• @Viking_Hippie@lemmy.world
    11 year ago

    Currently, there’s a fascist party and a more moderate right wing party and both of them are cooperating to avoid anyone to the left of center getting any power.

    Tens of millions of voters are de facto disenfranchised by nobody from either party representing their interests. Hell, a lot of the poor people who have been tricked into voting Republican because they at least PRETEND to care about poor people would NEVER vote for a corporate pro-billionare democrat but would be very likely to vote for a progressive one that ACTUALLY fights for them.

    • Flying Squid
      71 year ago

      I think you have a lot more faith in people who don’t vote than I do if you think it’s about political idealism and not just good old American laziness.

      • @Viking_Hippie@lemmy.world
        11 year ago

        I do, yeah. You can say a lot about the American people, but laziness is absolutely NOT a defining trait of the population.

        The mainstream (both the neoliberal part and the fascist mainstream like Faux News) gaslighting people of good will into THINKING that anyone victimized by the system and/or the people supposed to represent their best interests are just lazy or otherwise to blame for their disenfranchisement, though? THAT’S as American as apple pie!

        • Flying Squid
          31 year ago

          You can say a lot about the American people, but laziness is absolutely NOT a defining trait of the population.

          Are you joking? Have you seen the number of obese people we have? They aren’t getting out there and working hard.

          • @Viking_Hippie@lemmy.world
            1 year ago

            Yeah, because it’s just a coincidence that a disproportionately big (no pun intended) share of obese people are poor and live in food deserts where fresh fruit and veg are unavailable and fast food costs less than what healthy food IS available.

            It’s also just a coincidence that millions if not tens of millions work the equivalent of two or more full time jobs at ridiculously low wages, leaving no time, money or energy for exercise, healthy food and cooking.

            You need to get your head out of the ass of corporate stooge media and read more about the greed and abuse that’s ACTUALLY the main causes behind most of the country’s biggest problems, INCLUDING the obesity epidemic.

            • Flying Squid
              21 year ago

              Ah, so these people working two full time jobs are suddenly going to take the time to vote if there’s a third party. I see.

              • @Viking_Hippie@lemmy.world
                1 year ago

                One of the top priorities of that third party would be to make voting more accessible to everyone. It’s one of the many things the Dem leadership have been fundraising on doing for decades without actually doing it. Sorta like enshrining reproductive rights in law.

                Anyways, I’m getting pretty tired of spelling out the obvious to you, so unless you have something other than glib demonstrations of your ignorance and slavish devotion to a corporation that doesn’t love you back, I think we’re done here.

                • Flying Squid
                  31 year ago

                  One of the top priorities of that third party would be to make voting more accessible to everyone.

                  When they don’t have the power? How?

                  • @Viking_Hippie@lemmy.world
                    11 year ago

                    Same way all honest politicians get their powers: by showing what they stand for before running for office and then staying true to that once they’ve been elected.

                    Even now, the dozen or so actual progressive Democrats in Congress could band together and be a check on the leadership rather than automatically going along with the lesser evil. If Manchin, Sinema and the Freedumb Caucus can use their positions to stand in the way of progress (or in the case of the latter, ensure even worse regression), progressives can wield theirs to stand in the way of stagnation regression.

    • Tens of millions of voters are de facto disenfranchised by nobody from either party representing their interests. Hell, a lot of the poor people who have been tricked into voting Republican because they at least PRETEND to care about poor people would NEVER vote for a corporate pro-billionare democrat but would be very likely to vote for a progressive one that ACTUALLY fights for them.

      As a progressive, let me say, you are delusional. Sanders proved three things:

      1. You can legitimately champion free college, legal weed, free healthcare, and student loan forgiveness, and young people still won’t go to the polls in overwhelming numbers. If they did, they’d easily decide the winner in every single election. And as someone who also falls into the young person category, there is no excuse that older folks don’t also have to deal with.

      2. If a silent majority of pro progressive non voters existed, it clearly pales in comparison to regular voters.

      3. Or, this silent majority doesn’t exist.

      You’re looking for a hail Mary where there is none. Either you work in a left of center coalition to make as much progress as you can against people who want children to starve, or you can continue to wait for an ideologically pure path to show itself.

          • @Viking_Hippie@lemmy.world
            11 year ago

            ALL progressives want to get things done. It’s liberals that start negotiations at “wholly inadequate”, offer a shitload more concessions to Republicans and GOP lite obstructionists and then pretend that it’s the natural and unchangeable state of things and anyone who disagrees wants the Republicans to win.

            Then when elections come around, they pretend to want unity with the left while actually demanding obedience. They’ll give tons of concessions to literal fascists, but none to the left wing of their own party, let alone anyone to the left of that.