Israeli officials are facing backlash after years of Prime Minister Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu quietly allowing Hamas to remain in power.

But reporting in the New York Times has revealed that Netanyahu’s government was more hands-on about helping Hamas: they helped a Qatari diplomat bring suitcases of cash into Gaza, indirectly boosting the militant organization, according to the report.

The calculus — the Times reported on Sunday, citing Israeli officials, Netanyahu’s critics, and the man’s own reported statements — was to keep Hamas strong enough to counteract the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank, allowing Netanyahu to avoid a two-state peace solution and keep both sides weak.

Israeli security officials got it wrong; they didn’t think Hamas was capable, or even interested, in launching a large attack against the Jewish state.

    37 months ago

    The whole idea that they wouldn’t want to look bad that way is just stupid. They don’t want to seem like they’d deny aid to Palestine but have no problem shooting peaceful protesters in Gaza? Or doing air strikes? Or having long-term blockade of Gaza which keeps the entire region is a perpetual humanitarian crisis? No, not allowing Qatar to send money to Hamas under the guise of giving the people money is a step too far.

    Oh and Netanyahu is the one who wanted money from Qatar to reach Gaza, other politicians (outside of his influence) were against it. Think about it, why would someone who doesn’t want Gaza to exist make sure that money reaches Gaza?

      17 months ago

      Given the thousands of rockets fired at Israel by Hamas from Gaza every year, the international community is understanding of a blockade being put in place.

      Denying the passage of aid across that blockade however would be seen as far worse.

      And the current air-strikes are a result of a large scale attack against Israel, so they are seen by many as justified. Though you can see most of the world now sees Israel as going too far. Thus proving that Israel can only get away with so much before their allies drop off.

        27 months ago

        Given the thousands of rockets fired at Israel by Hamas from Gaza every year, the international community is understanding of a blockade being put in place.

        Is somehow understandable by the international community

        Denying the passage of aid across that blockade however would be seen as far worse.

        Not aid, money. And somehow not understandable by the international community despite the US verifying that the money sent goes to Hamas? So preventing funds for those rockets is not understandable by the international community?

          17 months ago

          Money is aid. Money can buy food, and water, and whatever other supplies a state needs.

            17 months ago

            If money is aid then money is also bombs, rockets, WMD parts etc. Money is just an object of exchange that may be used to buy aid. But it doesn’t make it aid, just like it doesn’t make it a bomb.

              17 months ago

              But unlike sending food, it is non-perishable, and can allow a country to buy what it needs. Money is aid.

                17 months ago

                In that case money is also bombs and it would actually make sense to prevent it from entering Gaza.

                  17 months ago

                  And now you have an even worse humanitarian crisis, and a pissed off international community because you’ve denied aid to Gaza. Congrats, you’re a terrible world leader.

                    27 months ago

                    Actual aid is not prevent so nobody gives a fuck. Nobody also gives a fuck about every other action take by Israel that is deepening the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. Literally nothing would change for Israel, except Hamas wouldn’t get that money.

                    Now before you continue your mental circlejerk to not accept being wrong remember, you’re the one defending Netanyahu right now. He wanted that money in Gaza and he made sure it would make it there. If you want to keep defending Netanyahu, go ahead.