But she also said the justices already agree they should hold themselves to the highest ethical standards possible.

“I think that’s something that I can’t really speak for the court about or make any sort of guess,” she said.

Barrett spoke as part of a lecture series named for Stein that has also brought to the university Justices Elena Kagan, Sonia Sotomayor, Antonin Scalia, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Chief Justice John Roberts. But security in and around the auditorium was notably tighter than for the other justices, following calls by activist groups to protest against Barrett’s appearance.

  • @fluxion@lemmy.world
    549 months ago

    “But she also said the justices already agree they should hold themselves to the highest ethical standards possible.”

    They literally don’t agree on that. Justice Thomas thinks he’s done everything peachy and would have to be literally stupid to think there wasn’t a more ethical way for him to conduct his affairs regarding accepting money and favors from influential party insiders.

    • @ShortBoweledClown
      279 months ago

      A bold-faced lie from someone who lied during her confirmation hearing?! Who would have thought

    • Flying Squid
      119 months ago

      And I doubt the justices on the left agree that Clarence Thomas believes he should hold himself to the highest ethical standards possible.