• terwn43lp
      9 months ago

      this was the last straw? it wasn’t workers peeing in bottles, or businesses being displaced to build warehouses, or tax avoidance, or sweat shop wages for international workers?

      • BolexForSoup
        1659 months ago

        Shall we take a closer look at the brands you wear and the phone/computer(s) you own?

        • @garretble@lemmy.world
          369 months ago

          It’s far easier to just not use Amazon than it is to not own a phone or computer.

          Yes, it sucks there are no good options to buy an “ethical” phone, but phones are basically a necessity. Instead of shopping from Amazon you can shop from tons of other places.

          • BolexForSoup
            9 months ago

            This is the same thing people say to those who shop at Walmart - it’s not always a choice. Amazon has run out digital and brick and mortar shops alike. Sometimes someone needs something in 2-4 days and there is literally no other way to get it.

            Another scenario: I know as a parent I try my best but when you have screaming toddlers and no sleep, yeah, I’m just going to buy that third replacement sippy cup off Amazon sometimes lol

            A lot of people could go without it but guilt/shame isn’t the way and we should avoid painting with broad strokes.

            • blivet
              9 months ago

              Yeah, I try to buy stuff from brick and mortar stores. I figure that even if it’s a big box store at least there are actual employees working there who live in my area.

              But I can’t even find the kind of underwear I like at any physical store near me. Even online, Amazon seems to be the only place that stocks it.

              The same goes for the style of jacket that I prefer. I’ve spent months looking everywhere, and the only place where I’ve found even an approximation of what I want is Amazon.

              I’ve noticed that even in big box stores nowadays the selection is pretty limited. You’ll see a wall of racks full of the same item. I don’t know if it’s supply chain issues or if they’ve just decided that it’s not worth the trouble of trying to stock a variety of items that only appeal to a relatively small number of people.

            • @aesthelete@lemmy.world
              69 months ago

              I went to Home Depot store looking for some (admittedly kinda weird) hardware and after browsing around for a while the store associate told me to buy it on Amazon.

            • @CaptainAniki@lemmy.flight-crew.org
              69 months ago

              I don’t really give a shit which billionaire asshole I give my money to so I focus on ease of search and delivery times and order from whomever is the best.

            • @themajesticdodo@lemmy.world
              19 months ago

              Oh god. You’re one of those people who act like raising kids wasn’t possible without all the modern luxuries. You’d have failed as a parent 30 years ago.

              • BolexForSoup
                9 months ago

                Every parent ever has taken the speedy route in a pinch. I think you might be extrapolating a tiny bit too much about my capability as a parent but you’re obviously trying to get me to rage over it lol I’m far from parent of the year and I think my ego can handle that. So I’ll pass on the rage bait, but here’s a fun exercise for your own personal edification:

                Go ask your parents if they cared about the environment or chose the easy route and did disposable diapers. After all, people went thousands of years without them and they’re just a recent invention filling landfills.

                Surely you would use cloth diapers if you ever had a child because everyone did it prior and they’re so terrible for landfills/cloth diapers are by far the more sustainable and budget-friendly option, right? Is that a fair assessment?

            • @NOPper@lemmy.world
              169 months ago

              As someone who recently tried the Fairphone 4 out to replace an absolutely dying OnePlus 5 I’ve had for years as well as the guy who uses open source everything/advocates for the same - It’s not a mainstream option at all yet. If they could decouple the software from the hardware better maybe people would be willing to deal with the bugs but eOS and Lineage, while awesome projects I support, don’t play with many “secure” apps at all due to how Google decided to lock them down and that alone is a deal breaker for anyone working where you need access to say…Outlook. Banking apps can have issues (depending on the bank) which while maybe easy to work around for you and I is a huge pain in the ass for most folks who just want their phone to work. Having to jump through hoops to get the Play store on there in the first place is not going to work for anyone who isn’t fully committed to the de-Googled experience. F-Droid is the first thing I install on a new phone but there’s no way it’s going to be my only portal to apps I need.

              They are certainly meeting their own set goals, and the hardware while bulky doesn’t feel cheap or anything, so that’s great. I really love how easy it would be to replace most of the phone if/when broken, and the commitment to fair labor practices and control of the supply chain is tremendously commendable. But for a tool most humans rely on for day to day life, the honest truth is neither project is quite there yet to be adopted in the mainstream.

              If it sounds like I’m shitting on either of these companies that isn’t my intent at all. I’m following the progress with FP5 and really look forward to seeing the ideas set here grow if they can.

              • @Cataphract@lemmy.ml
                49 months ago

                If it sounds like I’m shitting on either of these companies

                It does. The style of your argument makes the situation more complicated. No one said mainstream. From the sound of what you’re saying, monopolistic companies hindering compatibility will keep it that way. Apps will have bugs that need to be worked out, that’s just a given. Stating don’t get it because it’s not viable atm just makes this cyclical since there will be no consumer push to work the kinks out or let people learn about alternatives.

                • BolexForSoup
                  9 months ago

                  I think his point is it’s a big ask to ask people to deal with buggy/less feature-rich hardware for a product they use - arguably depend on - every day. It’s a valid point bring up.

                • @NOPper@lemmy.world
                  59 months ago

                  I never said don’t get it, I was replying about viable alternatives. It’s just not for the majority of the market right now. It sucks, and I’d buy some future Fairphone or equivalent in a heartbeat once I can actually use it as my daily driver phone and not need to carry a second one for business use.

          • BolexForSoup
            9 months ago

            Oh my bad I guess I’m totally wrong. Such a convincing comment here.

            • Prophet Zarquon
              39 months ago

              The number of people who think they’ve ordered food delivery “from” a local restaurant, not realizing it was actually made in an UberEats\DoorDash all-in-one “ghost kitchen” located in a nondescript building nearby, vastly exceeds the number of people who’ve heard the term “ghost kitchen”. One of the most well-known local pizza shop’s deliveries, actually come from ghost kitchens, here.

          • @DrGunjah@lemmy.world
            39 months ago

            You’re not wrong but on the other hand if you only have morals if it’s easy then I’d say your morals ain’t worth shit

      • circuscritic
        9 months ago

        Get bent. You moralizing keyboard pseudo-activitist.

        Why aren’t you out right now on a picket line? Why are you wasting time on a forum, instead of helping the homeless? Why aren’t you…

        How far are you willing to take your arbitrary purity tests? Instead of supporting someone who is intending to support an action you clearly also support e.g. cancelling Prime, you’re lecturing them why they should have done it sooner. Or why their choice is less moral then yours.

        I bet that if Ted Cruz came out tomorrow to be the deciding vote on Medicare For All, and publicly stating his intent to do so, you’d scream about how Dems shouldn’t support any bill that has the support of such a scumbag. Because to you, the purity test is more important than the actual result and impact.

        And if you’re not American, then insert whatever relevant politician and issue would be comparable to your county. The point still stands.

        • @Rai@lemmy.dbzer0.com
          249 months ago

          This is the best reply to some smug fart-sniffing “oh THAT’s why you etc etc but WHY NOT OTHER THINGS?!” bullshit I’ve ever read.

          • circuscritic
            9 months ago

            Glancing at your comment history makes it pretty obvious that typing out angry comments is the only respite you have from a life where you feel worthless and lack the ability to take control enough to get out of your pit of despair.

            Normally, I’d take pity, but I genuinely think the world will get slightly better when you finally stroke out while hammering out yet another mean spirited and pointless comment that adds nothing of value, just like you.

        • @triclops6@lemmy.ca
          49 months ago

          Their points are still valid, being smug doesn’t erase that. And your being an aggressive cunt about it doesn’t further the conversation, it just entrenches people.

          • circuscritic
            69 months ago

            So being a smug self-important douche doesn’t entrench people, but calling out their smugness in a manner that you deem too aggressive does?

            Got it.

            • @Rai@lemmy.dbzer0.com
              39 months ago

              You’re an internet poet. I want you there whenever I read these bullshit grandstanding keyboard activist posts.

      • blanketswithsmallpox
        249 months ago

        Have fun purchasing ethical power, food, textiles and electronics unless you’re already rich working at a non fortune-500 company lol.

        • Jo Miran
          129 months ago

          Fortune 500 employees are some of the worst paid and most exploited. See Amazon, Walmart, etc. Even at the white collar level they get paid shit. The old “work for a Fortune 100” bit hasn’t been relevant since the dot-com boom.

            • Jo Miran
              149 months ago

              Top level devs at Amazon would get paid that anywhere. They aren’t competing for a spot at Amazon, Amazon is competing for them.

                • Jo Miran
                  99 months ago

                  How? People used to dream of working for a Fortune 100 company because landing one of those coveted jobs was a way to secure a well paying job with a nice pension. Those days are gone. Now you either make yourself priceless so that everyone is competing for your skills, or you work for a small firm that values your existence and sees you as part of the team. In a large company, with very few exceptions, you are just a disposable cog in the machine.

                  For context, I know a lot of developers that worked for Amazon. They all left. The mythological $1M devs are paid that to make sure the competition doesn’t have them. They aren’t employees, they are IP.

                  • Bernie Ecclestoned
                    9 months ago

                    I think it’s very role dependent. I’ve worked for all sizes of companies and there are shit jobs and shit managers in all of them just as much as good ones.

                    It’s a little facile to say all those people are disposable cogs, promotions are achievable, new business units, stock options, health insurance etc etc

                    Landing a job in a top company still does your CV some good.

                    If you want security and a good pension, then the public sector is probably a better fit.

      • @Szymon@lemmy.ca
        149 months ago

        Those all impact others. Nobody gives a shit about others. This impacts them, which is the only thing that matters to pretty much everyone. Look out for #1.

      • @triclops6@lemmy.ca
        19 months ago

        It was those things for me, I cancelled Prime years ago and never buy from Amazon (I will browse however and reach out to the seller via their own website)

    • @Rai@lemmy.dbzer0.com
      79 months ago

      “All Of My Awesome Pirated Media To Keep Being Great Quality, Ad-Free, and Forever Accessible”