It’s springtime and moving beyond last frost dates in the northern parts of the U.S. Garden centers are humming, bees are buzzing. Birds are nesting in my hanging planters.

I planted out 25 tomato seedlings last weekend - what are you growing?

  • @nomadic
    61 year ago

    Winter’s just begun down here. I just have broccoli, kale, lettuce and rocket.

    1 year ago

    I only have one outdoor plant, a basket of petunias I got as a belated housewarming gift - it’s blooming such a pretty color! The rest of what I’m growing is various house plants. My favorite is a peperomia that I propagated from a leaf last summer, and it just grew its first tiny little flower spikes!

      31 year ago

      I love the weird little nosehair-like inflorescences that Peperomia get! Their weird flowers is why I bought my first plant, which snowballed into plants taking over our house and yard.

        21 year ago

        which snowballed into plants taking over our house and yard

        That certainly seems to be how it goes 😂

  • _NetNomad @ DXC
    51 year ago

    I’ve unfortunately only got a balcony to work with, but I’ve got cherry tomatoes in two spackel buckets and three pots of strawberries on their second year. we got one single strawberry last year from the one strawberry plant we had then but the other two were runners that are now covered in flowers, and we got our first tomato flowers today too. i love this time of year!

    41 year ago

    The backyard is now lousy with dinosaurs (chickens), so everything that’s growing is in the front yard this year and I pared back the edibles. For food, lots of chard, beets, peppers, okra, and eggplant, since that’s what we end up using out of the garden. The street-visible bit has zinnias, snapdragons, strawflowers, the more attractive herbs (fennel/dill, hyssop, perilla), and four o’ clocks.

  • fern
    41 year ago

    This is my second season of growing vegetables in my backyard, this time I’m growing most of them from seed. It’s cold where I live right now and I have: broccoli, snow peas, bok choy, leek, beetroot, fennel, some herbs (basil, dill, and parsley), and some flowers (strawflowers & marigolds).

    31 year ago

    Corn, green beans, yellow onions, and lettuce. I also more than doubled my strawberry and raspberry plants.

    I’m trying to overrun the rest of my back yard with either clover for walking paths or wildflowers for the wildlife.

    My front yard is a little more tame with just a couple apple trees.

    31 year ago

    Oh I have quite the list. USDA Zone 8 if any one is wondering.

    -White Horehound.

    -Richmond Green Cucumbers.

    -Natsu Fusinari Cucumbers.

    -Buzz Buttons or other wise known as Toothache Plants.

    -Noir Ananas Tomatoes.

    -Brandywine Tomatoes.

    -Some kind of Strawberry.


    -Yamato Cream Melon.

    -Jelly Melon.

    -Sunflowers. (Titans and Lemon Queens.)

    -Habanada Peppers (habaneros with no spice)

    -Star of David Okra.

    -Butter Crunch Lettuce.

    -Hopi Blue Corn.

    -Wasabi Arugula. (Aruggula that natrually has a kick of wasabi flavor)


    -Cardenal Basil.

    -Lavender. (French, Spanish, and English)

    -Some Carnivorous plants.

    -Thai Basil.

    -Scotch Bonnet Peppers.

    -Lesya Sweet Peppers.

    I think that is Just about it. It sounds like a bunch but my garden is pretty compact.

    Oh if anyone knows of good measures against Squash Vine Boring Moths I would be extremely grateful!

    I am spraying the root stems with BT spray already.

    21 year ago

    Urban raspberry bed! Im looking forward to making an excessive amount of jam in the next couple years

    21 year ago

    I grew a load of stuff last summer and it was a bit of a pain with the water shortage and heatwave.

    This year I’m growing chilli’s because they are aesthetically pleasing.

          21 year ago

          Hopefully that didn’t discourage you. This year has been much more forgiving, at least in my area. I know last year was the 2nd longest period without noticeable precipitation for 67 days. Went from June to August with nothing. I was so angry. This year I made sure to put at minimum 7 inches of mulch in every bed >:(

            21 year ago

            Good effort. I didn’t use any mulch last year. This year I just have one chilli plant. I haven’t got the time to tend to a veg patch at the moment.

    1 year ago

    Food wise, not much. Just one tomato, bell pepper, jalapeño pepper, and cucumber plant each. On the other hand, plenty of flowering plants and my hardy water lily has just bloomed, but I can’t seem to get it to upload.

    Edit. Got picture uploaded.

    11 year ago

    I’m on my second sunflower after the first seedling got ripped out by some manner of varmint. I think I planted it too close to the bird feeder so this one is going to live in a pot until it’s a little larger.

        1 year ago

        Where I am at I have a squirrel that will climb the sunflower when It is about to bloom and chew the head right off. The bastard little squirrel then determines that there are in fact no seeds and leaves the head of the sunflower there on the ground uneaten to mock me.

    11 year ago

    My wife planted some pumpkins in our front yard this year and they’re really growing! We’re planning on letting people in the neighborhood just take some for Halloween since I’m not sure what we’d do with a ton of pumpkins…

    11 year ago

    I’m in the UK and moved earlier this year so I finally have a garden. At the moment I have several varieties of tomatoes, spinach, radishes, onions, lettuce, and strawberries. The tomatoes and radishes are doing very well, but we’ve had quite a dry spring so far so all the others are struggling a bit.

    11 year ago

    Not so much this season, kind of neglected planting in the garden this year. But my raspberry bush is thriving so I’m hopeful for a lot of berries! And I have some strawberries that are coming back from last year and my blueberry bushes still kicking, so hopefully some more berries from them as well.