California Atty. Gen. Rob Bonta filed a lawsuit Monday against the Chino school district, ordering an end to a policy that requires notifying parents if their children change their gender identity, alleging it is discriminatory and violates civil rights and privacy laws.

The “parental notification” policy, which has been proposed by a handful of conservative-leaning districts in California, puts transgender and gender-nonconforming students in “danger of imminent, irreparable harm” by potentially forcibly “outing” them at home before they’re ready, according to the lawsuit.

    410 months ago

    It depends on your family. It gives your family a choice about how they want to raise their child. It doesn’t enforce the school’s belief in anyone. It gives their families the choice of whether or not to enforce their beliefs and those are very different things.

    • @CmdrShepard
      1410 months ago

      What a ridiculous argument. If schools don’t out kids about things that have nothing to do with school, families don’t get a choice in how to raise their children?

      If these parents care so deeply for their children, then why aren’t they already aware of any of this? This rule is nothing more than bigots and bad parents wanting to outsource the job of monitoring their children to state employees.

              510 months ago

              I can’t, because you’re so dishonest about everything. Disgustingly dishonest.

                310 months ago

                When you act like this, you make the tolerant look like morons. Everyone, including trans kids, would be better off if you didn’t participate.

                    310 months ago

                    I don’t care about your weird discord echo chamber. Obviously there’s little point in talking to you, but the people you need to court are the people who don’t usually vote. And they have grown apathetic to voting because people who behave like you are turning them off from the process while the republicans take advantage of our gerrymandered and otherwise flawed democracy to take over everything.

                    I know you think you’re so clever and love baiting the people you think are conservative bigots. But you’re really a big part of the reason that republicans have been so successful.

                    210 months ago

                    I supported Trans rights before reading these comments, but Ougi converted me. I am now 100% in favor of the coming Trans genocide.

      410 months ago

      I’m sorry but do you see “repressing your child’s sexuality/gender identity” as a valid choice a parent can make?

      This is what you seem to be implying here.

      If the child trusted their parents with that information, they’d tell their parents. These policies only hurt children who cannot afford to do so, ate you aware of this?

          210 months ago

          You agree with me but you still want schools to be forced to out trans kids to their parents, so they can “decide how to raise their children”?

            110 months ago

            I didn’t say I supported it. I said that claiming that it is forcing everyone to live the same way is false and claiming that makes the side that is opposed to the disclosure rule look stupid and irrational.

              210 months ago

              You are actually so fucking dense, holy fuck.

              Yes, it does force trans kids to be in the closet at school. That’s the point of the policy. That’s why the policy is bad.

                110 months ago

                It doesn’t force the same lifestyle into everyone. That’s just silly and it’s silly to say that. You’re being dense because you refuse to acknowledge that objective fact.

                  010 months ago

                  No one said that?

                  People said that it forces trans kids to stay in the closet.

                  If they said that specifically, it was probably someone being hyperbolic, but essentially correct about it.

                  You’re honestly an idiot.