I’m rather curious to see how the EU’s privacy laws are going to handle this.

(Original article is from Fortune, but Yahoo Finance doesn’t have a paywall)

  • @knotthatone
    1010 months ago

    Not really, no. None of the source material is actually stored inside the model’s dataset, so once it’s in, it’s in. Because of the way they are designed, you can’t point to a particular document and just delete that one thing. It’s like unscrambling an egg.

      • @teradome
        210 months ago


        removing one thing from a pile != removing the entire pile.

        b/c the original goal was to not disturb the rest of the pile

        • snooggums
          210 months ago

          If they can’t remove individual pieces then they need to remove the whole pile, and rebuild the process in a way that does allow then to remove individual pieces.

          No, I don’t care how much time and effort it costs. That is on them for abusing other people’s data.