CW: transphobia

Hello lovely ladies and friends, because of my situation I am basically forced to not be able to transition in any realistic capacity for the foreseeable future. I’m not exactly closeted but I live with very religious family members that would for sure get rid of me if I did try to transition. They already tried when they found out looking through my laptop.

I’ve accepted myself almost 3 years ago now but it’s seeming more and more that she will never show herself. My current situation also prevents any odds of me moving out.

The only person I could be myself around irl we stopped talking due to issues and now I feel completely lost.

With that all said, what exactly can I do to let myself show as I so desperately want but cannot have?

  • 🇰 🔵 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇦 🇰 ℹ️
    10 months ago

    Find a support group or friends that will allow you be yourself allow them. Bottling it all up and hiding it sucks and can make you feel worse over time. Even if it can’t be your family, you need a safe space to be who you are.

    • fadingembers
      310 months ago

      In addition a friend may be able to hold on to clothes or other gender items for OP

      • @SentinianOP
        10 months ago

        That’s not possible currently. The only IRL friend I’m out to that I still have lives in the middle of nowhere now