The Chinese government has built up the world’s largest known online disinformation operation and is using it to harass US residents, politicians, and businesses—at times threatening its targets with violence, a CNN review of court documents and public disclosures by social media companies has found.

The onslaught of attacks – often of a vile and deeply personal nature – is part of a well-organized, increasingly brazen Chinese government intimidation campaign targeting people in the United States, documents show.

The US State Department says the tactics are part of a broader multi-billion-dollar effort to shape the world’s information environment and silence critics of Beijing that has expanded under President Xi Jinping. On Wednesday, President Biden is due to meet Xi at a summit in San Francisco.

Victims face a barrage of tens of thousands of social media posts that call them traitors, dogs, and racist and homophobic slurs. They say it’s all part of an effort to drive them into a state of constant fear and paranoia.

    811 months ago

    Tbh I think having everyone in the country in the same party might be a perk. It’s an interesting way of abolishing the idea of political parties. Basically opposition is allowed, we saw that with those protests before, the economic reforms, and the Constitution updates, but it’s done by people changing things within the party.

          111 months ago

          I call it “You need to get involved in local politics and run your candidates through the system.”

          Bernie Sanders would never call himself a capitalist. If you want to change the system, elect 50 of him.

            611 months ago

            Bernie Sanders can call himself a strawberry crepe if he wants to. He’s a new deal democrat. Not only just a social democrat but one who lines up to support every foreign adventure the US sets out on.

            And you’re dodging the point. This is a country that murders leftists when they get too organized. You’re not allowed to vote for another system.

              11 months ago

              Cool, so start there and drive it forward. Or run a credible third party from the grassroots up.

              It’s nonsensical to suggest that “outsider” candidates and beliefs can win in our system when the Tea Party, MAGA, and shit like Moms For Liberty all represent a new direction that has never existed in US politics.

              You can’t credibly say it can’t be done, you just don’t want to be the one to do it. That’s fine, but be intellectually honest about it.

              Leftist candidates can’t win in the US because leftism isnt popular. If you want to change that, you can.

              This is a country that murders leftists when they get too organized

              This is nonsense and just you copping out.

                211 months ago

                This is nonsense and just you copping out.

                The assassinations of MLK, Malcolm X, and Fred Hampton were just coincidences, then? Sure seems like any credible movement wound up being eliminated if it required any systemic change.

                  111 months ago

                  These are civil rights leaders from 70 years ago, not current leftists.

                  Again, this is just a massive cop-out on your part.

                  The reason leftists will never succeed in America is that they are completely unwilling or unable to do the work required - that’s their only barrier of entry.

                  You’ll note all of the above actually succeeded in their goals, as well.

                    11 months ago

                    “You can’t say it can’t be done” “yes I can, look at history” “lol history doesn’t count”

                    You’ll note all of the above actually succeeded in their goals, as well.

                    According to Tucker Carlson maybe

                    And those aren’t the last people to get murdered for organizing as leftists. Look up what happened to the original BLM organizers. Add “car fire” to the search terms if you have trouble.

        411 months ago

        In a single-party state, I’d expect the actual debate occurs inside the framework of the party. You’ve still got different viewpoints and factions, but they’re not directly campaigning for votes. That might encourage more work towards consensus, because it’s not an every-four-years winner-take-all battle for control.

        The fetish for electoral democracy runs the risk of confusing means for ends. Democracy is one way to deliver good governance, but is it the only one? Is it the best one for all situations?

          11 months ago

          Democracy is one way to deliver good governance, but is it the only one? Is it the best one for all situations?

          Liberal Democracy is the only acceptable form of government.

          Also please note you’re harping for the CCP (a one-party state) in a fucking thread about how people online are targeted with CCP propaganda.

          • I hesitate to say it’s the only acceptable form, but it’s the best one I’ve seen so far. I like Churchill’s quote here:

            Many forms of Government have been tried, and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time…

            It’s possible someone will come up with a better form of government, and perhaps that already exists on paper. However, Communism/socialism ain’t it, at least not the one party form used today.