An oldie, but a goodie

    8310 months ago

    I agree, it’s completely unacceptable to introduce a bug and then to instead of taking responsibility for introducing such a bug, you start pointing fingers at everybody else.

    It’s like when a car hits a cyclist following all the rules and then tries to blame the cyclist for not following some made up rules that only exist in the drivers head “Cyclists should be on the SIDEWALK if they don’t wanna get hit!”

    Not only were they wrong to hit them, they’re DOUBLE wrong for trying to blame them after the fact.

      2210 months ago

      You’re agreeing with something I didn’t state. I’m not defending the idea of introducing bugs through bad code and then blaming others. I think the way Linus responded to that was the issue.

        10 months ago

        After I saw the car hit the cyclist, I rushed to his aid.

        The driver came out of the car, yelling at the cyclist for being on the street.

        “Shut the fuck up. Get back in your car. You are the problem. It was wrong of you to hit him and wrong of you to blame him you fucking idiot. You can help, or you can fuck off, but you’re not going to stand here and blame the man you just injured with your own incompetence”, I screamed at the driver.

        I was the true villain in this scenario.

          510 months ago

          Yep this is lemmy not reddit. Switcharoos with actual substance and everyone is way more humble.