the time he was president, grandpa was nearing retirement so neither of them really had to deal with his bullshit in the same way most working class Americans had to. She was a sweet lady, but damn were her politics bad XD

      • Flying Squid
        311 year ago

        Imagine how many votes Biden would get if he just ended the fucking drug war…

        • chaogomu
          201 year ago

          Quite a few, but Biden is never going to do that. He’s been fairly pro-drug war his entire life. The best we can really hope for from him is pausing the drug war against cannabis. And even that might be stretching things.

        • JJROKCZ
          171 year ago

          His son is a drug addict, he isn’t going to ever do anything that might appear to be in favor of drug use. He’s supported the war on drugs his entire career and isn’t going to stop anytime soon.

            141 year ago

            I remember when I was younger and the hole in the ozone was a big deal. We did something. Same with then I was a young kid smog was so bad that we had “smog days” (similar to snow days) where we weren’t allowed to play outside, or have recess or lunch outside. CA did something about it. There used to be a chance, but now……it’s hard to see anything under a hopeful lens.

            • girlfreddy
              81 year ago


              You and I must be a similar age because I remember the hole in the ozone as well. I also remember writing an essay in grade school about pollution levels (when the library was my only resource).

              We had a chance and our gov’ts blew it. :/

                31 year ago

                Sounds like it.

                Oh god. Remember microfiche catalogs? Searching for shit on those things was fun. No, not really. Funny enough, the industry I work in, occasionally I run into scans of microfiche slides. They are so bad.

                I agree we had our chance. We also had a chance to make everyone’s lives better, and let greed control everything. Well, not we, as in you and me, but the collective we.

                • girlfreddy
                  41 year ago


                  I loved microfiche, mostly because my AuDHD brain adores rabbit holes. ;) It was not conducive to efficiency tho.

                  One thing that has always annoyed me is that the hippie generation (a few years older than I am) are the ones who now lead and control Western nations, and one would not be wrong in thinking they could (and should) have changed things for the better, but instead sold out to THE MAN they fought so hard against. :'(

            • prole
              31 year ago

              From what I understand, the only reason we were able to correct the hole in the ozone layer is because the alternative to CFCs (the aerosal propellant or whatever, that was mainly responsible for the hole) was cheaper.

              The only way we have (or have ever had) a chance against these large scale problems is when the interests line up with profit-motive. If they don’t, like the past 3+ decades of climate change, we’re fucked.

                21 year ago

                It wasn’t that it was cheaper. If it was cheaper they would have already been using it and they weren’t. What happened with the CFCs was actually a concerted effort banning them in products across multiple governments. The industries basically just figured their shit out due to nessesity.

                Nessesity breeds invention. Convenience just strands the matter at the bottom of the to do list.

                My country has started phasing out things like hydrogenated oils in foods due to health concerns and single use plastics. The market is given a hard deadline in advance - adapt or die… and they do.

                Next on the chopping block are single use plastic take out containers meaning that infrastructure is being developed right NOW to make reusable, resterilizable and cyclable metal containers because the deadline isn’t going to change. The industry won’t let go of the market of people wanting food delivered… So they will change the culture and the infrastructure and there are just as many jobs to be had. Gas powered cars are on the chopping block for 2035. No new vehicles will be sold so they are making the infrastructure changes now and a lot of consumers are already being influenced by that knowledge.

                People forget that capitalism isn’t the answer to everything. The market will always hurt people because if they can scrape a buck out of something that bleeds they will. What stops us from being flooded by inferior products that can harm you, dangerous working conditions that can kill you and exploitative practices that rob you of your time, health and freedom is governments. Collective governments like unions, municipal governments, state governments and federal governments. Instead of using those bodies as tools of control for individual citizen behaviour we should be looking at using them effectively against the forces that decide to market their crap at everyone else’s expense and leave their mess for us to clean up so they can impress their shitty investors by how much misery they can turn into cold dead cash.

                • prole
                  11 year ago

                  That way is far too slow to combat issues that are threatening to our survival. I’m not sure that we have time to wait for the market to “adjust itself” based on changes in demand, especially when those changes aren’t very widespread and there’s a significant amount of people who don’t believe it’s even real and will go out of their way to be more harmful to the environment. It’ll take more than a couple US states banning plastic straws before they no longer become profitable, for example.

                  It might never happen.

                    11 year ago

                    The point being that it is a tactic that can be used. The US state governments are bonkers in how much power they individually have. People think it means more freedoms but it really just translates to being twice bound as though you have two warring countries determining what you are individually allowed to do and the ability to change gets held up in endless debates about federal over reach. Your federal government could and should be able to make choices like these.

                    But they can’t… Because of a deep underlying distrust in Federal systems being baked into the American national identity. That’s why when you hear about a Country actually making culture changes for the environment it’s never the US. The best the US Federal government has done is ban microbeads which are easily replaced with other stuff at no inconvenience to the consumer.

                    We are too far along to be talking about individual states.

                21 year ago

                It wasn’t cheaper to switch it was just forced on everyone.

                It’s like aqueous based cleaners/paints. They don’t work nearly as well as the old stuff, but in CA we don’t have any choice. Shit, for some inexplicable reason, CA outlawed mineral spirits. I still don’t understand why. It’s probably one of the dumbest things they could have banned.

                The current issue is that the US government has no interest in stopping climate change. They have plenty of financial interest in letting huge businesses do fuck all they want, and in the process fuck over everyone and the environment/planet. Plus they are all so close to one foot in the grave who gives a shit if the world is on fire, they are going to be dead soon anyhow, and fuck everyone else. They got PAID