FOMO stands for Fear Of Missing Out.

I’ve tried playing some JRPGS because they are considered classics and detective games like LA Noire before realizing the genre just wasn’t for me.

I’ve also been stuck in the mentality of if I want to play a game in a series I need to play the prior games. I’m doing this currently for Deus Ex, the Witcher, and Splinter Cell. I guess I’d consider that FOMO to a degree.

Edit: I meant FOMO as in the fear of missing out on something relevant. Not necessarily something that is intentionally being time limited like raids or micro transactions.

  • agent_flounder
    2 years ago

    Just getting back into gaming after eons. First up was Witcher 3… still working on it but damn glad I didn’t miss out on it. It’s been everything I had hoped for.

    RDR2 is next. I started it. Not sure.

    Stellaris was lauded on Reddit. Excellent game.

    I have been wanting to play half life 2 since I first saw it but also never played the first. Am working thru that too. It’s been awesome.

    X com UFO Defense is one I played but never finished. Tried to. Fuck that game lol

      1 year ago

      Half Life 2 doesn’t truly need the first one. It adds some context and there’s some callbacks, but you can totally start with 2.

      Avoiding spoilers as much as possible, in HL1 something goes wrong at a research facility. Main character fights his way through then gets “knocked out” at the end. HL2 picks up ~20 years later after an entirely new big bad took advantage of the events in HL1 and conquered the world. MC “wakes up” and is dropped right in on a train into an occupied city.

      There’s decent plot connections, but you aren’t missing out on anything gameplay wise or largely plot impacting, as the game world has changed so drastically.

      All that said, if you want to play HL1 and aren’t interested in it in terms of it as a tech marvel of the time it was created, you can just play Black Mesa. It’s a fan remake that got the greenlight from the original creators to be sold, and by most accounts is a better experience for modern gamers.