President Joe Biden said Friday that he is planning to request more money from Congress to develop another new coronavirus vaccine, as scientists track new waves and hospitalizations rise, though not like before

  • So, just a general message to all the commenters who are eye-rolling this:

    Viruses mutate, and COVID has mutated continuously since it has been in the wild. All those shots did serve a purpose to continue to provide protection, and that this one will too.

    You’re tired? Viruses don’t get tired. It’s not only a good thing, it’s a miracle that we even are able to keep up with these mutations and almost completely mitigate the risk of, oh, just death and life-long debilitating symptoms with a 15 minute visit to the doctor to get a shot every so often.

      631 year ago

      Viruses mutate, and COVID has mutated continuously since it has been in the wild. All those shots did serve a purpose to continue to provide protection, and that this one will too.

      It’s somewhat baffling that this needs repeating after three years of COVID, but yet here we are.

      • ares35
        191 year ago

        the ones that really need to ‘hear’ it at this point, won’t ever ‘listen’, regardless of how often it’s repeated.

    • Flying Squid
      241 year ago

      Not even the doctor. I’ve never once gone to the doctor to get a COVID shot. Once a clinic and the rest of the time CVS or Kroger or whoever has the most convenient appointment time.

        71 year ago

        First time visiting our city’s new sports stadium was ending the pandemic with a long queue of people getting vaccinated.

    • UristMcHolland
      101 year ago

      We had 1 chance to eradicate COVID and that was when countries first started locking down. We failed… Miserably. So now COVID is endemic, meaning it is NEVER GOING TO GO AWAY. We will be going in for COVID and Flu shots every year for the foreseeable future. If we are lucky, they’ll eventually be able to roll the flu and COVID shots into one inoculation.

      • Silverseren
        41 year ago

        The terrible part being that Covid is several times more deadly than the flu, so we’re going to have 60,000 more deaths on average per year than we used to. And that’s only until some other viral epidemic occurs.

    • Yeah, we all know that viruses mutate. That’s like 4th grade science. We all know that new vaccines would be part of the deal. After all they roll out a new flu vaccine every year. I’m not saying that Covid is comparable in devastation to the flu. I’m just saying that anyone who even halfway knows how things work knew this would be the deal.

      That’s why I don’t care. I knew from the beginning that this would be how this played out. It’s not a bad thing. I’m not an “anti-vaxer”. Everybody should get their yearly Covid vaccine and flu vaccine.

      But when you knew this is how it would work all along it’s not really news is it? It kind of feels like they are just distracting from providing real help to struggling people.

        71 year ago

        Currently, at least 5 main lineages, with several sub-lineages among Omicron, at least. Wikipedia only marks Omicron as a variant of concern right now, and the others are considered out of circulation among the general population. I couldn’t find WHO data easily on their website, however.

        • Silverseren
          31 year ago

          I kinda dislike what the WHO has done with Omicron though. It has had so many lineage variants over the past year that we should have had 4-5 official new named variants by this point, but they seem to be avoiding doing that for some reason.

          So we’re dealing with unofficial sub-names now with the currently rising Eris variant and the emerging Pirola variant.

          They are so genetically different from Omicron at this point that they make Omicron look like the same lineage as Delta.

          So, yeah, it’s been aggravating me that they haven’t been officially recognizing these still ongoing pandemic variants.