Tesla braces for its first trial involving Autopilot fatality::Tesla Inc is set to defend itself for the first time at trial against allegations that failure of its Autopilot driver assistant feature led to death, in what will likely be a major test of Chief Executive Elon Musk’s assertions about the technology.

  • @CmdrShepard
    11 year ago

    You mean you’ve done zero research on the topic before injecting your opinions, so you simply haven’t seen any data?


    New data released in its Impact Report show that Tesla vehicles with Autopilot engaged (mostly highway miles) had just 0.18 accidents per million miles driven, compared to the US vehicle average of 1.53 accidents per million miles.


    A statistically significant 16% reduction in the risk of involvement in all casualty crashes of these types and a 22% reduction estimated for fatal and serious injury crashes was associated with LKA fitment to Australian light vehicle was estimated.


    The analysis showed a positive effect of the LDW/LKA systems in reducing lane departure crashes. The LDW/LKA systems were estimated to reduce head-on and single-vehicle injury crashes on Swedish roads with speed limits between 70 and 120 km/h and with dry or wet road surfaces (i.e., not covered by ice or snow) by 53% with a lower limit of 11% (95% confidence interval [CI]). This reduction corresponded to a reduction of 30% with a lower limit of 6% (95% CI) for all head-on and single-vehicle driver injury crashes (including all speed limits and all road surface conditions).


    ADAS functionalities can change the driving experience. According to research by LexisNexis Risk Solutions, ADAS vehicles showed a 27% reduction in bodily injury claim frequency and a 19% reduction in property damage frequency.

      • @CmdrShepard
        11 year ago

        What Tesla is selling was covered in the first link. If you disagree, either provide proof to the contrary or quit “making things up.”

          • @CmdrShepard
            11 year ago

            I thought you were all about sourced information though. Where’s your evidence that it’s inaccurate?

              • @CmdrShepard
                11 year ago

                Ah, you have no evidence to back your argument up so you’re just going to dig your heels in and quite hypocritically make unfounded claims. Got it.

                Autopilot has been around for nearly a decade now but “it doesn’t work” and you’re the only person on the planet to figure it out in all that time, which is why you can’t provide any proof. I’ll bet you acquired this super secret knowledge without ever setting foot inside a Tesla too, right?

                  • @CmdrShepard
                    1 year ago

                    So prove it or stop making things up. Show us data proving that Teslas crash at the same rate as all those vehicles without ADAS systems. Should be easy for someone so confident in their (thus far) completely unfounded and unsourced opinion. You haven’t been able to provide a single shred of evidence backing your claim. Why is that? Where is the independent verification for your claim since that’s something important to you?

    • @rambaroo@lemmy.world
      11 year ago

      Lol the only relevant link is the first one, which comes from Teslas cherry picked and thoroughly disproven data set.