Seems like a good portion of the activity in the communities is reddit oriented. If the goal is leaving/hurting reddit, it seems we should be continuing on like it doesn’t exist, instead of continuing to drive interest to the site. Thoughts?

  • @CarrierLost
    991 year ago

    It’s been said before, but talking through it is a coping mechanism. Like it or not, a lot of people are/were heavily invested in that site, and talking through it is a way to help clear the air and start to move forward.

    It’s drama is dominating social media right now, so it’s hard to NOT see it and hear about it, but we all need to let each other move on in the way that’s best for each of us.

    • flybynightpotato
      51 year ago

      Yeah, I definitely feel like I can’t shut up about it/stop engaging with it because that’s how I’m processing my decision to move away from it. (And because, like @Breafulus_Emphotoga points out, Reddit is/was really addictive, so I’m struggling to go cold turkey and need a support group lol.)

      • lightingnerd
        11 year ago

        I think about it this way: this protest/blackout was the most interesting thing I’ve gotten from Reddit in quite a while–so it only makes sense that I want to go somewhere else and talk about it, right? XD

    • Breakfulus_Emphotoga
      41 year ago

      This is very true, I’ve noticed I’ve had more free time and others have as well since the start of the end for reddit, reddit was extremely addictive and now people either have to find an alternative, which isn’t easy if you use reddit for most of your information or entertainment, or stay on the platform where worse mods are replacing the subs’ old mods and most the site is dead.

      I say give it a few or 2 and it should die down a lot more as people become more comfortable with the alternatives they chose.