It’s springtime and moving beyond last frost dates in the northern parts of the U.S. Garden centers are humming, bees are buzzing. Birds are nesting in my hanging planters.

I planted out 25 tomato seedlings last weekend - what are you growing?

    31 year ago

    Oh I have quite the list. USDA Zone 8 if any one is wondering.

    -White Horehound.

    -Richmond Green Cucumbers.

    -Natsu Fusinari Cucumbers.

    -Buzz Buttons or other wise known as Toothache Plants.

    -Noir Ananas Tomatoes.

    -Brandywine Tomatoes.

    -Some kind of Strawberry.


    -Yamato Cream Melon.

    -Jelly Melon.

    -Sunflowers. (Titans and Lemon Queens.)

    -Habanada Peppers (habaneros with no spice)

    -Star of David Okra.

    -Butter Crunch Lettuce.

    -Hopi Blue Corn.

    -Wasabi Arugula. (Aruggula that natrually has a kick of wasabi flavor)


    -Cardenal Basil.

    -Lavender. (French, Spanish, and English)

    -Some Carnivorous plants.

    -Thai Basil.

    -Scotch Bonnet Peppers.

    -Lesya Sweet Peppers.

    I think that is Just about it. It sounds like a bunch but my garden is pretty compact.

    Oh if anyone knows of good measures against Squash Vine Boring Moths I would be extremely grateful!

    I am spraying the root stems with BT spray already.