This iconic mouse is weeks away fromn being in the public domain Jan. 1, 2024, is the day when ‘Steamboat Willie’ enters the public domain

    477 months ago

    EXPECT legislative-shenanigans, people…

    EITHER they’ll extend copyright again,

    XOR they’ll just “conveniently” have copyright apply in court, even-though it doesn’t apply on-paper.

    Never believe a career-criminal, or Dark Triad entity, has changed, unless you see robust, consistent, years-long, actual, objective proof of that change having-happened.

    Extraordinary-claims require extraordinary backing/evidence.

    _ /\ _

    • modifier
      197 months ago

      They don’t have to do any of those. They own most of the content pipe so anyone who wants to do their own spin on Mickey is going to be inherently limited on their publishing reach.

      Plus with all the acquisitions they’ve made, the copyright to Mickey and other legacy characters is worth a much smaller portion of their empire.

      And they still own the TM.

      Basically I’m regurgitating a rather good video recently published by Corridor Crew so go here for more facts and fewer hacks: